Re: WTF?
Actually - Mythbusters did that. They wanted to know whether guys' attractiveness was judged by the size of their wallets and women by physical features. Turns out yes in both cases
6 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Sep 2011
As a heavy user of Reader, it's only natural I would be annoyed. But I hardly think that I'm a leach on Google. Surely the feeds that I subscribe to add to the mining data Google acquires about me, and that is an exchange that I'm willing to make. I've also paid for the "professional" services Google offers (docs/drive, mail etc) for the last few years, and this only serves to emphasise the point that hitching yourself to the cloud is a high-risk endeavour. Service providers can whisk away their offerings at ay point leaving you high and dry. (ActiveState did that a while back with their dropped Firefly service and I got burnt by that too. It makes me question getting involved with their other cloud services such as Stackato.)