What's the bets, once the figures are totted-up, that the same kit could have been bought for full retail from Amazon or suchlike for less than 50% of the final tally?
52 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Nov 2011
On my old Hero I used around 250Mb a month, mostly because the device was too slow to hit anything hard.
Now I have a Galaxy S3 and use around 500Mb a week, purely because everything works well.
Now if only Three would admit that the still need the 2g piggyback in some places, I could get data in the office and try and break 1Gb a week :)
When will apple finally understand that pulling this sort of crap is not going to force everyone to go out and buy yet more iphones? A great number of android phone users simply DO NOT WANT AN IPHONE.
This shit is getting real old, real fast, and does NOBODY any favours other than the patent lawyers.
"We just need to stop moderating/cooling reactors with water at any pressure is all."
I couldn't agree more. It's utter nonsense that we split the atom and use it to power a giant kettle. It's like something from the 1800s.
Is anyone researching a better way to extract the energy than 'heat something and turn a wheel'?
1). Install VS 11 trial to see what the fuss is about.
2). Laugh.
3). Realise they were serious. Cry.
4). Uninstall.
5). Realise the VS 2010 icons are now horrible, monochrome VS 11 icons. Cry again.
6). Realise BIDS (2008) will no longer open SSIS packages. Begin to plot revenge.
Do they have any idea of how many android tablets there are and how many there will be very quickly, and they have removed the only way to use their service on them?
When the film industry lobby is so powerful that it can effectively KILL a legitimate business through bullying tactics, AND result in a service that is worse for the consumer, then something is very wrong.
Set Levinson loose on them once he's done with the press.