* Posts by Badnews

3 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Nov 2011

Dell has laid off EMC people at Hopkinton




That is not correct, ask your DellEMC rep for a walk through of the current NDA storage roadmap. There is no reason to kill off product lines and create gaps in the portfolio, so expect more products from DellEMC in the future - not less. (Branding might change - but the features will be there...) Lots of focus on co-existence between the PS and SC series today, bit more to come.

For a look at the current products - check out this page, and click the picture of the PS6210's(!) to see the full storage lineup: https://esgvr.dell.com/

Dell's past glories might be working against it


Re: What "past glory"?

"Weak iSCSI!"? If you're referring to EqualLogic you have clearly not been paying attention. With up to 320Gb/s transfer rate and 768 drives per group, Auto-Tiering and application integration there isn't much ot there more powerful... Force10 is Low Ball? Again, what rock are you living under? Dell is No Unix company, but Unix is dying - and smart people byu open / industry standard OS'es that can run om "Commodity" serveres, from Dell, HP or IBM, avoiding the kind of vendor lock in you get with Unix..

Is Auto-tiering storage really as good as it sounds?


You need some training Chris ;-)

Suggest you register for the Dell Storage Forum to see how it's really done...


Good luck.