Link to test fire
Here's the link to a report on the test fire:
18 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Nov 2011
Well I care, and I regularly reboot Firefox to remove cookies that will timeout at the end of a session. I also regularly go through the remaining (very long) list of cookies and delete those too.
Plus No Script stops many sites (many more than you would expect) working by restricting all the other crap they pull in. I can selectively allow the other Javascript (and their associated cookies) that I need.
Firefox gives me some control -- which lets me do what I can. Thanks Firefox. :-)
That's because once you are in London the roads are so shit you can't get out. And if you do finally escape to the M25 that's a car park. But at least at that point you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
This analogue switch-off thingy is just like the poll tax -- try it on 'them out there' first to see if they squeal. Well the number of channels increased, and the quality certainly didn't get better, and we couldn't be bothered to squeal because we found something better -- the Internet.
While you are laughing think of this. Council IT departments are being asked to add the specific skill set of negotiation for SMS packages to their workload. We want them to do more (lazy barstewards) to get value for money. But then we come up with a brilliant wheeze of using technology to solve this.
We want to pay councils less -- after all I don't want to waste my hard-earned cash on profligate councils, I want to waste it on stupid over-priced gadgets such as iPhones. It is my right to waste my own money, not be forced to let someone else to waste it.
I for one, who has worked in IT for over 25 years (in both public and private sectors), would struggle with such requests.
The IT world is stuffed full of those who want to find easy ways to rid people of money. And using legal contracts is oh, so easy.
But if you, Asiren, think it is easy not to get sucked in, prey tell the rest of us how to do it.
"you can't distribute the problem away," says Matthew Sinclair of the Taxpayers' Alliance
Taxpayers' Alliance = Tory party = don't care about the poor.
They only want you pay NO tax. So we would all suffer apart from the rich -- who don't care in any case.
Sorry but these guys are muppets and while I'm a tax payer, I'm not in their gang.
Before the whole industry was privatised the rich paid substantially more in the support and running of the system. Now it's 'better' we all pay (ie the top end of society pay less). And we think privatisation is good.
If you think the Voyagers are cool have a look at <a href="">IBEX</a>. Launched from a Boeing jet liner it goes round the Earth and its data (recording neutral hydrogen atoms) complements the data from the Voyagers.
If you are interested in the heliopause (and all things helio...) there's some good info here.
'While Desmond was calling the police, he felt "a sharp pain in his scrotum area", a police officer told the court.'
What? He didn't notice her go down on him? Or did he think he was in luck and was going to get a BJ? What a load of bollox. Or was it a cock-up? (On second thoughts, she never went there...)
Coat, so I can find my needle and thread.
... do you need a Google account to get onto the android market, but you also need to enter a phone number. What's all that about? I don't mind having a Google account, because I can use my android phone via Wifi and log on. But if I have to give them a phone number as well well I don't think so. If I can't use their service anonymously I choose... NOT to use their service.
... android is making the iPhone (iPad, iEverything-else,,,) less of a must-have device. So they will have to invent something else. And didn't you hear, that dude (jobsworth) who did all the inventing died recently.
Companies run by personalities don't last forever.