Re: Who did century link have to blow?
"Just OOI. Is that an advert for Century Link?"
No - although it would have been nice to have more operators in the story, they responded in time for the article to go up before the weekend.
"El Reg couldn't find any other DC operators in SFO?"
The hurricane is hitting the other side of the country - SF has nothing to do with it.
"What has happened in Vulture Towers !"
Sometimes we write positive things. Non-sarky articles aren't adverts. Anything that's paid for has 'Promo' on it and is very clear that it's an advert - it's usually plugging a webcast or event.
In this case, Azure was knocked over by a tropical storm, a hurricane was incoming to the east coast, so we tried to get hold of a few DC operators to see how they were dealing with it.
Sheesh. No pleasing some people.