* Posts by Stevelane

40 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Nov 2011

Nunes FBI memo: Yep, it's every bit as terrible as you imagined


Re: Opinion poll proxy vote!

"Trump was elected because people have decided in overwhelming numbers that they can't trust the press, can't trust the established politicians, and want the real change that they have been promised time and time again. They knew he is an arrogant tool -- they knew he wasn't a statesman -- and yet they elected him anyway."

Except the people elected Hilary Clinton! But 307 out of 534 Electoral College voters negated the overwhelming will of the people by almost 2,865,000 votes!

Height of stupidity: Heathrow airliner buzzed by drone at 7,000ft


Not jammers or missiles but transponders.

I am a hobby flyer but these idiots put my activities at risk.

I would suggest that any drone capable of flying at 500ft or more must carry identifying id on board electronically embedded on the control electronics in the event that it crashes. But it should also have an onboard transponder so that it can be identified in the air. Any drone operator flying in a negligent manner is liable to severe penalties but it is far too easy for the operator to escape without discovery at the moment.

Swedes ban camera spy-drones for anything but crime fighting


Re: Muppets

Well nothing new there then!

US Treasury to launch pre-emptive strike on EU's Ireland tax probe


Re: U.S. gummint has its priorities wrong

It has never happened that a government reducing taxes paid by corporations has resulted in higher tax revenues. Have you forgotten the last Bush administration?


Re: U.S. gummint has its priorities wrong

It has never happened that a government reducing taxes paid by corporations has resulted in higher tax revenues. Have you forgotten the last Bush administration?


Re: U.S. gummint has its priorities wrong

It has never happened that a government reducing taxes paid by corporations has resulted in higher tax revenues. Have you forgotten the last Bush administration?

Want to kick butts? Go cold turkey


old turkey worked for me. That was 8 years ago.I had been a smoker for the previous 44 years, up to 30 a day I may also have helped that I was diagnosed with COPD not long after. The choice was to stop and live maybe 20 years or more in a tolerable state. Or continue and have a short unpleasant life and death. In fact, the cold turkey was much easier than I expected. From previous attempts, I had found that all it took was "Just one" for the addiction to escalate beyond control. Now I have no desire what so ever to resume smoking or to contribute to the obscene wealth of the tobacco barons. So vaping is also out. It just perpetuates the addiction for no benefit to me at all.

Kraftwerk versus a cheesy copycat: How did the copycat win?


Re: @Vincett

Those records were intended as stereo demonstrations. They were not sold as samples. But I do confess to listening to samplers just for hell of it! Glad to have got that off my chest after all this time !


Re: @Vincett

Those records were intended as stereo demonstrations. They were not sold as samples. But I do confess to listening to samplers just for hell of it! Glad to have got that off my chest after all this time !

Oxford chaps solve problem in 1982 Sinclair Spectrum manual


I can't wait

I can't wait for Tchaikovsky's 1812. Or on second thoughts, perhaps I can.

Voting machine memory stick drama in Georgia sparks scandal, probe


Well obviously the people who own the machines can help to ensure that the correct candidate is elected.


Re: Lost ballot box

You mean there was actually a box with countable physical paper ballots? How quaint!

Dad who shot 'snooping vid drone' out of the sky is cleared of charges


It is not hard to get a shotgun licence in the UK if you are a country dweller. Air guns are also legal and would probably send an appropriate message to the drone flyer.

Future civilisations won't know how the universe formed


No it almost a statistical certainty that someone will win. What is statistically unlikely is predicting who it is that will win.

Have you tried turning it off and on again - oh, you did: IT Crowd RETURNS


One more is not enough. We must lock them in the basement for at least another full series with no parol!

Are you for reel? How the Compact Cassette struck a chord for millions

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Re: Wot, no Nakamichi?

The thing about Nakamichi cassette machines was that they used their own eq curves so tapes recorded on them could never sound quite right on Philips standard machines and vice versa. They were still the best for pro demoes and home recording sound wise.


Re: Other cassette systems.

My Dad gave me one of those Garrard machines. I had to jig it to work with our Alba Stereo console. It came with a couple of Buddy Holly tracks on the cassette. I listened to it endlessly. Still love Buddy Holly to this day of course.


Re: Just remember...

Home taping is spreading music.

Limbaugh: If you hate Apple then you're a lefty blog-o-twat hipster


I just love them all. Apple, Android, Widoz, Linux and more.

I guess I am just a bit of a whore.

Unlike Mr Limpdick I am not a fat drooling sociopath.

The hammer falls: Feds propose drastic controls on Apple's iTunes Store


I will be far more impressed when the DOJ go after Monsanto and Haliburton. The two most evil corporations in the USA

Ecuador: Let's talk about not having Julian Assange on our sofa


Charge?Charge?We don need no streaking charge!

What charge? The turnips have said they want to question Assange. They could have done that in England.

Inside Lord Sugar's 'you're fired' YouView bust-up with TV baron


Desmond may be a dirty bastard but he is our dirty bastard!

Sony: Can't beat Apple and Samsung, so let's be the Other Guy


Re: They seem to be doing well in the UK

I just got mine and it is lovely. Fast. Awesome screen and camera but not as nice in the hand as Sam and interfacing it to my iMac is a chore. It is clear that Sony love Apple even less than Sam does!


Re: I have to say....

While I agree that Android phones are good and the Android phones are passing Apple in geewhizz they are still leagues behind iOS in usability. I use both and Apple is still the nicest and least frustrating to use.

Big Blighty telcos ordered to block three BitTorrent search sites



Piracy like death is the engine of evolution for the digital music market. The big media holding conglomerates are like dinosaurs that roamed the earth until they got to big to survive as monsters until only the birds remained. Birds I can live with but not dinosaurs.

Wikileaker Bradley Manning pleads not guilty to 'aiding the enemy'



Bradley Manning should be geven the Medal of Freedom because what he had done is shine a search light on criminal activity by the military and the government. The thing is, criminal actions by government and the military weaken us all and put us all at risk. It takes a special kind of courage to blow that whistle and for the criminals in government it endagers them more than anything else. That is why they will lie, torture and even kill to protect themselves from the consequences of exposure. Those criminals do what they do because they think they are following a shining light. They are but it is light straight from the fires of hell! Of course a president who can claim a right to kill citizens without due process and also allow the continued Rovian persecution of Don Siegelman and Paul Minor for non crimes is more likely to give the medal to Bernie Madoff.

Still-living, unincarcerated Ted Nugent invited to Barack Obama gig


Ted Nugent is also famous for crapping his pants and going unwashed to avoid service for his country in Vietnam and for taking on the guardianship of an under age Hawaiian girl so he could continue having sex with her.

With a history like that it is unsurprising that the modern day Republican Party would welcome him into their fold.


Re: elfreeman

That is the most misunderstood part of the 2nd amendment. What it means is people are allowed to go shirtless when ever they choose !

Security audit finds dev outsourced his job to China to goof off at work

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I think he should incorporate a new company and sell its services to his former employers. They already know of the quality of his output. He earned high praise after all!

eBay's festive sales soar, but what's this? Profit DOWN 62%?


Re: All that money so little profit

Ebay take at least 10% from each sale. If their profit is down on an increased number of transactions then either the transactions are for smaller cash value than before or the have become very inefficient . Or something else.

I suspect something else.

BT ordered to pay £95m to rivals it overcharged for FIVE years


Great news

Obviously Virgin are now going to refund me because they would have passed the costs to their long suffering customers.

Canadian man: I solved WWII WAR HERO pigeon code!


Against would be redundant in that context. If the code is intended to be in blocks of five letters then "at" although redundant also works as a filler.

British judge: Say you're sorry Apple... this time like you MEAN it


No sense

The British judgment made no sense. The effectively said that because the Samsung was clunky even though it had a resemblance to the iPad it did not infringe on Apples design because it wasn't as "cool". Passing off similar looking but poorly functional goods is a technique often used in an attempt to avoid infringement of design copyright and it is usually effectively prosecuted. Street markets are full of such junk. Apple should appeal to the European court . They will win.

Climate sceptic? You're probably a 'Birther', don't vaccinate your kids


Conspiracy? What conspiracy?

There is a definite conspiracy by psychiatrists to label all conspiracy theorists as suffering from some kind of psychosis or other. The reality is that some conspiracies have an evidential basis and some are just made up rubbish. Lets face it most political events are a result of a conspiracy. Of course climate change is a reality and there is a conspiracy by vested interests to rubbish the idea. There are also those who seek to use climate change to push their own agenda and of course academic psychiatrists love to make money by publishing papers. It is a very murky world we live in.

Comet 'sold 94,000 pirate Windows CDs', claims Microsoft



When my netbook bricked I reinstalled XP downloaded from a torrent site and used the key printed on the label on the body of the netbook (HP) Worked fine with no problem and still does after a year.

My understanding is what MS sell is a license to use the software so if you have that you can use any disc you like. Likewise Comet were not selling a license they were providing a restore service not permission to use pirated software.

Go Daddy boycott threat for backing hated anti-piracy law



Americans especially have been living in a strange place since 911. They claim freedom yet beg for the protection that an all pervasive State claims to give. That protection involves blindfolds, gags and chains. Your elections are an illusion run on privately owned secret software.

It is ironic that the terrors of Communism you thought you have defeated are being rolled on to you by your capitalist owners. Wake up!!!

Global warming much less serious than thought - new science

Black Helicopters

Who funded this research?

The US government is controlled by a right wing congress that for purely commercial reasons is fanatically opposed to any idea that climate change is a consequence of the incredible amount of CO2 that we humans are pumping into the atmosphere. It must therefor not be surprising that any research they fund will give the answer they want to hear. If it gives the "Wrong Answer" it will be buried or edited.

Black Helicopters

The runaway is already beginning!

The runaway is already beginning! There are more and more extreme climate events occurring across the globe. Each time one occurs like the floods in OZ or the huge wild fires in Texas or the excessive show falls in eastern US or the exceptionally mild autumn weather in UK etc etc and for each event people ask "Is this evidence for climate change" and the answer is "No" but of course the increasing number of extreme events is and there is nothing we are doing that will slow the runaway down. Historically these changes tended to happen relatively slowly but now comparatively they are changing in the blink of an eye and when the inevitable positive feedback effects come in to play like arctic methane release the change will be more rapid still. Unlike religion modern climate science is based on evidence and accumulated data. No amount of Koch brothers financed denialist head burying will change that.

Oregon offers vote by fondleslab-swipe


And exactly how easy will it be to hack this system?A countable and verifiable paper ballot is the only safe way of holding a ballot and even that needs proper enforced safeguards.

This system or any system that involves hidden and unverifiable electronic text and numbers will never be safe enough for democracy.