* Posts by swampdog

361 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Nov 2011


It's official! Register hack is an alcohol-flushed cave dweller


Re: I wonder if this could be expanded

" I'd pay $99 for the rights to flob into a tube"

'Does 'flob' have only one meaning in this context?'

I'd hope so. You'd not want to flob into a tube under another meaning & send to, say, Anne Widdecome?

I now need to throw up!

Are you in charge of a lot of biz computers? Got Java on them?


Re: SSL Cert error anyone?

Same here. Was forced to install latest java last month for some daft work purpose only (a) to have the updater screw up this month (b) when I grabbed the full download have the (also for me, longstanding) ssl cert error back. Bye -bye java for good this time. Turned out I didn't even need it for work.

Microsoft releases JavaScript alternative


Re: 'twatting'

"Aye, most definitely. As in "I've got a mate who goes round twatting people when he gets drunk""

Or more simply..

I know a twat who goes round twatting people when he gets twatted.

Better pay your taxes: The world's NOT going to end this year


Re: But...

"Only two things in this life are certain.

Death and taxes."

They way they drive round here, the two go hand in hand! Could be handy on the Styx though.


Re: Considering...

'IE "do not harm" or "don't murder"'

Internet Explorer is not a religion!

Spy under your car bonnet 'worth billions by 2016'


Re: Before anyone says "here comes big brother"...

"But when they are speeding, there's those bright flashing blue lights and really loud sirens to warn everyone for miles around that they are there."

Doesn't prevent the numpties from running the red lights around my way. They know that unless the emergency vehicle actually hits them they'll get away with it. I don't know which is worse. Them or the others who blindly stop & block the road.

"Speeding without those lights and sirens should rightly be punishes - lead by example after all."

How do you train emergency vehicle drivers then?

Road deaths spark crackdown on jaywalking texter menace


Re: Darwin rules

"The trouble with motorcyclists is that the the menaces are in a majority"

Policeman related to me during my advanced test.. he was sat there stationary at lights when a car he had overtaken caught him up then started pushing his bike forward repeatedly with the front of his car. Unfortunately most of us aren't able to dive off our machines and arrest the tossers.

8,400 email addresses spaffed by Student Loans Company


Chris Andrew, company secretary of the Student Loans Company..

..", has said bosses have launched an internal investigation".

Involving a rubber glove, one would hope.

Testicle-boiling new iPad ignites fanboi fury



Testicle-boiling new iPad (iNad) ignites fanboi fury.

The seven types of online commenter


Re: Overlapping

"Yes. That's how taxonomy works. Types aren't mutually exclusive. Do you put bats in with winged creatures or mammals? Hint: it's both."

I guess you put the batwings in "winged creatures" and the reproductive system into "mammals". Which category does the rest of the carcass fit into?

New pics of giant black sphere hurtling toward Earth


@Tom 260

It said on local radio you need at least six inches to see it. Come to think of it, precisely the same thing junk emails say. Perhaps our Spam Overlords have been announcing their arrival for many years!
