* Posts by SnowShell

4 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Oct 2011

Hacktivists pose growing threat to industrial computing

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Re: Free Security Advice

An outstanding view with which I totally agree, as a linux user who is familiar with all aspects of security related topics, you can imagine what it's like trying to find a Job in a market that is largely dominated by two major software providers. Then you have certification in the field of computer related security. Where certification as a CEH or CREST accredited security professional set back the applicant in excess of $10'000 with no guarantee of a Job at the end of the certification rainbow, your either under qualified and classed as an under achiever or over qualified and ignored, if you tell someone you can setup security enhanced linux for as little as 20'000 per annum, then you've set your rate's far too low.



I agree, it is fear mongering, do you mean to tell me that all these factories and industrial control plants have to have a direct connection to the Internet? What the hell for!? Do there workers have nothing better to do than update their social status on Facebook and Twitter. Tweet: Extracting Carbon Rods now, reactor climbing to to 35% full capacity!

Do these plants and factories have such very poor security in place that their networks are largely unprotected from attack? Have they never heard of an Intrusion Based Detection Firewall and are all the machines connected running Windows 3.1 and upwards of proprietary software that went out in the Dark Ages.. People are still happily using Windows XP and Windows NT 4.0 oblivious of the reasons they should buy an upgrade.

Check your machines for malware, Linux developers told



Epic so you've installed rootkit hunter, do you know how many false positives that will throw in your face causing you unnecessary concern? I've seen paranoid people do crazy things to their own OS because they believe without a shadow of a doubt what rootkit hunter is spewing at them!

Ubuntu One client now available for Windows

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So they're giving away 5GB of storage, nothing new so is Microsoft. Cloud computing, I am not sure if I would be ready to embrace cloud computing and leaving my head along with my documents floating in the clouds. After reading another article on here that nearly made me choke when I saw the words, if Only Linux was as secure as Mac OS X Lion, I reflected silently that Linux has always been just as secure. The words BUY storage certainly gave me real pause, you mean PAY someone else to look after my documents instead of look after them MYSELF! Actually @Canonical I prefer using Philip Newborough's OS CrunchBang Linux on Debian far more than I ever enjoyed using Ubuntu and I agree with Stallman about Cloud computing.