Who is the fuck is BoB?
Is this the lost MS interface??
169 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Oct 2011
Again another useless comment!
You probably meant that the argument for climate change is cause by people, since climate science is a real branch of physics. By the way, there is more evidence that the climate is changing than for neutrino oscillations.
How can you even mention Jobs and Cray in the same article? Jobs was, at best, a marketing guy, and had nothing to do with any computer technology or innovations. Even the Mac was a rip-off of the Xerox Star. Cray was a true pioneer in both innovation, design and implementation.
" A MAJOR breakthrough"
No .. if fact this idea was conceived back in the 70's by Leon Chau at UCal Berkeley. And in 1980 HP (Stanley Williams) produced memory elements that could shift resistance and hold their state and was reported in the magazine Nature. They were called 'memristors'. I wish someone would report the research from scientists and engineers rather than the companies which make the money from these ideas.
As a side note, people are working on 'memcapacitors' and meminductors'.
Sirs, I would be grateful if you allow me to withdraw my reply to edit my reply " Sirs, I would be grateful if you allow me to edit my reply which stated "Sirs, I would be grateful if you allow me to post a reply to the comment which stated ' "I would be grateful if you allow me to post a comment to this item."
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Please, you cannot compare, bugs are things that don't make the product work or not work as advertized. Drying of pets in a microwave is not the same, it's not a bug. Having the microwave stop working for certain foods made by certain manufactures is a bug. Mileage varies on how you drive and where (city or highway), it's not a bug.
Let's not forget the REAL problem ... software, it sucks. It's a house of cards with no solution in sight. We have patches with fix patches which fix patches etc. And nobody knows which pieces fit with other pieces.
In order to rush out the latest and greatest to make that almighty buck, we've sacrificed stability and common sense in design and testing. It's the only product you buy which comes with a 'known list of bugs' and nobody cares.
Unfortunately, you have no idea of what you are talking about or any history of technology. The government spent more than a "few millions of dollars" on the internet. The government not only funded the initial project of communication between computers (early 60's), but funded many companies, universities, colleges and think tanks throughout the the period (and still does). This is all direct funding. I worked for one of these firms (mesh network technology) and 90% of all out money came from direct military, DOD or NFS grants, but we we were considered a private company. Every under-graduate, graduate and post-doc student in the sciences is usually funded through grants from the government.
If fact the federal and state governments have recently made money available to expand the internet to rural towns by providing infrastructure and cabling to expand fiber outside the major markets. The cable companies would not do this because they would not make enough money for their investment. In my state (Massachusetts) we have a project called 'Broadband 123' in which the government is funding approximately 1,200 miles of fiber-optic network connecting 123 communties in western and north central Massachusetts to high-speed Internet costing $89.7 million. In order to get connect you still go through a cable company in which they charge you for the 'last mile' of the connection and they make the profit.
"Today simply marks the beginning of a protracted legal fight over the legality of the FCC’s takeover of the Internet,"
This is an absolutely amazing statement. ISPs are the recipients of one of the greatest hand-downs by the government. The people (through tax dollars) paid for and delivered the internet so that many companies could get rich on technology which was handed to them free of charge. What BS!
And now ladies and gentlemen some facts:
Popper isn't a scientist, but a philosopher. And in fact, many other philosophers have had strong criticisms of Popper and his arguments, including Kuhn.
Popper does not say "Any 'science'" that cannot produce observable, repeatable, verifiable results is a pseudoscience".
But he does say "A theory in the empirical sciences can never be proven, but it can be falsified". So according to Popper, there is no theories which are true, only theories which haven't been proven false.
The statement that "Therefore Evolution and Creationism fall into the same category as Pseudosciences", is such bullshit, I don't think even Popper would subscribe to it.
I really don't have a hardon for bankers. Maybe a lepton, but not a hadron. The point is that none of the other groups you mentioned - footballers, or the musicians, or the z-list celebrities etc., ever get bailed out by the government for screwing up. Not only did we bail out the banks, we put people in charge of the bail-out who originally screwed it up. Wasn't that the point of this discussion?
This is another way to sell crap that nobody really needs. So when a tree falls on your house, you be able to watch it on your, flavor of the day, smart/i/android/something else device. Another black box which needs a monthly fee to operate. Or when your refrigerator stops working you can cancel your vacation and take out all the spoiled food and throw it away.