* Posts by NeilMc

116 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Oct 2011


'Big Data changes EVERYTHING' vs 'Hadoop? For my 200-customer biz?'


Re: Sorry still the same universe.

Hi AC,

Great and insightful comments as always.

I also believe that in the current economic climate "Corporations" just don't have the confidence or budget for big change; be that Big Data or migrating their Desktop Infrastructures to the next WinTel solution dispite buring bridges like licensing support being removed. They want incremental change that demonstrates value early, that they can therefore justify and that there already overstretched organisations can absorb.

I also believe this behaviour is linked to an article last week about "Corporations" historically being sold the entire "sweetie shop" by software sales guys resulting loads of "shelfware licenses decaying like rotting veg. The result being that "Corporations" and perhaps the IT Directors are more sceptical of Software Sales picthes and overtly aggressive sales guys predicting doom......

Finally I am not sure any IT Director has a 10 year strategy, they might at best have a 5 year horizon. However I bet if they put their 5 years plans on the desk and compared the last 15 years there would be some significant shocks in terms of Vision vs Reality.

Kind regards


Symantec CEO: I'll AXE up to 4 in 10 execs by July


Re: Pleb

Turd rolled in Glitter; I have not heard that one before. What a gem LOL.

I often use the phrases "polishing a turd" or "putting lipstick on a pig"

all very appropriate re: Symantec products as a retail user I have seen my home PC's all slow down or suffer random and lengthy auto update events.......... frustrating as hell.

Based on this string, could be time to move on as well.

Car dashboards get Nokia HERE without a phone in sight


Re: Mandated? You must be kidding!

As a previous contributor said what happens to the built in tech when rust inevitably starts eating away at the car and water starts fusing the electrics?

Where will the inbuilt SatNag send you when adverts become the driving force behind the recommended route it suggests, yeah Google we have seen where you are going with this.........

What happens when a hacker or pissed off employee corrupts the SatNag and dumbed down drivers just follow the SatNag's directions slavishly off the eadge of the nearest cliff like Lemmings!!!!!!

As the lord god that is Clint Eastwood says "this is a cluster fluck" waiting to happen

Apple rubbishes rumours of iPhone for the masses


Re: I'm no expert, but...

Market Leader in what..........................

If you look at pretty much all of Apples more portable devices iPhone, Pad and Pod they are all devices which increasingly drive Users to online content be that Music from ITunes or Apps from the Apps Store. Get it yet?

Apple if they are at all interested in being a Market Leader, I doubt it is in Mobes. More likely downloadable content. Apps Store brings in $10bn in revenue since it opened......... Thats market leading and I would suggest that iTunes is also a market leader in its segment. And of course Apple are doing quite well in the Mobes market also. Oh and before I forget they Leader the market in MP3 players having defined the market to start with.

I might recommend taking a wider perspective on what Apple is about; the many millionaires Apple has created amongst its staff and shareholders would also say its market leading in terms of shareholder value returned.

Freeview to be nudged down to clear 5G bands in 2018


Re: If terrestrial bandwidth is so valuable...

Totally agree the poliforation of crap TV that came with Freeview/sat and the bandwidth reschuffle needs addressing. And to avoid doubt I not talking about empowering Broadcast Nazi's however here's the thing....

How much better off would we all be without the following for starters:

Ambulance chasing legal firms offering no cost personal injury claims support

PPI claims management firms

Commodities Brokers manipulating the prices of "life sustaining necessities" for huge personal profit at the cost of millions of lives around the world being lost

24/7 gambling sites

Impotent Governments seemingly powerless to control the behaviour of multi-nationals to ensure they pay their way in society.

Apologies Rant over.

Reader input required: review our reviews


Welcome Request - more of the same but perhaps a little more polish

Well done The Reg,

Data is everywhere and much of it is biased and confusing; please carve yourself a niche by providing a forum for enthusiastic technology users, many of which such as The Anonymous Coward contribute widely and generously from which I have personally benefitted. This is where data becomes actionable/useful "information"

Technology is all pervasive and will continue to be so, therefore if we are to benefit from this mega-trend we need to share our knowledge. This perhaps starts with The Reg and its many thought and comment provoking articles which I feel are in the main good.

I agree the literary content need brushing up (grammar, spellings etc), however as a low level "power user" I look forward to the morning emailer and frequently find many articles of interest.

You might also want to test and indeed share the "background and credibility" of the contributors of the articles as this could be where review objectivity or literary quality standards are dropping off.

Of greatest value to me are the comments that these articles spawn, as exampled by todays "comments regarding NAS storage"; an issue I have been trying to solve for about a year now as a prolific digital photographer in my limited spare time.

In summary, keep dong what you are doing; the tech focus is a sweet spot for me; the articles need a "polish" as perhaps the contributors do or The Reg needs to put a more robust editorial process in place.

But that aside; focus on retaining the most valuable asset "your Users" and those that contribute to the forum comments.

Good luck

Samsung turns screws on Apple, hikes A6 processor price 20%


Re: burning bridges

I respect and appreciate the enthusiasm of America's however their self centred attitude when it comes to interacting with the rest of the world and their "shoot, aim, ready" attitude to global business remains one of the most frustrating aspects of working with and for American owned/based companies.

Apple: Blue-shirts can fix iOS Maps in their spare time


Re: Surely the blue shirt buyers will buy into it to.

But surely the blue shirts are incentivised to sell Apple products, so that will come first.

As regards then getting the blue shirts to update the maps that might take skills that they do not have' Apple may as well pay Apes with peanuts to get the job down. They would have a better shot at a quality outcome......

I foresee loads of people walking aimlessly in circles and bumping into each other as they focus on their smartphones trying to get some place....

Momentum builds for iPad Mini launch


Re: £300?

Looks like we are doing Apples Product Pricing strategy for them, competition around the £200 price point give or take 15%, iPod Touch at £170 for entry level and the current iPad 3 at £399 entry level. Ergo price the mini at £200 > 250 for entry level.

I would hope they price the Mini at a point that takes the fight to the competition rather than ignore the competition and bank on the iLemming factor......... mmmmm starting to sound like an iLemming myself perhaps.

Personally I agree with AC in that the 7inch form is too small, too compromised and therefore appeals to a niche that wants an eReader perhaps. They will not pay a premium when there are such good devices already established out there such as the Kindle, Sony etc and new devices coming from Barnes and Noble etc

I guess we will find out in the next week or so and look forward to yet more launch day queue's and availability issues ensuring shipping misses the important holiday season.

Happy days are here again..............

New deals for Virgin Sim punters


and yet still no Micro Sims for Apple devices

Left Virgin after over 5 years as they are not able to deliver micro sims or Apple phones.

Joined Voda who seem to have poorer network coverage and call connection rates, but now carry just one device.

You pays your money and makes your choice....

New Intel Ultrabooks to spray HOT JUICE into mobes


One cooked breakfast coming up

Sounds like a 6 inch distance between source devices is just perfect to arrange an egg, some bacon and a sausage or two on some tin foil and watch it cook whilst the phone charges; whilst wearing a tin foil helmet myself of course.................

Sounds like the convergence of ultrabricks and Mobes are fast taking on the shape and form of Homer's car from the Simpsons..........

Reminds me of last weeks Chocolate Teapot debate

Sharp outs 90in monster LED TV


Lets talk about that Elephant in the room

If I brought this TV home my wife would divorce me on the basis that whilst we could install it in the lounge there would be little room for us to sit in the same lounge and watch it.

I guess based on that size though it could be marketed as an "immersive" televisual experience in a domestic setting........

In reality this panel can only find a home in commercial settings or celebrity mansions with huge TV rooms. However it showcases Sharp's technology, but I doubt it will sell in large numbers.

One final thought though, its not the most attractive panel out there, I still think the latest high end Samsung's are more appealing in asthetic terms and the Panny's in performance terms.

Apple to 'pay AUD$2.2m fine' for 4G claims


Re: Justice served!!

I totally agree, this serves no useful purpose at all and the public will not benefit.

The Apple advertsing campaign should have been picked up by the Aussie versions of Trading Standards or Advertising Standards Agency in which case the public would not have been mislead and the case and fiens would not be necessary.

But no the Government bodies wait for the public to cry foul and then they step in.

One things for damn sure; the public who have been mislead and bought products that have been "misrepresented" by Apple will not see anything of the AUD€2.25m by way of compensation.

As you assert, just another stealth tax or government sponsored highway robbery.

Great day for global trade relations and stimulating economies to grow in this depressed economic climate. Lets have three cheers !!!!

Canon reaches for stars with DSLR refresh


Damn that is expensive even by Canon's standards

If this is a replacement for the 20d, where does that leave the 30d, 40d, 50d and 60d all of which have been around for a good while now.

At this price point this cannot be a regular DSLR and therefore really only appeals to Astrologers, anyone looking for a regular Canon DSLR will go for a regular 60d or one of the 1000 range, and certainly not this.

Best of luck with this niche market turkey Canon..........

2011's Best... DVRs and Media Streamers


TiVo User

I am surprised that TiVo made the grade. Having upgraded to TiVo in the last 6 months I have been disappointed by the image quality.

Channel 5, some of the HD channels particularly and some of the US channels all suffer with poor image quality. I think 5 USA (CSI Miami ) last night for example are all hugely pixelated which is very disappointing.

I could not honestly agree that at £50+ per month this is a worthwhile subscription service.

So fibre optic from VM, presented by TiVo and played through a high end Panny plasma panel I certainly expect much much more for my investment and ultimately my viewing pleasure.

Anyone else having similar issues?



1m iPad 3s being built this quarter, says analyst


Yet more Worthless and Baseless rumours

I heard exactly the same from a chinese guy in my local take away restaurant or was it a laundry, actually was he even chinese. In fact I am sure the iPad3 will appear and disappear from a bar near Cupertino in the next few weeks.

These unsubstantiated reports are worthless drivel that serve no useful purpose other than Market Analyst self promotion. Therefore disregard them.

As eloquently stated above Apple will do what it has always done, when its ready and I look forward to the real news rather than the spin-doctory these guys are pushing.

I have placed my order for the iPhone 4s, as my first personal smartphone and I look forward to receiving that in the coming week. The iPad I am still unconvinced as to what I would usefully use it for, so I am not a dyed in the wool "Appleite".

However I remain a huge fan of good design, smart user interfaces and genuinely useful products.

R.I.P. Steve.........
