* Posts by Matt 24

8 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Oct 2011

Official: Sky to buy O2 and BE's home broadband product in £200m deal

Matt 24
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Well - ditched Sky years ago on TV, NEVER used the BB - been with Plus.Net (Force9 before PN bought it) for 12 years, really good, Sheffield call centers, no problems. May not be the fastest but good enuf for me.

Was about to get a BB Q10 on O2, will have to wait and see what happens now. Like many, I really don't like Sky much.

Cambridge boffins reveal prehistoric prawn monster

Matt 24

"The fossil apparently reveals a creature with primitive limbs under its head, which are thought to have been used for shoveling food into its mouth as it wandered along "

My teenage son has those too......

BlackBerry Q10: This quirky QWERTY will keep loyalists perky

Matt 24
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Looking good...

as a BB user for 6 or 7 years and former BES Admin I'm unsure about the Z10 and don't really like on-screen keyboards, but the Q10 is looking very inviting indeed. I have a Samsung Series 7 Slate that I love - Windows 7 Pro (not infected with Win 8!) - but the MS on-screen kbd is, frankly, rubbish! The BB Z10 that I tried was good, however and I would agree that it's probably the best mobile keyboard I've seen. It looks like BB are going to have a winner on their hands, maybe not top-dog, but way out in front of MS for my money. As a contractor with a Ltd company, I like the look of it for business use and will postpone my HTC upgrade I think.

BlackBerry: Aaah, Microsoft, we meet again.. for another deathmatch

Matt 24


Give me a Blackberry any day. Can't stand Win8, can't abide the W8 fone - it's hideous. No inspiration on the interface at all. However, after waiting for months, I watched the BB 10 launch live and apart from the CEO's abysmal effort to inspire the audience, inc. me, did anyone else find the fact it trawls the web tracking down people you're going to meet and giving you all their information from birth slightly sinister? I mean, if I go to a meeting I don't want the people there to be my bestest buddies, have group hugs and share my life. Let's meet, discuss, decide, go home. Period. Maybe at 50 I'm a miserable old git, but that's how I feel. Sorry. Been around tech too long, don't like where it's heading.

I tried an BB10 at the O2 shop on Saturday and I'm going to have one. So there. Nah Nah ne nah nah. (actually I'm 5....)

BTW - I was a BES Admin for 2 years and had BBs for 8 years on and off since the early blue ones. I like the security aspects, and the ability to split work from personal. Not interested in the social networking guff at all.

Buying a petabyte of storage for YOURSELF? First, you'll need a fridge

Matt 24

Re: Transporters?

If your data was recorded every time you transported, could you then go back to an earlier version? Say - one that doesn't have this massive hangover? Or a backup of your wife before you upset her? ;)

Guitar-playing keys enable extremely thin keyboards

Matt 24

Why 'thin'?

It stuff gets too thin it's harder and more uncomfortable to hold. I'd like a bit more chunky but a lot less weight in a laptop or tablet. I have a Samsung S7S (Windows 7, btw) which is a bit too thin and quite heavy. And didn't Apple come up with something like this a few years ago for the touch-screen - I seem to recall the Reg showing a patent for it.

Lenovo, EA, Intel unite to DESTROY our childhood memories

Matt 24
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+1 Anolther Old Geezer

Just because we can doesn't mean we should! I agree totally with the article author. I'm 50, btw, and yes, I can confirm in the UK they are £ notes. We bend, twist, distort and utterly destroy the rules in our house. Especially when nobody is looking. I have a set of original pieces that we use occasionally. You can't properly play these games on a computer though. It just doesn't work. Computers are ok for some things but not everything should be digitised and are best left analogue. Music, for example. And board games.

FSF takes Win 8 Secure Boot fight to OEMs

Matt 24

Personally, I like Windows 7 (a bit) although no fan of M$, and a big Linux fan since the early/mid 90's (came in on SuSE 5, Solaris on SPARCs before that) I really don't like the look of Windies 8 or their mobile platform. And having been in IT for a long time, I don't trust MS despite the DOJ and EU rulings. They do have a history of abusing their market position. I'd forgotten the whole XP registration thing, but last week having to replace the motherboard I had to re-register my install. Will I have to do a complete re-install on the 'secure' systems? I don't have to register anything with Ubuntu - although I'm really not a fan of Unity either - I prefer KDE.

I do think - could be wrong - that they have their sticky mitts well and truly in there somewhere. So - will the new systems be able to boot ESXi, for example? Can I run 'nix on VMWare on Windows 8 as I do on 7 now? What happened to the OS-on-a-chip and will that be compromised now? Booting from a secure ROM image with configuration files and applications on HD could stop malware - and be pretty speedy as well. There are Linux firewalls and systems that boot from CDs or read-only USB keys and have the configs on r/o floppies(remember them?) It's not hard, surely?

Ramblings and drivel from an old IT hack. I'll go back in the corner and dribble now...