Re: On sale at 6am.
Michael M - the Reg Hardware lads had the news up at 6.02am. This is the follow-up.
3496 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Sep 2011
"depression-busting hallucinogen" is the sub-headline rather than a scientific finding, I make no apologies for that. No where does this article say that a wonder cure has been found - it reports on the possibilities and on the findings. Look at this quote:
"Previous studies have suggested that psilocybin can improve people's sense of emotional wellbeing and even reduce depression in people with anxiety. This is consistent with our finding that psilocybin decreases mPFC activity, as many effective depression treatments do.
"The effects need to be investigated further, and ours was only a small study, but we are interested in exploring psilocybin's potential as a therapeutic tool."
Riddle me that.
The ad hominem attacks aside, thanks for bringing the NHS article to our attention - although I can't think why the government-run public health system is trying to spin away the studies.
However having read the NHS blog piece and then gone back to the scientist who led the work and Prof Nutt's views, their quotes tell a different story to the one you're punting.
You sound a bit anxious - in fact, I may be able to suggest just the thing for you...
Fair points, especially about Primark and that end of the high street, although I note that Sainsbury's "record" sales equated to a 2.1% increase - but as you say, not bad for a recession.
The point we were trying to convey is that the traditional tech/gadget/electronics end of our shopping centres is having a hard time against competition from the web.
I was following you up until you suddenly dropped the w-bomb. What the hell? Anyway, the fact of the matter is this: boffin is an endearing term, it's great for headlines, but I'll try my best to steer towards other great words.
Every time someone complains about 'boffin', we get an email or comment from a clever cloggs who took the word in good jest. And you can call us hacks, it doesn't bother us. We hold proper scientists in high regard.
Well, it was written by Out-Law, which is a law firm and partner of The Reg. Like all court cases (especially ones involving libel) it has to be carefully constructed for legal reasons. The piece could be shorter, I grant you, but then we could be accused of dumbing down what is a tricky area of law, leaving out details or similar.