AI Wooo
Here's a suggestion, how about actually maintaining the roads before they wear out?
Also, how about investigating tapping into the data recorded by Waze users, you can log potholes / road hazards on there?
19 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Sep 2011
For me and a mate it was Commander Keen, Hexen and Heretic, we had an office with just the two of us in desktops strategically placed away from casual gaze. We had been given notice our jobs were at risk with notice set at 6 months so I think fair game we were slacking however our newly in post Chief Exec (who ordered the reorg) wandered past, popped his head in and cluelessly said "good to see people hard at work" as we furiously concentrated on said games before wandering off none the wiser...
Yeah trouble is photovoltaic efficiency tails off dramatically with heat, which will also increase with lenses, ever used a magnifying glass on a piece of wood? Heliostat based solar energy seems to be a good idea until you see what happens in practice with the decimation of local bird populations via fiery death when they venture into the path...
Sorry, you have made a basic schoolboy error and utterly failed to understand the data. Increased COVID diagnoses are an artefact of the significant increase in testing and does not provide a useful picture especially as 80% of people diagnosed only experience minor symptoms.
The facts are that patients ill enough to require hospital admission are dropping significantly, those patients newly diagnosed on admission are dropping significantly, numbers dying are reducing, those are facts. Now there may well be a second hump with new freedoms, we have yet to see, no doubt changes will be made if that occurs but at the moment there is plenty of capacity in the hospital system. At my own trust we are only using half our bed capacity and the expanded ITU is less than half full. The NHS is already gearing up to restart its elective work, albeit with increased safeguards.
Hopefully that’s helped you better understand but I suspect deaf ears don’t listen!
Sorry Anon Shoutycrackers but I actually do the analytics at an NHS trust and the numbers of admissions with COVID and numbers of patients being diagnosed with COVID peaked at the end of March and has been dropping like a stone since, something which is being replicated across the country hence gradual lifting of lockdown without needing everyone to look like they are ready to rob a bank.
As an NHS analyst I can tell you you are talking utter shite, as someone who actually needs access to patient record level data to ensure patients are getting the best possible outcomes and not getting out of hospital the wrong way it is now nigh on impossible to get hold of data with NHS no in clear unless you have a very clear right to view for direct patient care or for contract challenges. In fact even just getting hold of fully pseudonymised non PI data is seemingly nigh on impossible as it is all now tied up in IG hell.
Oh hi Mark 63, as someone who actually works for the NHS rather than pontificating from my sofa here's a bit of a wake up call bizarrely the various bits of the NHS aren't allowed to share data due to information governance rules put in place to keep the tin foil hatters in the world happy......... Yup as an analyst trying to improve the chances of you surviving your inevitable emergency admission at near the endpoint of your life I'm not allowed to string together all the various events that happen to patients to work out how we improve the service and reduce mortality rates. From your point of view every time you contact whatever part of the NHS you speak to they will have no idea of whats happened when you've contacted other bits of the service, joys of cutting the NHS into separate legal entities and paranoia about IG.... Nottalottapeopleknowthat...
No probs for me, everything PS+ was supposed to deliver it has and enjoying the shedload of freebie games, Red Dead Redemption this month..... Just running out of hard drive space!
Very much appreciating the 1Gb cloud game save feature, filled the original 150Mb a couple of months back.
Interesting point there re: pink slime, whats the difference between pink slime / "lips n arseholes" ground up in cheap sausages and nose to tail eating, as advocated by the right-on middle class foodies like HFW??
Surely both respect the animal by using it as much as possible?? Yet one instigates gasps of horror and scenes of revulsion by said foodies and the other is lapped up!
Ah the joys of tormenting the numpty shop staff.....
On the BBC micro you could control the tape relay and disable the Break key in BBC Basic. We used to set up a simple delay using a for next loop to give us time to escape (usually 30 seconds or so) followed by a goto loop that rapidly switched the tape relay making a loud annoying buzzing noise. The only way to stop it was to ctrl-break (which most of the numpties didnt know about) or pulling the power.... Happy days....