Re: German pronounciation
I know a little German...
He's sitting over there.
19 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Oct 2011
I too have been playing all over the Christmas period and have not experienced one single problem with the game. Happily flying around killing in solo mode for over 30 hours all in all. I have given up on the forums unless I really need an answer as they have turned into a boiling mess of hatred due to a very small contingent nobs that like the sound of their own keyboard.
I don't think I have been this involved in a game before. Playing with a full HOTUS setup and the Oculus Rift is just mind blowing. I can't think of any game that has made me sit back and just look around and enjoy the views in a long time. It is the Elite I wanted as a kid and I am a very happy backer.
I use the same setup for the game as well. I don't think I have ever been so involved with a game since starting SWG or LOTRO a long time back.
Just starting the game up and sitting in my ship makes me smile. It has its problems but the whole experience with the DK2 and stick blows them into insignificance.
I just need to finish work for the year and then I am off flying.
Perhaps if they made things cheaper and easier then that will have a knock on effect of slowing down pirate activity.
Cinema's are stupidly expensive (but people will still pay!) and all the extras associated with going to the cinema (3D addon, food, drinks etc.) are also priced so steep that a normal family needs to spend over £50 to see one film. Perhaps dropping the price back to 4 or 5 quid a film and then some sensible pricing on food stuff will help encourage us back to the cinema. I used to enjoy a weekly jaunt to the cinema with friends but it's to expensive now to justify.
Streaming a film depends on multiple providers, that means multiple accounts all taking their monthly subscription for the end user to watch maybe one or two films a week. What would help would be one account to watch any film from any provider that gets billed either by subscription or PAYG and that also needs to be Cheap! (£1.99 for a one off or a £10 a month for any age film). The problem with that is the likes of Sony et all will need to work together, and we KNOW that won't happen now.
I would be happy to pay a few quid to watch a new film on my own TV when ever I wanted to. Its not about being lazy its about convenience.
I don't know why people are so down on MS Certs. I have been upgrading my MS Certs since NT4 MCSE I achieved many moons ago just because it gets my foot in the door when its time to look for a new job.
Some of the knowledge you gain from the books is useful but most of the time you just know what do to because you have experience and Google. Getting past the HR drone is the hardest part once you speak to a techy then you should leave the certs behind and talk about what you have actually done and do.
My last job interview (my current position) I just walked them through examples and situations, they actually wanted the MS certs to get competencies as a MS Partner.
No need for bashing IMO, its a tool that is very effective if used correctly.
The last time I was searching for a new job I felt like a second class citizen at interviews because I didn't have a degree. It was normally the first thing they asked about! I got fed up of answering the question "why do you not have a degree?" the only answer was my parents could not afford to pay for me to drink for 3 years.
After that I gave up for a year and started a OU degree in Computing and Information. Even with a hint that I was doing a degree in my own time I got much further than I did before and manage to land a job I actually wanted.
Still finishing the degree but do have a FD now which has also lead to more offers from recruiters. Only 2 years to go!
Sounds like a normal sys admin job to me. My current position has also somehow crept to facilities maintenance (smallish company) so not only do I get to be the hub of everything technological I also now seem to be the guy people comes to to unblock the bog when some of the employees have double dumped without flushing.
Swing and roundabouts, one minute designing a new AD domain the next fixing a broken door handle. Still, its better than being a manager IMHO.
Meh, it sold a lot, which is the important thing really. If the launch had tanked then the consumer would have been harmed as well as MS. The Xbox one and the PS4 being a success is important to all gamers as this will drive competition and hopefully some new IPs and that means more development in the future.
I honestly think most gamers do not really care what platform games are on as long as they can be played. What gamers really want is new IP's, new ideas and cheaper prices.
Steambox will be great, for the small number of people that understand what it is, for the masses it will be thought of as PC and will be an instant turn off for them. I welcome it with an open mind but I very much doubt it will take over my Windows gaming Rig that just works.
In my case if I see a game that I want to play I will play it on anything, even if it is on a <spit> MAC!