Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance
See title. I think that there must be details missing from the story. I lived in NL for over a decade. NL has compulsory health insurance requirements (
A Dutch based subsidiary of Oracle would have known about this, their HR would know this, the relocation company should know this, and the candidate should have looked it up!
Likewise about housing requirements and options. Utrecht is a thirty minute train ride from Amsterdam. There a less expensive places to live than in Amsterdam. Even north Amsterdam is better price wise. Sounds to me like HR, relocation agent and candidate were all ignorant/incompetent.
Also there is free and/or low fee legal services available that the candidate could avail himself of (like, and they speak English) What about expat groups on MeetUp? Or through colleagues/friends, or ToyTownMunich, Expatica, etc? Did anyone bother to even do the least amount of effort and search online for support services?
Such as here: I've only had a few relocations (US>DE, DE>NL, NL>SE, all different companies) so maybe I don't know what going on these days. But sorry, nope, no sympathy here. </rant>