* Posts by CJatCTi

92 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Oct 2011


T-Mobile US CSO: Spies jumped from one telco to another in a way 'I've not seen in my career'


VoIP is almost never encripted

Why when we have a secure standard for voice calls, and almost everything is moving/has moved to VoIP are we still using RTP rather than SRTP for almost all phone lines?

Just watch the data stream with WireShark, select VoIP and listen to the call.

It is the same with phone hacking - someone hacks your account makes lots of call to numbers that are only there to make money, and come the morning your provider gives you a bill for £1,000 because they "have to payfor the onward leg", when it's clearly a fraudulent set of calls.

End user securty in the telecoms world does exist, & could be implimented today. Yet it's not done.

AI PCs: 'Something will have to give in 2025, and I think it's pricing'


It's the same with the car industry busy making expensive models that customers don't want then being surprised when the punters won't part with the cash and they are left with stock nobody wants.

Techie took five minutes to fix problem Adobe and Microsoft couldn't solve in two weeks


Windows Update still resetting things

We have a Windows 10 box, running some VMs, where we run update once a month, which we did on Monday night.

By mid morning on Tuesday we were getting numerus reports from people dependent on the various VMs that they were being kicked off but could get stright back in

We looked in and things OK. Looking at the logs, Windows 10 was going to Sleep every 20 mins. So running the latest Windows update re-enabled Sleep function.

Why can't they just leave setting set?

Office 2024 unveiled for Microsoft 365 refuseniks


Office 2016

By your rule MS should have stopped "updating" my Office 2016 years ago, but it keeps changing. I want them to leave it alone but they don't seem capable.

Blue screen of death or Eurovision's Windows95man performance – what's less annoying?


If you saw one of the segments breaking up the performances it was from an English sounding woman with a clipboard (Graham informed us she is very big in Sweden) which included a little song about how all the single girls go for the main scorekeeper as he’s the only heterosexual man in a place where homosexuality is the norm.

Canadian arrested for 'stealing secret' to speedy Tesla battery production


Once the process is being done in China then it's no longer yours

China has a long history of getting things made & supported there, then once they know as much as you do about making the thing, they start doing that and you are no longer needed.

As these two came from the China end of the operation, what they know is no longer secret, as all that need to know in China will already know.

Netgear hauls Huawei to court over Wi-Fi patent spat


Re: and the patents are essential to 5G

America doesn't want the world to use Huawei as it is not "secure" and we should all boycott Huawei.

America company sues Huawei so it can use it's technology and pay Huawei for the privilege.

So what if China has 7nm chips now, there's no Huawei it can make them 'at scale'


Re: another idea

I said at the time the ban was introduced that it was the fastest way to get the Chinise to develop their own technology. The never worried abour copyright, but once they have learnt all there is to know about something they stop buying them and make their own.

What is depressing is the American stupidity / arigance that they didn't see this would happen / can't belive it has.

How long before they can make better chips than the west? Less than 10 years is my guess.

Official science: People do less, make more mistakes on Friday afternoons


We call it F**kup Friday

a) There seems more chance it will go wrong

b) There is less chance that someone who can un-F**k it will be avalible

So best avoid making changes / doing updates, unless you want to have a lonely weekend reparing the damage

Silicon supply chain players plot exodus from China in wake of ASML's exit


Not just Chips

Once you have the technology in China it becomes Chinese technology and they don't need you. When I was a teenager, Dowty Mining was proud of all the pit props they sold to China, then overnight the trade stopped. The Chinese knew all they needed to know to make pit props identical to those made by Dowty, didn't care about intellectual property and stopped buying them. Dowty mining now longer exists.

Yes the Chinese will develop their own IT kit and in some areas it is bound to be better than ours, but why help them beat us?

The Chinese Empire is taking over huge pares of the world with the its belt and road initiative, poor counties are borrowing money from China to enable China to extract their minerals and then sell then Chinse goods, and when the country can’t pay they take control.

Further west they just buy infrastructural control (Piraeus harbour in Athens ), or build it (Nuclear Reactors in the UK), or just take it (islands in the south China sea)

We need to thank Mr. Putin for making the west wake up, and start to take back control of our future.

Liz Truss ousted as UK prime minister, outlived by online lettuce


Re: If a mistake is bad enough ...

Corbyn did achive one thing - without him Boris wouldn't have achived such a majority.

A favour that is to be returned to the Labour party at the next election, where they will win, not because of who they are but who they are not.

Reg reader rages over Virgin Media's email password policy


So leave

Virgin don't want to be a email provider, you don't like their password policy - so leave.

If you are a person customer then Gmail or Outlook.com are for you, if a bussiness then get a domain

Luxembourg judge hits pause on Amazon's daily payments of disputed $844m GDPR fine


Typical Govenmental Behaviour

Council Planing Inspector visits your building and says you don't comply with regs, but won't tell you what you need to do to become complyant.

EU Invents a number and expects countries / companys to pay without any acurate explination of how they got to that figure

Boeing 737 Max chief technical pilot charged with deceiving US aviation regulators over MCAS


When only companies are blamed it keeps happening again & again & again

Until individuals know that they could get caught and personally suffer, rather than hide behind "corporate responsibility" where only the shareholders loose some will keep doing bad things.

Would the banking crises of happened if traders had money taken from then when decisions they had made when bad and it was shown that it was a fiddle?

PPE somebodies decided selling polies nobody could claim on was a good idea and they still have their bonuses.

Fiddling the results to get your car through emissions test or your plane in the sky, would you have done it if you thought you would go to jail for 20 years?

And if it wasn't you save your skin and grass on the person who made you do it.

Openreach to UK businesses: Switch is about to hit the fan. Prepare for withdrawal of the copper-based phone network now or risk disruption


"more reliable services " is a lie

VoIP is intrinsically less stable, has no standards (only RFC) and many more elements to go wrong than the analogue or ISDN services it replaces. Ask anybody who uses it.

Internet connections can be iffy

Your line provider, system manufacture & handset manufacture all work to different over lapping and constantly changing RFC. Someone updates something and things stop working.

Someone makes a change in a firewall you lose your voice connection.

You are working from home over VoIP and the kids go on the X-box and your call quality is gone.

It’s cheaper, you can get unlimited lines on a single number for £1 per month or pay just £4-£6 for a channel and get free UK calls, but no way is it “more reliable”

None of standard VoIP is encrypted so people can listen into you calls from where ever, rather than locally tapping the wire.

Deloitte settled HPE's Autonomy lawsuit for $45m back in 2016 and agreed to cooperate with US DoJ


If you want iffy accounts to pass audit get the big big boys as auditors

Here is another case where you want your accounts to "pass" an audit get one of the big boys to sign them off. The situation is so bad the govenment is actualy changing / looking to change the law, what good that will do who knows.

It nice to see one of them paying for their incompedence / frudulent activity.

5-year-old Fairphone 2 is about to receive a major update to Android 9


Who still uses a 5 year old "smartphone"

Phones are getting better but how many 5 year old phones are actualy out their still working?

In the days of the Nokia Communicator and when smartphones had a physical keyboard, very few of mine reached their 2nd birthday. Now with no moving parts they last longer but with battery life / broken screens / higher hardware requiremants to be usable. Who actualy uses a 5 year old phone as their main everyday phone?

We regret to inform you the professor teaching your online course is already dead


Good way to save money

Shortly we will have had over a year of online courses being given. So that should be years 1, 2 & 3 s lectures all recorded and avalable for veiwing. Now just stop paying the lectures, and make the courses cheaper.

Measuring Course work: Use the aproch of one of my lectures in the days when we wrote ink on paper - the thicker the submision the higher the mark.

He didn't read them as even if you skim them you would see your name, and one of my class mates in the the middle of an essay wrote "Professer Wragg you don't read these do you" - no comment.

Huawei claims its alternative ecosystem to Google Mobile Services has 1.6 million devs, 73 million Euro users


Re: Go Huawei

And if wasn't for Trump ban they wouldn't have put the effort in to develop their own app store or make chips they were buying from America.

How to win a trade war - stop your competitor from buying your stuff so they develop their own and can now under you in all other markets in the rest of the world.

So your income is down & you future sales opertunities are lost - Way to go Trump

Smoke on the Tyne: Blaze at BT exchange causes major outages across North East England


Numbers Ported to VoIP still not safe

You would think if you had ported your numbers to VoIP they would have been safe. But as the BT exchange still takes the first part of the incomming call our customers lost their numbers they had ported away from BT.

Is there way to escape BT?

Windows 7: Still looking after business (except when it isn't)


Sainsbury's Cheltenham

Sainsbury's Cheltenham Customer Service PCs are on Windows 7

Come to Five Guys, where the software is as fresh as the burgers... or maybe not


Windows 7 still servising customers in Sainsburys Cheltenham

Just walking out of Sainsburies Cheltenam and I see the Wndows 7 flag flying on the PC a the customer services desk.

EU outlines 5G rules: You don't have to keep 'risky' vendors completely Huawei


It is all trade war.

America’s issues with Huawei & 5G is much more about it’s trade war with China than security.

It is data that is going to be using this network, data (much to the spies annoyance) is now end to end encrypted so what ever network it goes over it is “secure”.

So all the network manufacturer could do is shut it down. How they would sneak that access in, would be interesting with scrutiny their kit is receiving.

The only insecure is standard VoIP voice traffic, so anyone can listen into a VoIP call, and they don’t have to be the manufacture of the network to do that.

To get the data, you need to get the phone, hence the fuss with Mr Amazon’s phone or Mrs. Merkel getting hacked.

There are only a handfull of 5G newtwork manufatures, get rid of the cheap (high quality) Chinese, and we all pay more.

Where are most phones made? In China, so let ban all phones made in China, and thus make all phones so expensive nobody can afford them, an then we will be secure.

Windows 7 back in black as holdouts report wallpaper-stripping shenanigans


XP compatablity

I have a customer that has a key program that only runs on XP, (yes I know) she was running a couple of XP desktops virtulised on Windows 7, and a 100% XP on another machine.

Up until Monday 20th Jan 2020, the XP desktops could access shared drives on Windows 7 & Windows 10 machines, now they can only see other XP shares.

Do you think this could be a parting, lock down sharing gift?

Boeing aircraft sales slump to historic lows after 737 Max annus horribilis


They still haven't learnt.

The new boss's priority is to to get the MAX flying again.

How about actualy put safty first, not planes out of the door?

How about remove the software that makes it feel like a normal 737 and get it feeling like a different plane and get that new plane properly tested?

Huawexit means Huawexit! Uncle Sam gets 300 applications to dodge ban on supplying Chinese comms beast


Can't Trump see the message he sends to all manufactures in China is don't buy parts from the US, develop it locally in China.

And this is meant to help American business.

Promise of £5bn for rural fibre prompts Openreach to reach for the trench-digging diamond cutter


Don't give the money to BT

Round here GigaClear have been doing a great job connecting villages BT didn't want & I have 1000Mb/s connecton for £70

They where doing without the extra cash, why give BT more cash when others do it for less £££

Avaya considering tie-up with RingCentral to save it from fire sale – report


Re: Dinosaur Faces Extinction

In the old days phone systems like other things where all hardware. The company stopped making them and you could keep things going / expand it via the second-hand market.

Avaya IP Office customers have kit controlled by licences on an SD card, you want more IP phones, IP trunks, you need licences on that SD card to allow them to work.

No Avaya - No new licences - No changes to your system.

Your SD card fails, no licence transfer to new SD card, no phone system

Why continue to invest in an Avaya system as when they go you can’t add any more extensions even though you have the phone in your hand? Customers are going to cut and run.

You want a licence today Avaya will say you must upgrade to the latest firmware and pay £££ for no new feature that you need.

Phone systems easily last 10 years plus, it’s a good time to move on…

Who were the big beasts? Nortel - Mitel - Avaya

Nortel - BT preferred supplier for years, gone, Avaya got some of the bits

Avaya - Until One Phone BTs preferred supplier about to go

Mitel - delisted from the stock market after continuing losses and reaching share price low

So possibly I put the “s” on the wrong place - Dinosaurs Face Extinction


Dinosaur Faces Extinction

In the old days with hardware based system you could still get pard from the 2nd hand market, Now with things being all requires licences.

And when Avaya are gone, there will be a lot of systems that won't be able to expand as they will be no more licence.

Home Office told to stop telling EU visa porkies


One of the 3231

Being one of the 3231 who downloaded the app for my wife, she has an Android phone but no NFC chip, putting her phone in the same catergry as Apple owners, the hardest thing was getting my phone to find the chip in her passport.

Being organised I had also got her on the previous scheme where she proved she had been working here for over 5 years and she got a residency card, I am now told that no longer counts.

I know govenment officials only see what they want to, so I have worked on the jump through the hoops before they stop you at the airport & say you can't come back in, you don't have correct paperwork. Get it before the rush.

Now how do I get one of those visit Europe Visas?

Watch Toyota's huge basketball robot shoot a hoop, and read up on how you should think about AI and, erm, Jesus


White Boys can't shoot basketball?

What more of the vidieo https://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/7663121/813762f0/niet_lang_genoeg_om_te_basketballen.html

Why is the only back robot the one who can make the shot?

Army had 'naive' approach to Capita's £1.3bn recruiting IT contract, MPs told


What cost per recruit?

The only number i see is 1.3bn, & it would be nice to see the numbers but the Army is 80,000 strong, say they need 10,000 a year and this is a 10 year contract.

That is 1.3bn foe 0.1m or £13,000 to recrute each person. Why not save the money on the over heads (oh silly me the is the MoD) and just advertise a £10,000 bonus you can collect after 5 years service?


Re: Actually...

Why does the govenment keep spend our money with orgaisations that have a record of failure in delivering govenment contracts?

Is there some company that ever delivers govenment contracts to specification and on budget?

xHamster reports spike in UK users getting their five-knuckle shuffle on before pr0n age checks


Re: I don't think that's how it goes, though

The best king of boots to fill..

When I was at collage a friend from the Forest of Dean said Motor Bike boots where they best as they had straps on the side and that way the sheep's legs could be strapped against yours and you would get your legs scrached as much as in normal boot.

Tumblr resorts to AI in attempt to scrub itself clean from filth


Human moderators are thick too

My wife tried to sell her old brest pump for expressing milk, now our baby is on solids and Facebook Market blocked it. She then just called <brand name> pump for experssing milk, they blocked the brest free version too. She appealed and the human moderator replyed the Market Place didn't let you sell sex toys.

So with anything looking like skin being banned the site will stop getting any visitors very soon

BT, beware: Cityfibre reveals plan to shovel £2.5bn under Britain's rural streets


We alread have 1Gb fibre to "The Old Farmhouse" for under £80 per month

GigaClear is already delivering to Cotswold villages and any back water in the area.

I look out of my office window and watch the piggies in the farmers back garden.

If others play their cards right BT won't have a busness in 10 years time.

They are moving everyone to VoIP with out a cost effective offering & now the lines / Internet conectivity will be from others.

Possibly BT sport is all that will be left.

Once can but hope

Nokia scores a $3.5bn deal to inflict 5G on T-Mobile customers


Stop 5G

Don't waste money on 5G kit, just get 100% 3G coverage through out the UK if you want happy customers.

Try keeping a call on a train or in pub in the country with stone walls.

UK.gov commits to rip-and-replacing Blighty's wheezing internet pipes


Why so long? & BT is toast

Living in a Cotswold village BT gave up on FTTC for us so Gigaclear cabled us and I now pay £70 per montth for 1Gb up & down. Considering the villages in the middle of nowhere that now have this service which has come from BT saying F-You to FTTP in under 3 years, why so long for you city folk to catch up?

BT is now toast their hosted service is 3 times that of others, they wont let you connect to their SIP trunks unless you buy their overpriced hadware, now the Internet backbone is going to be provided by others, what will they do?

About to install the Windows 10 April 2018 Update? You might want to wait a little bit longer


Forced Changes

When you have a boot manager for dual booting Windows 10 or Linux, it gets disabled so you can only boot into Windows 10.

One Drive auto sync gets installed & loads on boot even when you have removed One Drive from the PC

There will be blood: BT to axe 13,000 employees


They are getting out of PSTN - so they don't need so many people

The market is moving to VoIP, so bussness & residental only need an Internet connection - 1 per customer. No switching voice at the exchanges, no income from phone calls, so they need less people.

But you can garentee the ones that go will be the ones who know how things work & how to get things done.

Apple, if you want to win in education, look at what sucks about iPads


If money is really tight

If money is really tight why are schools buying apple products, when android is cheaper and better?

PM urged to protect data flows post-Brexit ahead of Munich speech


Project Fear is still alive and well at camp remoan.

In all these stories just substitute US for EU and you see what rubbish it is,

We are at the top table with the US for spying on people, and we are not part of the north american trade alliance.

The EU & UK will still find a way to share info outside any currently being negotiated stitch up where we keep paying our money to subsidise life in Eastern Europe.

No, Windows 10 hasn’t beaten Windows 7’s market share. Not for sure, anyway

Big Brother

What about next year

I under a year Windows 7 will have joined XP as unsupported.

With the end of XP there was a reasonable alternative, so what is going to happen over this year?

BT boss: Yeah, making a business case for 5G is hard


Re: queer

You want your taxes wasted get the govemment doing it.

5G is sexy & you don't want the UK left behind do you minister?

Here sign here & show the UK is open for business.


BT having to justify to it's share holders why they spent billions on a technology that wasn't needed rather than giving them lots of dividend.

I don't know about getting 4G everywhere, I would be happy with 100% 3G coverage on any one network rather than having to have a dual SIM phone EE + Vodafone to hope for coverage

Avaya thinks it's found a new voice, by singing the same old song


£6000 or we end support

Avaya customer came to me as their current support company had just told them

"Avaya IP Office have replaced their current contact center software with one that does less and you have to upgrade to it as support for last years version ends in 6 weeks. Give us £6,000 to "upgrade" or we will stop supporting your system."

Avaya charges resellers for each customer they have or they can't get bug fixes

Avaya have upset the channel that much that we are all happy to have a reason not to sell their kit.

I agree with the editor of Comms Business when he predicted that 3 years after Avaya gets out of chapter 11 they will cease to be.

Do we need Windows patch legislation?


All products have a support life

All products have a support life, after that it's tough.

But we have to keep using "x" as "y" will only work on that.

Possibly you should have made a better choice than "y" or ensured it would run in a broader environment.

How much only works in IE or IE6?

New Royal Navy Wildcat helicopters can't transmit vital data


Re: And they have to land to ask for directions !!!

It reads as it was a UK pilot "The Ministry of Defence said the pilot had been taking part in a visual orientation exercise when he lost his bearings." And look at the size of the thing.


And they have to land to ask for directions !!!

Watch the video on BBC news http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-38996750 of Helicopter pilot lands to ask for directions in Kazakhstan.

And it that doesn't worry you about the competency of the West, compare these photos of defence ministers


AMD's had a horrible 2016: Never mind, it lost slightly less than half a billion this time


Just get some easy names

Intel have:

i3 for just Web folk

i5 for people who run office

i7 for people who need full power

AMD have a series of numbers than mean nothing to "normal" folk

You have the right to be informed: Write to UK.gov, save El Reg


Should it be two laws not one?

Self regulation has failed every time in the past which is why we are where we are now. And the IPSO is not what Leverson proposed, the big papers have just put forward their option & the government has said OK.

There are two levels of exposure, the dailys specialise in personal (who slept with who) & corporate corruption which doesn't sell papers.

I don't care who slept with who, but I don't want my taxes being wasted because of back handers, contracts being awarded due to corruption & the SFO is a waste of space. Magazines get this into the public domain, and are happy to challenged in court, but why should they pay for a regulator that isn't designed to cover their reporting?
