I bleive that US army used to allow privatly owned wepons
Patton was famous for it and certainly Mad Jack Churchils longbow and broad sword where not oficial issue wepons
26 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Sep 2011
re OSI vs TCP/IP not due to the licensing it was just that TCP/IP was cheap and cheerful and dodged a lot of hard problems. OSI was/is hard sums and required developers to be a lot more professional whereas a lot of the TCP/IP standards and tools are "good enough for jazz" efforts knocked together by grad students .
And OSI was very cutting edge TCP/IP took years if not decades to develop mail to the point where it could do what X.400 could do. And X.500 if fully implemented far exceeds what DNS can do now.
And BTW I used to work on BT’s X.400 and X.500 products its just that some times the Best technical solution doesn’t win VHS vs Betamax for example.