* Posts by jbuk1

127 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Nov 2011


Basecamp CEO issues apology after 'no political discussions at work' edict blows up in his face


I honestly can't see what's so controversial about asking that business provided communication channels to be used for business only.

What am I missing?

What you need to know about Microsoft Windows 11: It will run Android apps


That's not how Microsoft licensing works in the Enterprise.

No enterprise will be running Windows 10 home and that's the only version which has ever been free.

We already pay for Windows and we have software assurance so we get whatever the latest version is as part of that.

That's exactly how it was going from XP to 7, 7 to 8, 8 to 8.1 and 8.1 to 10.

We just download the latest iso from the volume license centre and crack on....

Like a challenge in a high profile 'face-of-IT' role? Welcome to the Home Office


It's local to me so I'd be tempted but it would need to pay about 3 or 4 times what they're offering.

Apple now Arm'd to the teeth: MacBook Air and Pro, Mac mini to be powered by custom M1 chips rather than Intel


Re: Confusing much?


Just seeing lots of people going "but it's the same chip across all of them" as if Intel's chips of a certain generation aren't all pretty much exactly the same.

Intel don't make 5 different i7s or whatever, they make one, bin it and then lock the frequency to create artificial models at different price points.

People fall for branding that Intel and AMD use as we're so used to CPUs being sold to us in that way.

The way I see it, Apple have no need to do that with their own chips. Instead they'll adjust the TDP and power envelope to suit the device at hand and maybe use chips with failed components in lower ranges. (Like the air with only 7 graphics cores)

Paris Hilton

Re: Confusing much?

Well if you completely ignore the touch bar on the MBP, different size screen, different cooling methods, different power envelopes for the M1, different chassis, different size battery, then yes, they are exactly the same.

Oracle starts to lose patience with Solaris holdouts


Re: Why?

Why use a 2.5 watt ras pi when you can use an ancient clunker and heat the neighborhood.

Malware spotted doing unspeakable, filthy things to infected Macs – injecting Bing results into Google searches


Re: Flash is still required

I think it's more to do with the DRM that they can wrap around the flash version.

There use to be (may still be) a Windows command line utility for downloading videos from the BBC iPlayer which spoofed it's user agent as an iPad so that the BBC would return a drm free video stream which the tool could intercept.

It's 2019 and a WhatsApp call can hack a phone: Zero-day exploit infects mobes with spyware


Re: Latest version on iOS AppStore still isn't fixed

You need to pull down to updates your updates tab.


Isn't it interesting that the version history for 2.19.51 (the emergency release to fix the issue) in the ios app store reads "You can now see stickers in full size..."

Absolutely nothing about fixing a critical bug or that you should upgrade to this version as a matter of urgency.

TalkTalk kept my email account active for 8 years after I left – now it's spamming my mates


Re: Indefensible

TRT I would strongly suggest for the good of any business you work for that you go back and learn about GDPR.

You are incorrect on many of your statements.

As mentioned, when you provided consent is of no consequence, if the data was not collected in a way that would currently be compatible with GDPR that you are required to reconfirm that consent or destroy any data you hold which is not covered by the legal basis or statutory regulatory requirements.

You might have noticed the hundreds of emails you had asking you to do this just before GDPR kicked in.

There is also no such thing as "life long consent" and never has been.

Buffer overflow flaw in British Airways in-flight entertainment systems will affect other airlines, but why try it in the air?


If curiosity killed the cat we would not have invented airplanes.

Solid state of fear: Euro boffins bust open SSD, Bitlocker encryption (it's really, really dumb)


Re: Really?

> run "manage-bde.exe -status"


Looks like that's one of the Windows built in encryption methods.

I'm using a Samsung Evo 870 but didn't enable Bitlocker until after Windows installation.

I'm guessing the hardware encryption is only used when Bitlocker is enabled pre windows installations.

US websites block netizens in Europe: Why are they ghosting EU? It's not you, it's GDPR


You'd find it far easier to just learn the basics of GDPR.

Are you collecting information and sharing it without asking for consent? No? You don't need to do anything. You're already compliant.

Are you collecting contact info vital to you business, ie email address and name to contact a customer? That's covered by the "legal basis" as you can't perform business without it and your customers would expect as much.

Guess what, you're covered, nothing to do.

The only time when this would be an issue is if your collecting and sharing information with others without your customers explicit consent.

Google reveals Edge bug that Microsoft has had trouble fixing


Re: So Microsoft ought to do the same

Did you even read what he wrote AC?

>>Even if Google fixes the bug in time, it won't make it out to any phones in that time except maybe their own brand

Who is Pixel made by? Come again please.

Well done, UK.gov. You hit superfast broadband target (by handing almost the entire project to BT)


Re: Super Muh

> 24Mbit is occationally OK, at best

And here's me running 200mb fiber for 500 machines and still using 100mb host ports on some switches.

I don't see anyone complaining about the speed of the internet here.

Fella faked Cisco, Microsoft gear death – then sold replacement kit for millions, say Feds


That doesn't really work when it's a critical router you need right now.

If they won't ship you a new one straight away you're not going to be buying any more kit from them in the future.

HMRC dev support team cc blurtfest: Over 1,400 email addresses blabbed


Re: The CC error

What you mean like this?

Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\<version>\Outlook\Preferences

Value name: ShowFrom

Value type: REG_DWORD

Value: 1

Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\<version>\Outlook\Preferences

Value name: ShowBcc

Value type: REG_DWORD

Value: 1

Apple iPhone X: Two weeks in the life of an anxious user


The manual you claim doesn't exist is on iBooks.


Baaa-d moooo-ve: Debian Linux depicts intimate cow-sheep action in ASCII artwork


Re: Hmm

Go on then Anon.

Please do elaborate as to what hideous things Linux users are doing in these comments?

I’ve looked hard and I’ve no idea what you’re on about.

Intel's super-secret Management Engine firmware now glimpsed, fingered via USB


I don’t know about all arm platforms but certainly the rpi relies on closed source binary blob for the powervr gpu which is responsible for the actual boot process.

Yes I did say the gpu.

Apache OpenOffice: We're OK with not being super cool... PS: Watch out for that Mac bug


Is 10.7 really considered “very old”?

It was released in 2011.

Windows 7 was in 2009 and 8 in 2012.

The age of six-monthly Windows Server updates starts … now!


Re: I'm still indifferent...

I don't know of any Linux distributions which have only 6 months between releases regardless of LTS or not.

ASUS smoking hashes with 19-GPU, 24,000-core motherboard


Re: @John Smith So it's got 19 mother board slots.

It will be on riser boards or cables. There won't be any "slots"

Look who's joined the anti-encryption posse: Germany, come on down


"We can't allow there to be areas that are practically outside the law."

So whispering to be banned too?

Intel to Qualcomm and Microsoft: Nice x86 emulation you've got there, shame if it got sued into oblivion


I don't think I've seen many windows apps which aren't released in 32 and 64 bit flavours for a long time.

(Yes I know MS still recommend you install the 32 bit version of office. Or at least did last time I checked)


Wasn't the x64 instruction set created by AMD so why not use that rather then the old and redundant x86 instruction set or am I getting the wrong end of the stick here?

DeX Station: Samsung's Windows-killer is ready for prime time


I have an app on my iPad which does just that.

It's called Duet display.

You only need 60 bytes to hose Linux's rpcbind


Re: Mac

Cheers, I hadn't realised they shared the same code.


I've just checked a 10.12 machine at work with smb and afs sharing enabled and connected to windows domain.

Sudo netstat -l shows no rpc service bound to any tcp/ip port.


Re: Mac

Firstly the BSD implementation will be different from Linux so it's unlikely the same bug is present.

Secondly OSX has the firewall on by default and I suspect (and will confirm later) that rpcbind is not exposed through the firewall unless you enable sharing of NFS from the sharing control panel so none issue.

Personally I use PF on mine with a very tight firewall rule set.

Chap 'fixes' Microsoft's Windows 7 and 8 update block on new CPUs


Re: So? - Addendum

In my experience you'll have more luck on Linux with the dodggy Chinese webcam then you will on a recent Windows machine with driver signing turned on.

As of today, iThings are even harder for police to probe


Re: Why not ZFS?

ZFS is released on a CDDL licence.

What exactly could Oracle get sniffy about?

"Derived from the Mozilla Public License 1.1,[5] the CDDL tries to address some of the problems of the MPL.[6] Like the MPL, the CDDL is a weak copyleft license in-between GPL license and BSD/MIT permissive licenses, requiring only source code files under CDDL to remain under CDDL. Unlike strong copyleft licenses like the GPL, mixing of CDDL licensed source code files with source code files under other licenses is permitted without relicensing. The resulting compiled software product ("binary") can be licensed and sold under a different license, as long as the source code is still available under CDDL, which should enable more commercial business cases, according to Sun.[6][7][8] Like the MPL the CDDL includes a patent grant to the licensee from all contributors ("patent peace")."

Linus Torvalds lashes devs who 'screw all the rules and processes' and send him 'crap'


Re: "Does the chip vendor publish enough to let someone write a driver?"

"No, you're an idiot - because you like to offend people who have a different opinion than yours - or better, Stallman ideology you all worship.

Yes, the OP was complaining about the not working wifi, and the answer was complaining of the lack of published specs to write open source drivers. So my answer stands: why they should publish their IP for free? Because of course even binary drivers are evil in Stallman "paradise", right? So, who looks stupid? Maybe those who prefer not to have drivers because they're not open code based on open specs?"

No, it's definitely still you who looks stupid.

Uber: Please don't give our London drivers English tests. You can work out the reason why



It's one straight road.

Two new Raspberry Pi models emerge steaming from the oven


Re: Thermals

I bought an orange pi (still in the post from China) but from all I've read I'm wishing I hadn't.

Sounds like still very flakey support in the mainline kernel so most are using hacked 3.something kernel.

Also, although it has twice as much ram as a pi 3, it uses, as you mention a cortex a7 to the pi3's cortex a53 which from all I can tell absolutely smacks the little a7 to pieces.

You've quoted the lie the xulong keep repeating about the chip being 1.6ghz. It's not.

It's 1.2ghz,

1.6ghz is a factory overclock on their own dodgy linux distribution.

The SATA port sounded like a nice idea for a little file server but the SoC doesn't support SATA so it's just a little USB to SATA bridge built in which apparently performs horribly compared to the ones you' get in your average external USB hard drive.

So worse hardware, more expensive, less software support, mali gfx that will never make it to the kernel.

If I knew what I know now, I wouldn't have bothered ordering one.

Windows 10: Happy with Anniversary Update?


Re: My colleague's experience

You mean he's forgotten he turned on hidden files in explorer?

Would listen to much of his advice if he thinks the upgrade installer left that there. :-/

This is how the EU's supreme court is stripping EU citizens of copyright protections


Re: I don't fully understand...

> FB, Flickr, and other services

But all of these services have easy to use controls to specify the target audience so what the heck is your point?

You need to be a geek to choose "friends and family" option when uploading to facebook?


Re: I don't fully understand...

A URL is not a key so that's a stupid analogy.

Your example would only have some truth if the linked resource was protected by and password and along with the url you also provided the hacked username and password. Even then, this isn't copyright, it's computer misuse.

Brexit: UK gov would probably lay out tax plans in post-'leave' vote emergency budget


Re: So basically...

Not democratically elected. Like our house of Lords you mean?

Samsung: Don't install Windows 10. REALLY


Re: If proof is needed...

You've not been able to do this since Windows XP due to driver signing and so on.

VMware flushes Windows vSphere client and Adobe Flash


Re: Hosts?

Presumably the same way you always could via ssh.

Hold on a sec. When did HDDs get SSD-style workload rate limits?


Re: You can never have too much disk space (or too much memory)

A drive with no moving parts is by far preferable to the alternative in a laptop.

Really not sure why you think SSD's in laptops are a bad idea?

Apple had more CVEs than any single MS product in 2015, but it doesn't really matter


Re: Analysis

It came out on July the 24th and Windows 10 came out on the 29th so I'm just trying to understand your logic in excluding Windows 10.


Re: Analysis

>>N.b. I picked Windows 8.1 rather than Windows 10 because the latter doesn't have a full proper >>year,

And how long has Yosemite been out?


I've just had a look and that link you provided and it is even listing PHP bugs under vendor Apple so I think you might want to look again.

PHP is included in OS X but the same bug was present on all platforms. Should that count as an Apple CVE?

Dell: How to kill that web security hole we put in your laptops, PCs


Re: SOP when buying new laptop (with Windows, obviously)

Which remote desktop services would that be which are enabled by default or are you making things up?

It's been disabled by default since XP SP2.

TRANSISTOR-GATE-GATE: Apple admits some iPhone 6Ses crappier than others


Re: So Iphones are really Samsung phones?

Same chip hey? So which Android phone uses the custom designed Apple A9 then?

You want to DISRUPT my TECH? How about I DISRUPT your FACE?


What's a TNT?

Sorry, I can't search the comments to see if anyone has answered that question as Ctrl+f has been disrupted by my iPad.

We tried using Windows 10 for real work and ... oh, the horror


Re: And there's built-in ADWARE and SPYWARE

You'll be able to turn it off with group policy in the enterprise space. (obviously).


Windows 8.1 was the release in between so it's par for the course.

Windows 8.1 is the best OS Microsoft have ever made despite what the troglodytes say.

Seriously, who actually uses a start menu when since Xp sp2 it's been easier to hit the windows key and type the first few letters of the app then enter. This hasn't changed in any subsequent OS and it makes me squirm to watch supposed IT people laboriously pour over the menu searching for an icon.
