Wait a minute...
The unions are basically taking hostages and the ringleaders aren't being thrown in jail? Okay, you're upset about loosing all those people paying you dues, but in no way does that make it okay to effectively kidnap people!
10 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jun 2007
I know I was able to drag music to this thing when I first got it. I wanted to try out the speakers on it, so I dropped his copy of (mob)Scene right into the phone. However, once I took the phone home and actually synched it with my mac, I can no longer drag and drop, even when I turn synching off. Perhaps try it on the computer of someone with a fresh install of iTunes that has no information about your iPhone on it. Just don't let it even think about synching :P
I must be inside the Steve Jobs Reality Distortion Field or something, but on my Vista computer I have no issues with Safari 3 Beta, and it runs blazingly fast. No blurry text, no missing bold, no crazy broken languages, or odd errors. I also have to appreciate the restore last session thing though (the one feature that was holding me fast to Firefox) as occasionally I can mis-click and close something I didn't want to or whatnot.