WFH... not for every manager
WFH is great, but it is not suitable for everybody and every job. And even more so, not suitable for every manager...
During Covid my company worked explicitly from home, for the duration of some 12 months or so... it worked great for me, but we lost a few people who could not manage the independence and self-discipline which is an absolute must in such conditions. In my conversations with some colleagues, they have stated that they absolutely cannot concentrate and work from a home environment and they definitely prefer going to the office.
There is the other issue with allowing some people to work remotely: What criteria would be used to determine who can, and who cannot, work from home?
I do prefer working from home, it allows me the peace and quiet to concentrate and be productive. In the office, a lot of time is lost in random chatting, discussions not work related, etc. And at home, if I need to discuss something with a colleague, we can always use chat, or voice/video calls. And because we use such tools, the discussions are kept on topic (most of the time), which saves time.
The problem is that if your manager is not one of these people who can work from home, then you are doomed. The manager will force his/her point of view, regardless of what is the best way to achieve the highest productivity from the employee.