* Posts by Wiseman82

1 publicly visible post • joined 1 Oct 2011

Don't bother with that degree, say IT pros

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I wouldn't advise people against going to university, but I would recommend that people consider their options very carefully. A lot of people opt to do a degree without thinking much about what they want to do at the end of it and what the industry is looking for in terms of qualifications.

I decided to go down the professional certification route instead of doing a degree and I haven't regretted that choice. I think it's opened up more doors for me than a degree would have. Jobs often ask for "degree or equivalent" - I've applied for such jobs and been successful with my IT Pro certifications alone. I don't think I've missed an opportunity because of a lack of degree. Having said that, I'm sure a degree would still add value to my CV.

In my opinion experience is far more valuable than any qualification, but you do need to have something on your CV in terms of academic or professional qualification.

I think degrees work for some people when they include a placement year - this can give people experience and a foot in the door that might actually be more valuable than the degree itself.

Although I think IT certifications are generally more relevant, they do have a limited shelf life. A degree is for life, but IT certifications will either expire or become irrelevant over time. Anyone working in IT needs to keep their skills up-to-date regardless though - degree or no degree.