* Posts by meh1010

13 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Oct 2011

LOHAN Kickstarter bid IS GO: Back our Vulture 2 spaceplane launch



I think live now?

Cheer up, Nokia fans. It can start making mobes again in 18 months


Re: Microsoft bought Nokia because ...

As I understand it from http://company.nokia.com/en/news/press-releases/2013/09/03/microsoft-to-acquire-nokias-devices-services-business-license-nokias-patents-and-mapping-services Microsoft have only licensed the patents. So - Woo! Go Nokia (hopefully)...

'Disruptive innovation' is nonsense? Not ALWAYS, actually



I really would suggest reading Tim Harford's "Adapt" - he does a great job covering this as well as how (and way) only a minority of larger organisation occasionally manage to produce and exploit their own disruptive tech.

Google Maps adds all UK public transport timetables


Does that invalidate plrndl's move then? Because if so can I use the Mortimer Variations on Nidd and call York?

Facebook to gobble voice-recog outfit, not so chatty on price tag


Re: Source? - "people entering their details into the site as "dumb fucks"


you're welcome :)

IT'S OFFICIAL: Hipster era is OVER – sorry, beanie boiz...


"I was not a hipster before it was cool"

You thought only Google dodges UK taxes? So do all the Brit firms


Y'know, is it just me or could the issue be something to do with the complexity of the UK tax code (running at 11500+ pages, most complicated in the world *various sources, citation needed etc)?

I mean, businesses will be businesses however it is in the power of the government to reduce complexity (albeit at the risk of offending friends at accountancy firms & subsequent employment prospects).

Argh, so tired of it all.

Library ebooks must SELF-DESTRUCT if scribes want dosh - review


Re: It really should be simple enough

Indeed it is - our library uses Overdrive for eBook lending (limited time borrowing, limited number of books "checked out" at one time), only issues are that you can't use with a Kindle ('cos of proprietary DRM format) and limited choice (publishers' insecurity issues).

John Sweeney: Why Church of Scientology's gravest threat is the 'net


Re: Sweeney

Isn't it ironic that the above was posted anonymously

NASA: There are 17 BEEELLION Earth-sized worlds in Milky Way


Re: There are 17 BEEELLION Earth-like worlds in Milky Way!!!

Joke ------------>

Your Head

Me, I'd be happy in the C Ark


Alan Turing 100: Visionary, war winner ... game maker?


"pre-electrical computing at its best"

Electricity? Electricity? When I were a lad we had to use our own blood t' drive t' computer. And we were grateful! And you know what? We were grateful!

Canary Islands host long-distance quantum teleportation


Re: Ok, perhaps I am being dumb...

AFAIK at the quantum level if the photon received 'looks' like the photon transmitted (it has the same quantum state), it is in fact the transmitted photon.

Can general relativity explain the OPERA neutrino result?


@Full Mental Jacket - Not really, as the "science establishment" eventually gave him a Nobel prize (fair enough, he was treated badly but hardly in the same scope as religion)