* Posts by Flashy Red

62 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Oct 2011


iPhone 5S: Apple, you're BORING us to DEATH (And you too, Samsung)

Flashy Red

Re: Should have called it iPhone5TDS

/me nods head.

Die-hard fan. Very bored.

Flashy Red

Re: Should have called it iPhone5TDS

Die-hard fan. Very bored.

Hooker in Dudley man's car 'just helping to buy tomatoes'

Flashy Red

Oh ...

Expecting to see "Just popping out for some tomatoes" on the Profanisaurus any day now.

Flashy Red

He should thank his lucky stars it was a just fine and this is Great Britain

I can only imagine (from his name) that he may have also have been stoned (and not in a terribly good way) had pulled this stunt in his ancestral home.

Only 1 in 5 Americans believe in pure evolution – and that's an upswing

Flashy Red

Re: Representative??

And were all but 200 of them Republicans?

Flashy Red

Aye, sir, it does.

Flashy Red

Theocracy Now

Sounds like 80% of yanks are retarded; the other 20% seem ok.

UK discovers Huawei UK staff auditing Huawei kit: Govt orders probe

Flashy Red
Thumb Up

Re: Does every piece of kit get the same treatment?

Oooooh! *snap*

Boeing batteries back under spotlight as 787 burns at Heathrow

Flashy Red

Re: The rise and fall of the US empire.

In the pursuit of power, an educated populace is something of a hurdle. Why else do you think education is such a low priority, planned disaster?

Texas teen jailed for four months over sarcastic Facebook comment

Flashy Red

America... Land of the "free"

nuff said.

US Navy coughs $34.5m for hyper-kill railgun that DOESN'T self-destruct

Flashy Red

Re: Cooling

I find that "Controlled Bursts V" helps.

Boffin's claim: I have found how to get girls into tech

Flashy Red
IT Angle



That enough, folks? Starbucks tosses £5m into UK taxman's coffers

Flashy Red


Their coffee is shite. I think I'll order a grande chai tea latte (with soya) and offer to pay 50p. Think it'll work?

Can Microsoft's U-turn stop the Xbox 360 becoming another XP?

Flashy Red

Yeah, yeah, yeah ... whatever

And when you [Microsoft] have finally managed to corral all of those 360 users into the new technology pen, the gate will be slammed shut and you will do what you wanted to do in the first place. Fuck off!

US Ambassador plays Game of Thrones with pirates

Flashy Red

Not playing their game

Watched series 1 months before it was made available in the UK. The same for season 2. And again for season 3. I didn't want to wait. I did, however, think the show was SO utterly amazing that I felt compelled to fork out for the blue ray releases of seasons 1 and 2, and I will do the same again for season 3. So, have I been dishonest?

I really can't be arsed to wait out the glacial pace at which these show get released. I look forward to the day when shows like GoT get released worldwide on disc and on day 1.

GNOME project picks JavaScript as sole app dev language

Flashy Red

Re: What a dreadful decision

It's Perl.

China 'enhances' Great Firewall, teaches it to choke off VPNs

Flashy Red
Big Brother


Don't know how, bound to be slow, but gotta be possible.

Twitter survives election after Ruby-to-Java move

Flashy Red

And if they hadn't bothered at all...

The rest of the world would be more productive without Twitter :-)

Apple banishes Java from Mac browsers

Flashy Red


Disabled Java on my browsers months ago. Apple is just catching up.

Apple confirms 'surprise' September 12 event

Flashy Red


Is it... another patent litigation case?

Fix Mountain Loin you fruity f***ers.

Samsung: We can't find any child labour at our Chinese contractor

Flashy Red

They're all at it!

'nuff said.

Now Apple wants Samsung S III, Galaxy Notes off the shelves too

Flashy Red
Thumb Down

Sod quality, let's litigate...

I wish the fruity one was as keen to fix the god-awful stuttering/choppy audio bug it introduced with OS X Mountain Loin as they are to throw money at lawyers. At the rate they're going I doubt anyone with upgrade to OS X Devon Rex when it comes out.

Mac owner, sadly.

Mac malware Crisis as Apple lets slip its Mountain Lion

Flashy Red
Black Helicopters

I'm wondering if the time has come to disable Java on my machines. Can't really see the point of it anyway.

Apple CEO: Frothing fanboi iPhone 5 hype screwed our sales

Flashy Red

Re: Cupertino Head Cook lashes out at rumour mill

The way they operate is also killing their PC sales (probably). I'm waiting to purchase a second iMac but I'll be damned if I give them my money for obsolete technology; in other words, I'm waiting for the Retina Display technology to hit the iMac line before I give them any more cash.

Yet another OSX/Java Trojan spotted in the wild

Flashy Red

Re: I'm no fan, BUT!

Oh, shut your pie hole. MS Office on the Mac is actually a decent product and it was THAT expensive -- c'mon you own a Mac and you're worried about pennies. I've actually used LibreOffice and its previous incarnations; it's slow and it requires Java. I've used iWork, too and it's so messed-up I'd be amazed if they captured ANY MS Office to iWork converts.

Always used Office; always will. It works. I know it. Why change for change's sake.

Java is the real problem here.

The Facebook job test: Now interviewers want your logins

Flashy Red

Re: Try this one on for size...

... and they'll just assume you're telling a fib or being evasive and discard your application. How Orwellian would that be? An active Facebook / Tweety presence for them to nose at would be a prerequisite.


Flashy Red

Re: With every passing discovery,

I hear you, but godbotherers are a slippery bunch. Your friend will simply say that their god created the planet's inhabitants, too, and that they must "be saved" or "submit" and the entire charade will play out as it has here.

Look what happened to the New World when it was discovered by the Christians. I doubt we've changed all that much.

Flashy Red

Re: Lifespan

It's quite likely that the first interstellar explorers to depart this solar system will not be human. Our ambassadors will probably be the product of our species' ongoing research into robotics and artificial intelligence. They're unlikely to be hampered by such short lifespans, or the need to eat, drink and breathe.

Secret high-security Chinese shipments point to iPad 3 exports

Flashy Red

Re: Way-hey!

Rise above it, old bean.

'Exploitative' Proview slammed by trademark judge ... in 2010

Flashy Red

Re: Re: Here Apple Take Your Nasty Medicine

You're a bit quiet there Tom. No rebuttal?

Flashy Red

Go Apple!

More petrol, please :)

Now Proview seeks ban on ALL iPads coming out of China

Flashy Red
Thumb Up

Go Apple!

for no other reason than to annoy the fuck out out you :)

iPads seized from shelves by Chinese officials

Flashy Red


Possibly time for Apple to think about creating those jobs in another country?

40,000 Apple fanbois demand ethical iPhone 5

Flashy Red

People hate success and hate seeing someone do well

It's like the school playground here, sometimes. You know, the one in which the bright kid is bullied mercilessly by the half-wits for just doing well.

I don't think Apple are any more or less evil than other corporations using Chinese labour. I think it's disingenuous to suggest otherwise.

The real evil lies in the value Western consumers place in their toys, demanding that all manufacturers race to the bottom to produce ever cheaper goods. Blame yourselves, you all deserve what you get.

Flashy Red

You're a hypocrite

There, I said it. So now enlighten me and show me a company, other than Apple, with more ethical manufacturing policies and PROVE TO ME WHY THEY ARE SO.

I'm waiting for your reply :o)

Apple tops estimates with earnings leap of 118 per cent

Flashy Red


Your post is dripping with the bitterness of entitlement. You're precisely what is wrong with the American economy.

Vodafone manages to fight off £3bn tax bill, claws back cash paid

Flashy Red
Thumb Down


Vodafone seem pretty good at something, then -- and that something appears to be not paying taxes. WIsh I was as well connected.

Windows Phone to overtake iOS in 2015

Flashy Red


What were they smoking?

Feds propose 50-state ban on mobile use while driving

Flashy Red

It's easy...

Force the MNOs to disable hand-over on their macrocell networks. Job done.

Bill Gates discusses nuclear development deal with China

Flashy Red
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Can't argue with that!

US military pays SETI to check Kepler-22b for aliens

Flashy Red
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Awww... I hope they find something soon.

Then we can all stop believing in fairy tales and do some real thinking as a species.

HTC faces Xmas sales ban misery in Germany

Flashy Red

So, basically, IPCom adds nothing of worth to the ecosystem yet it makes a pretty penny from it. How have we ended up with a system in which corporate parasites thrive?

Spillover from 400lb man squeezed fellow flier into galley

Flashy Red

WTF is a "female seat"?

Flashy Red


Flashy Red

Well, if the fat bastard was a safety risk then he should have been turned away. Tut, money talks.

iPhone 4S is for failures who work in coffee shops - Samsung

Flashy Red

As lovely as the Samsung is, I can't get along with Android and I'll be upgrading my HTC mobe in April... to an iPhone 4 (not the 4S).

I'm so terribly, terribly bad.

Flashy Red

He could also be studying for a job in a creative industry whilst holding down a job as a barista. Therefore his feelings could be entirely valid and the guy diminishing him could just be a twat.

Chief rabbi: Steve Jobs' Apple lust spreads misery, despair

Flashy Red
Thumb Up

They do say "Ignorance is bliss."

Apple applies to patent a SIM you can't remove

Flashy Red

I'm sorry ...

The embedded SIM would be preloaded with gateway credentials for all operators. Please could illustrate where the lock-in is? Oh, silly me: it's Apple, I see what you did there.

OFFICIAL: Last Western Black rhino snuffs it

Flashy Red

It's time ...

We are one of the few species Nature gifted with the ability and desire to kill it's own. Isn't it time we put this particular quirk to good use by allowing and actively encouraging the hunting and killing of poachers. Perhaps even capturing, trying them and then, upon conviction, releasing them into a game reserve where they can be legally dispatched by either trained hunting teams or captive species they've helped bring to the edge of extinction? People like to hunt, so why not hunt the selfish, worthless bastards who reduce our world's bio-diversity.
