* Posts by swampdog

361 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Nov 2011


Ed Snowden should be pardoned, thunders Amnesty Int'l


Re: Sometimes it helps to be old

History repeats itself, even recently. When the UK had an empire it was kind of accidental. Corporate. Read up about the East India Company. Opium wars etc.

The US philosophy hated that, being a republic. You can read books on that as well. The US is now an empire.

I agree. Snowden did the right thing.

@ma1010. I know you know this ;-)


c) keep my Member of Parliament mouth shut for a price.


Re: @Boltar

I have, as govt, a statement which states you boiled up Shergar and put him into a tin. In the public interest, BongoJoe, you shall be placed upon remand. The tin shall be withheld from your lawyers for 18 months but two weeks before we're forced to release it to your defense, tests we have hitherto not put before the judiciary, ie "he has the internet", will introduce new evidence.

@BongoJoe. We are fucked.


Re: @Boltar

If you planted a bomb you'd be doing a positive act. It not going off would be fortunate. You explaining in court that you knew it wouldn't go off is a negative. No fucker is going to believe you.


Re: @Boltar

Given the security breaches since Snowden it is plain everything was wide open.

It's nigh on impossible to prove a negative. That is no argument.


Russia wasn't as it is then.

That aside, it should be globally illegal to remove a passport from an individual until such time as they return to the country of issue. Should be a human right.


If you've got nothing to hide..

..I haven't any more.

China's hackers stole files on 4 MEELLION US govt staff? Bu shi, says China


Re: Told you so

The Internet was designed to be anarchy. No amount of legislation will change that. Legislation will just fuck it up.

Folks do not need all these protocols. Just use an encrypted tunnel.

Hackers steal files on 4 million US govt workers


As a result, in April 2015, OPM became aware..

..and they've sat on it since then, only announcing it to dog+world just after the Freedom Act so the latter can be spun as "a good thing" and "bring back the patriots" to boot.

Mad John McAfee: 'Can you live in a society that is more paranoid than I'm supposed to be?'


McAfee continued talking about dodgy applications and referenced Bible-reading apps

"almost every one of them wants access to your emails or SMS messages, to access the camera and the microphone. What does it need that access for?"

Because even God thinks he needs permission to watch over you when you sleep?

Perhaps someone should tell the NSA!

Holy SSH-it! Microsoft promises secure logins for Windows PowerShell


Re: Does this include SCP?

Oh.. forgot. If you do use cygwin to any great extent, install it to a drive of its own because it'll fragment rapidly. Windows doesn't like all those small files!


Re: Does this include SCP?

Cygwin has a decent ssh/scp. Port fowarding works also. Pick the 32 or 64 bit "setup.exe" to match your windows OS then also add "openssh" (or do it after the initial minimal install). Then google for the manual..



..as there's some choices to be made. No doubt you'll try it on a throwaway VM first which is ideal to see what happens (use at least 'dsa').

Tip: if you install cygwin onto many windows then you can point "setup.exe" repository to a writable share which all can see rather than have each VM keep its own copy. eg: Map W:



Set W:\App\cygpkg as local package directory.

You can use \\sharename\App\cygpkg notation, no need to map a drive. The repo you select will be populated in a folder under the above.

The oracle knows all. Not THAT Oracle, of course


Adam Ant

Bum. I thought it was the dandy highwayman before pressing play.

Now I'm gonna have to go searching before sleep..

Insurer tells hospitals: You let hackers in, we're not bailing you out


Re: Did the insurance company require an audit of the insured network?

Lest we forget govt is often told in advance of an impending audit. Non critical stuff gets downtime for a few days.


Re: Hope this one sticks

I can't see licensing working. The tech changes far too rapidly. Better & more relevant qualifications, sure - so we end up with IT that doesn't jump on the newest cool tech to use in production but does not stagnate either. Ultimately getting that balance right is down to the employer so stuffing them on their lousy insurance claims will hit correctly, on their bottom-line.

Putting your schlong into the reel-to-reel tape machine is a bad idea


I owned an 850cc puke coloured mini at one time. This is not something 4 bikers in leathers want to be seen in but if you play Pinky & Perky real loud it's something you can get away with.

Heroic German rozzers rescue innocent lamb from sordid brothel


"The Black Leather Trenchcoat".

Timmy shuddered.


Re: Must have been for the French tourists.

Please persuade him to commit that to writing. Most veterans wont talk to anyone but other veterans.

[I've spent ages writing & rewriting what I what to say]

I'd love a BBC prog where we don't just hear about guns but about the squaddie behind the line. His day to day life. Spam, trudging, whores, music. Whatever.


Das Politzei sagt..

Sticky wool.


Re: In other news

Queue the Frankie Boyle "Coatbridge" joke..


Re: breaking news : european dna

Mary had a little lamb

She thought it was so silly.

She threw up into the air

And caught it by its [kneecaps]

Feds: Bloke 'HACKED PLANE controls' – from his PASSENGER seat


Re: Oversimplification

Because those cheapo, lowest bidder avionics are going to be in our military kit?


Yes. They are that dumb. Aircraft systems are very good but things get dumbed down by the penny pinchers.

My car ABS refuses to work on ice. All I want is a button to disable ABS when on ice. Never going to happen because of Health & Safety.

This happens every few years with aircraft. Services are extended or whatever. People die. Lessons "are learned".

The yummy mummies' likeable wagon: Nissan Qashqai Tekna


She don't need to lay down chap. Modern girls pass their exams standing.


You are right about the DTN model.

I have never followed one that isn't 10 miles under the speed limit. I have never seen a fit bird in one either. Wrinklies like me mostly.


It is here.

Right Dabbsy my old son, you can cram this job right up your BLEEEARRGH


Re: I blame the parents...

My middle name is "Francis" just in case I turned out to be artistic. Parents. Ha!


Re: Desk name plate and worn name ID for all

Methinks Anon is muffling along about girl guides.


Re: Xmas is your friend



Californians get first chance to be run over by a Google robot


Re: This will be a problem

GIMP you idiots!


Re: The more things change.....

Ah! You've hit the nail on the head there. Like in days of old, 4mph & bloke with red flag: what we do is tether a cyclist to the front, with bungee for a laugh. The google car then follows the pushbike. Less tech and when the car stops the cyclist can't break the lights. Well, not for long if we go with the bungee.


Re: "£900bn"?

He probably intended for it to be a govt IT project outsourced to the usual shower.


Re: This will be a problem

Not with the upcoming Google Internal Midi Permit. Simply attach a small midi gun to it & it will see off all those dangers using the same tech as for their driverless cars.

Look out, law abiding folk: UK’s Counter-Extremism Bill slithers into view


Re: England: Now a country, ruled by a......... man.....

a.... gammon faced cockwomble...

Dunno where I saw that online but haven't been able to get it out of my head since. Shit sticks so we should encourage everyone to just refer to him as (the) GFC.

Stuff your RFID card, just let me through the damn door!


Re: Doing a Clarkson

Kid: "Are we there yet?"

Life: (tends to be shit)(*)

HR: Tell kid off


(*) Unless like me you've got a pair of lesbian twin sisters (aka Bottom "doing it" [rip RM]) under your duvet or as my wife likes to point out: "in your imagination". In neither case does it result in violence.

[edit] There should be a ")" somewhere.


Re: ...never go full C***son

Unfortunately when Dabbsy typed the "C" word my mind inserted "L" and "I" which made it all the more rude somehow.


Re: We have magneticly written cards

..which is why us men all dress to one side or the other.


Re: Surprising the guard was doing its job..

Ditto in old bank vault wrt Manchester. Aix HACMP which is one area (recovery) I know nothing about. Like standing on the edge of a cliff & not jumping off. Kept looking at the wall, wondering what would happen if I pressed the master power doofrey. Hundreds of machines.

I could have been anyone, as far as security was concerned. Pre 9/11 but I could have given that pass to anyone.


Re: Ceterum censeo!

I still can't figure out what PITB means. I've googled it. I've hidden under the desk. I would stand on top but my neck would break against the ceiling. My subconscious keeps spitting out "Pissing In.." and "Protuberance Instigation..". I can only assume it's doing this dependant upon me being down the pub or visiting my mother. Neither helps.


I read "laptop charger" as "lapdancer". It all went downhill from there.

Let’s pull Augmented Reality and climax with JISM



Talk about Augmented Reality, let's go SACO.

Stop And Conk Out. "Scanning internally, press OK" (fuck'd if I can remember, some Ford bollox).

Right, so I'm led to understand that if I lock a bumblebee in the car wierd shit will happen.

I work (actually I'm retired but the present tense suffices) in IT. All I need in a car is Steering, Brakes & Engine. I do not need american mirrors. I do not need computer"y" stuff. The Focus is a good car except for the new wanky body & electronic shit.

The boot is capacious. I locked my dog & my wife in there for an hour. I can now attest, in accordance with reddit, my dog was most definitely the happier to see me.

Gwyneth Paltrow flubs $29 food stamp dare, swallows pride instead


Re: eat this

Care to elaborate on where these 20p doofries can be had?


Re: Right!

You can add into that, my manic depressive mate. The police can take away everything. "Nowhere to live mate? Give me that inhaler, be 6 hours before you're getting that back.. unless you want to admit to [blah].


Re: Soup (is good food...)

I sense exaceration. Produce a shopping list receipt.

Is it really that difficult?

The truth? Apparently so.

The evidence..


..suggests that I'll probably live longer too :)

Dammit man, if ... parties.. etc

UK now part of another Euro data-spaff scheme


Re: Hmmm 42 years after joining the Common Market

"by car from Birmingham, are you sure about this"

Of course not. Let us not forget the Austin Allegro!

Forum chat is like Clarkson punching you repeatedly in the face


Re: Good riddance, I say

"It's not a word I would use. It's not a word I care to think, much less say aloud - it has too much significance. Clarkson used the word in front of a camera apparently thinking that it's just a harmless joke. It isn't. He deserved to be sacked then, and he deserves to be sacked now."

Actually he didn't. It was never said on camera & it was never said off of it.


incident of the rent boy, the hooker and the billy goat.

Damn it. I was going to stand for the next election. Who'd have though all three would converge at the same time.


Re: Good riddance, I say

The fact you made a reasoned argument & I also kicked off about "offensive" leaves me little choice but to say I'm offended by your remarks.

Bum. Contradiction. Pzzt!

(disappears in puff of smoke)


Re: M&S

It (probably not your intention) was about Frankie Boyle's most disgusting joke..

How do you get a girl from Coatbridge pregnant?

I'm not about to dignify this thread with the answer. Google it folks!


Re: M&S

Black. Black Black. Males socks are black. Actually any damn colour so long as you stick to it!

I looked up hemihypertrophy. Didn't know what it was. Have you tried walking along traditional sea-fronts in a certain direction? ;-)

As for Bras, I don't wear one. This brings back thoughts of a thread on another site where I advised to cover webcam with tape. It turns out HR in the States take offence when one squeezes one's moobs. I didn't want to work for Experian anyway.
