* Posts by kilgore trout

6 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Sep 2011

Yes, people see straight through male displays of bling (they're only after a fling)

kilgore trout

Re: WTF?

Actually - Mythbusters did that. They wanted to know whether guys' attractiveness was judged by the size of their wallets and women by physical features. Turns out yes in both cases

Facebook tells Viz to f**k right off

kilgore trout

I don't get it

Facebook did as Facebook does. We always knew what it would do, and yet everyone acts surprised and outraged...

Internet finally ready to replace answering machine cassette tape

kilgore trout

"I don't want the whole world .... I just want your half"

Google+ architect: What was so great about Reader anyway?

kilgore trout

The pitfall of the cloud

As a heavy user of Reader, it's only natural I would be annoyed. But I hardly think that I'm a leach on Google. Surely the feeds that I subscribe to add to the mining data Google acquires about me, and that is an exchange that I'm willing to make. I've also paid for the "professional" services Google offers (docs/drive, mail etc) for the last few years, and this only serves to emphasise the point that hitching yourself to the cloud is a high-risk endeavour. Service providers can whisk away their offerings at ay point leaving you high and dry. (ActiveState did that a while back with their dropped Firefly service and I got burnt by that too. It makes me question getting involved with their other cloud services such as Stackato.)

Netflix tempts binge viewers with House of Cards pilot freebie

kilgore trout

I just watched the original House of Cards on the US Netflix. I'm curious to know how the new version holds up

Byte-dock MacBook Pro port replicator

kilgore trout

Apple have just released a new dock - the new Thunderbolt display. All USB, Firewire and ethernet cables are plunge into the monitor, which in turn connects via Thunderbird to the notebook, while also providing the power. Course, it's a bit more expensive than the kit being reviewed....