Looking forward to seeing this
Snowden is an exceedingly brave individual and a true hero, and I say that as someone who is generally a very cynical person. What he has revealed is to my mind the most important news in my lifetime (I'm 50+) and far more horrifying and far-reaching than such things as ebola or IS. It shows that my government is far more dangerous than any of those and is descending into a fascist/police state from which it might be very difficult if not impossible to return.
All I can think of is Orwells boot stamping on a face forever, and Nietzsches "Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you." The Fbi director's comments demonstrate straight out that they no longer even care to pretend they are for freedom, and yet the vast majority sit silently and ignorantly by as the water slowly starts to boil around them.