Actually, No - It's merely another national media feeding frenzy that adds little value to your average New Zealanders daily life - move on.
87 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Oct 2011
Gather all the climate-change botherers in all their denominations (be it scientist, activist, politician or general loud-mouth) together, seal them all in giant barges constructed from all those over subsidized solar panels & driven by all those over subsidized windmills, steer them to the deepest abyss of the Mariana Trench & sink them all so that myself & all the multi millions of other averagely bright, averagely paid, hardworking, generally tolerant folk on this planet can get on with having a life minus the parasitic affliction that this self appointed minority has foisted upon the global population. Climate has always changed, will always change & will change forever more & there is not one damn thing humanity can do to alter that irrepressible & uncontrollable force of Nature. Earth has been cycling through climactic variations for millennia & has generated extremes the likes of which we could scarcely imagine & will continue to do so without regard to human perceptions or affectations.
I'm being presumptuous in saying this, but i'm pretty sure I speak for a lot of people when I say I'm simply tired of all the bollocks around the entire climate charade, so for all the climate charlatans out there, get your thieving hands out of my pockets, STFU & go home.
OK, rant over. Sensitives, do what you will.
My bollocks - since when has China considered the environment in any of it's industrial and/or idealogical endeavors? If the figure of 97% is accurate, then it's simply about control - in the global market, the tech world and international politicking.
.. and all the other infringement cases before it is that the patent process/business itself is "patently" broken. While Flatworld may have a case, for me this comes across as yet another litigious money-grab which, as time progresses, seems to be what patent law is turning around to.
I'm beginning to wonder if reaching a court hearing was the original intention of this case - or if, in fact, it's to leave Kim Dotcom et al dangling in legal limbo & controversy long enough to wreck the Megaupload business entity & "send a message" to similar online services. The US Gov. & the FBI give the appearance of being bothered less & less about international law & protocol these days, and the scent of corporate collusion is not unnoticeable. And if it comes back to bite them, I'm pretty certain it will be expertly handled by their spinmeisters. Regardless of Megaupload's legal bearing in this case, there are ways to mount & pursue a lawful challenge. For me at least, the way this was done looks more like simple bully boy standover tactics.
Just my 2 bob's worth.
Considering the fact that they're close to IPO, they will want to make the right noises to potential new clients. One of the immediate issues for an account holder I can see is how much of an individuals on-line activity they are harvesting & who they might sell it to. If, as this article suggests, the bill in its current form is 'vague" in its wording & intent and moves forward as such, the possibilities (& potential revenues) for Facebook are endless.
Personally, I cancelled & blocked Facebook a long time ago - don't like being regarded as a product.
Just my 2 bob's worth.
for Apple , this will simply be a cost of doing business. I'm sure, legally & financially, contingencies have been made for scenarios such as this, budgets & resources apportioned, risks assessed and procedures planned. Whichever way this goes, Apple will be able to afford it & simply move on to the next thing. It's corporate business today, like it or not.
..that the human animal seems to be the only specie hell bent on screwing itself into the ground over this contentious & self imposed issue, whilst all other existing flora & fauna on this planet will (if there is indeed a grain of genuine wisdom amongst the current paper-waving, panic-peddling & chest-beating) simply adapt.
For me, there's entirely too much money & politics in the whole climate change shooting match for anything sane or useful to arise out of it. In fact, I'm reminded of a line from a George Carlin routine many years ago - "...don't worry about the planet - the planet is fine ... the PEOPLE are fucked!"
Just curious, as I set up an account a while ago at the behest of a few professional friends. As I worked my way thru the registration process (torturous bloody interface that it is - messy & designed to confuse at first glance, to my eyes at least) my computers address book was hoovered up - friends, family - the lot, necessitating a manual cull of the uploaded info after I had finished. Now,obviously, I messed up somewhere in the process - However, after all was done, I was left with the feeling that somehow I had been mildly misled by a process & UI that seemed to me intentionally awkward & obfuscated. I have seldom use Linkedin after that.
(As an aside, every time I ask some with an account if they've garnered any genuine business out of it, so far they've all said "no".)