* Posts by Cirret

3 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Oct 2011

Need reminding how troubled Universal Credit is? MPA puts it in special 'reset' category


It can't help that it's run by the famously incompetent Smith - in a culture of faith-based evidence, concealment of failure, obliviousness to criticism, and persecuting the messenger - on behalf of people who hate claimants, and funded by Osborne, who evidently hates anyone without a few spare million in their back pocket and runs the economy accordingly. Why would you expect any better?

WANTED: New head of crashingly expensive, error-prone and frankly cursed one-dole-to-rule-them-all system


If Smith is genuinely trying to help anyone (other than himself) he's even more useless and deluded than he appears to be.

CERN boffins re-running neutrino speed test


Neutrinos are not photons. Neutrinos pass through matter almost as if it doesn't exist, so guiding them with optic fibre or anything else is a non-starter. I don't see why you think this would have simplified the experiment.