Re: Should have called it iPhone5TDS
/me nods head.
Die-hard fan. Very bored.
62 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Oct 2011
Watched series 1 months before it was made available in the UK. The same for season 2. And again for season 3. I didn't want to wait. I did, however, think the show was SO utterly amazing that I felt compelled to fork out for the blue ray releases of seasons 1 and 2, and I will do the same again for season 3. So, have I been dishonest?
I really can't be arsed to wait out the glacial pace at which these show get released. I look forward to the day when shows like GoT get released worldwide on disc and on day 1.
I wish the fruity one was as keen to fix the god-awful stuttering/choppy audio bug it introduced with OS X Mountain Loin as they are to throw money at lawyers. At the rate they're going I doubt anyone with upgrade to OS X Devon Rex when it comes out.
Mac owner, sadly.
The way they operate is also killing their PC sales (probably). I'm waiting to purchase a second iMac but I'll be damned if I give them my money for obsolete technology; in other words, I'm waiting for the Retina Display technology to hit the iMac line before I give them any more cash.
Oh, shut your pie hole. MS Office on the Mac is actually a decent product and it was THAT expensive -- c'mon you own a Mac and you're worried about pennies. I've actually used LibreOffice and its previous incarnations; it's slow and it requires Java. I've used iWork, too and it's so messed-up I'd be amazed if they captured ANY MS Office to iWork converts.
Always used Office; always will. It works. I know it. Why change for change's sake.
Java is the real problem here.
I hear you, but godbotherers are a slippery bunch. Your friend will simply say that their god created the planet's inhabitants, too, and that they must "be saved" or "submit" and the entire charade will play out as it has here.
Look what happened to the New World when it was discovered by the Christians. I doubt we've changed all that much.
It's quite likely that the first interstellar explorers to depart this solar system will not be human. Our ambassadors will probably be the product of our species' ongoing research into robotics and artificial intelligence. They're unlikely to be hampered by such short lifespans, or the need to eat, drink and breathe.
It's like the school playground here, sometimes. You know, the one in which the bright kid is bullied mercilessly by the half-wits for just doing well.
I don't think Apple are any more or less evil than other corporations using Chinese labour. I think it's disingenuous to suggest otherwise.
The real evil lies in the value Western consumers place in their toys, demanding that all manufacturers race to the bottom to produce ever cheaper goods. Blame yourselves, you all deserve what you get.
We are one of the few species Nature gifted with the ability and desire to kill it's own. Isn't it time we put this particular quirk to good use by allowing and actively encouraging the hunting and killing of poachers. Perhaps even capturing, trying them and then, upon conviction, releasing them into a game reserve where they can be legally dispatched by either trained hunting teams or captive species they've helped bring to the edge of extinction? People like to hunt, so why not hunt the selfish, worthless bastards who reduce our world's bio-diversity.