Oh el reg, what happened to you?
This site used to be great, now it's just storage ads and clickbait.
51 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Nov 2011
I'd be happy with my billing information and IP address being collected, as far as I know this is pretty much the current state of play anyway because I can log into my ISP control panel and see my IP history. What we really need to know is what checks and balances will be in place before the information is handed out, I don't think anyone could justify dragnet style collection.
>what broadband does Australia need?
Australia needs moderately priced, widespread broadband in the speed range of 25-50mbit.
>what's the best technology to deliver the broadband Australia needs.
What ever fits the bill, a mix of technologies to suite the local area. FTTH/N for dense deployments, wireless for rural and sat for others.
>What will be the entrepreneurial response to universal broadband.
About fuck all in this country, anyone serious runs their equipment in a data center and they are expensive.
Pricing out a basic 1/4 rack in Melbourne came to about $35,000 over two years, not to bad, but that wasn't even guaranteed 100mbit. Gigabit and a couple of TB a month? Bend over
The easiest ways I can think of for an easy break power connector are:
1. A slip ring on the pole and a small spring contact (think electric racing car) in the outer tube, allows for rotation an some movement with almost zero breaking force.
2. Ball up some wire in your typical wall wort connector, sits pretty securely until you pull on it.
3. Small audio connector, 2.5mm. A well used one comes apart very easy.
4. Paint connections. Attach thin wires to the body of the rocket with electrically conductive paint, the same stuff you use to repair windows demisters.
The smaller these things get the harder they are going to be to service, but that's ok because they are designed to be replaced. When was the last time you were using your 6 year old tablet and though "This battery is getting a bit old, might be time for a new one", not a chance. at the two or three year mark you though "Shit this is slow, time for a new one".
When you walk into an apple shop they don't crack open your iPad and have a look, they just give you a second hand one and send you on your way. Refurbishing can be done in bulk, not case by case.
We are getting to the point of thinness and compactness that big trade offs have to be made. Take a look at cars, my old '73 Statesman de Ville had an engine bay so big you could stand in it and work on the car. Try that today with a late model Ford or Toyota, not a chance. Conspiracy nut jobs will say something like "It's the corporations man....." but really in the board room it's something like "Shit, we need to make it thinner, can we sacrifice anything else?".
I was out star gazing last night, nothing much else to do while taking long exposure shots, and noticed a satellite rise from the north sky heading south and then change direction and set in the east. I have no idea what it was and didn't see it come around again.
Beer because it's what I was drinking
"In about 10 years or so we will see the collapse of Moore's Law. In fact we already see a slowing down of Moore's Law. Computing power cannot maintain its rapid exponential rise using standard silicon technology."
"Using standard silicon technology"
That's like saying we can't have hybrid cars because gasoline engines don't run on electricity. USE A DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGY!