Not to flame but I think this is a great idea!!
The Amazon thing had me totally livid. This is reasonable.
If you want to donate then donate. If you don't want to donate then don't. Simple and reasonable. Let's not get silly about the semantics on the donate page. The point is yes Ubuntu have made some plain silly mistakes. However, they have brought some great innovation to Linux. So credit where credit is due. i respect them for this decision, as this is transparent and honest. The Amazon thing wasn't. It was plain wrong.
Other Linux distro's have a donate facility for example:-
If donating is wrong then why don't people complain so vitriolically about other Linux distro's doing this?
I find it so frustrating that so many 'Linus users' just repeat parrot fashion what they've read elsewhere. This is brainless. Ubuntu is a solid distro. If you don't like Unity then don't use it. Please think for yourself. Choose for yourself. Use for yourself. But don't comment 'Fail' etc just for the sake of it.
Respect to Mark for this move. Simple, transparent and honest.