Reseller business cash flow
My point centres on the growing issue Resellers have of not getting the fullest support of banks to fund their own growth. This is quite aside from the on-premises capex model that will change faster than many imagine.
There are new, growing, profitable managed service businesses that need to recruit, find suitable premises and generally invest in people and infra-structure first in order to see yield and growth. Banks, the traditional providers through either direct loans/overdrafts or asset funding (both fixed and current) now consider the services model higher risk and therefore less palatable. This is despite the undoubted quality at times of the Reseller client or the management and integrity of he Reseller.
Many do not invoice in advance but in arrears and yet still face obstacles as funders view this asset as less secure than traditional book debts for product and sevices supplied.
Vendor finance arms will not jump in and finance Reseller businesses; their focus is funding the end user purchase and this is a quite separate exercise. Bank lending to SME clients and Resellers separately is "as tight as a Gnats arse" despite government "initiatives". One generally has to seek funders outside of the main high street lenders with less hang-ups and greater risk appetite.