I would guess the kind that thinks that only a WANKER would title an article about flexible formats to be derogatory about being flexible. I like the idea that I can sit back in a comfortable place and read my book on my Kindle, then flip to my phone on public transport or just standing around and continue exactly where I left off, or flip to Kindle software on my Windows 8 tablet or Desktop to continue during a break or find a quote that I marked previously. I guess that sort of LOSER.
Posts by colinwheeler
2 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Nov 2011
What kind of LOSER sits in front of a PC...
Facebook boss-lady is up the pole on the glass ceiling
Tuesday 15th November 2011 12:37 GMT

How is this terrible advise for society. If you choose a career, you choose a career, if you choose family, you choose family. You want to have your cake and eat it? Come on, grow up a little. There is nothing wrong with choosing either road. Get a life and stop defending your choices about having kids. Just don't have too many....we are not going to run out anytime soon and we seem to have a little bit of a over population problem.