In (half-hearted) defense of Trump voters, the Democrats fielded their own differently terrible candidate.
Politically moderate voters had no good option.
154 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Nov 2011
I don't know if this is true for all unixes, but IIRC "rm" just removes a directory's reference to a file.
The underlying file continues to exist until (at least) there are no processes that have it open, and there are no other directories / files that have hard links to it's inode.
Or something like that.
"Windows 10 is 9 years old, not new but not really ancient, it could easily be extended for a few years until..."
I'd argue that Windows 10 could be extended indefinitely.
For what most people want from an OS, Windows 10 needs nothing more than security updates and hardware drivers.
I don't think that's fair.
Any child who's familiar with the basics of category theory, lambda calculus, Peano notation, and algebraic hypo-static transductive applicators of Curried semi-ring monads can learn himself a Haskell in mere decades!
Although to be fair, it's helpful if they were exposed to compilers a bit during kindergarten.
Transcendental functions and irrational constants have entered the chat.
I e., for some calculations, the "convert to float at the end" part can be another instance of the very problem we're talking about.
I'm sure there's a lot of ink spilled somewhere about the optimal strategy for incrementally converting a symbolic expression graph into numerical (fp) values.