* Posts by JL1155

6 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Oct 2011

Unix luminary among seven missing at sea


She taught me UNIX

I learnt UNIX in her classes. Evi was my teacher at the University of Colorado in Boulder in the eighties.

Help save the endangered QUANTUM OWL, pleads Reg man


one more member

...although, living in the states, I won't be in competition with you for tickets to the Christmas lecture!

Polar drilling effort hits snag: Boffins' search for life put on ice


Re: Delivery problems

The U.S. base in Antarctica has one: APO AP 96599-1035. Perhaps they could run it over to the British Antarctic Survey station.

Penguin 'cause Antarctica.

Ig Nobels 2012: Physics of ponytails, chimp arse-cognition and more


Re: One of these was already invented

There is a mention (p. 48) in Peter Wright's book 'Spycatcher' about use of a tape recorder with two heads to give listeners a slight delay in one ear for the purpose of *improving* voice intelligibility when transcribing tapes.

Swiss railways ticked off at iOS clock knock-off


Die Bahn ist verärgert.

The train is upset.

What flash needs is a little TLC


it's 3 bits per cell: eight levels

TLC flash stores three bits per cell, a trick which requires the hardware to reliably distinguish eight distinct levels of charge on the floating gate. Three times the capacity of SLC flash; 1.5 times the capacity of MLC.