Re: Yup, back to normal soon methink. Although...
@Loyal Commenter
firstly, there is no evidence that the passwords were brute forced on iCloud, and not taken from some other hacked site and used, in the hope that the same one was in use. No evidence that it wasn't either, so neither of us can claim that point.
Secondly, it took my niece 3 attempts to get it right, as she had a fair idea what she saw me type, so in effect, yeah, she brute forced it (with a good starting point )
as for "over the internet" oh no's !!!! you can hack over the internet now ??!! What WILL we do? ;-)
don't worry, i'm just poking fun.
But I agree with you that the problem is, and always has been the single password. 2FA helps, but that has problems too, as if the phone is stolen, then it can be selected to receive the code. Short of it all is, that if someone really wants your data, they will get it. Same as when car immobilisers got good enough, the thief simply broke into the house and stole the keys or car jacked you.
Oh, and on the 200 word jargon, why do you think companies produce these? Answer: idiot users who want a quick buck and sue over the slightest thing. Ends up costing the normal people money. Case in point is that pretty soon you will have to have insurance on your ride-on mower in the EU. All because one guy fell off a ladder and happened to fall on the mower. Idiot sued and now you will need insurance to operate one on your own land. It won't be long before we all need T&Cs for people who just drop by for tea.
I wish we were back in 1980 again. Common sense was a lot more common