* Posts by diodesign

3493 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Sep 2011

I'm on the naughty step

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: I'm on the naughty step

Hi - it's because you posted a correction as a comment, when we have an email address for that. We flag up people who post corrections as comments so we can check each comment for future corrections. We don't have time to read every comment, but we do have time to read corrections@.

The correction was: incorrect picture of aircraft on a story about WW2 bombers.


While the UN laughed at Trump, hackers chortled at the UN's lousy web application security

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: JcRabbit

"if the moderators stopped waiting HOURS to approve my posts"

It's Friday - we were probably in the pub, on the way to the pub, or writing fast to get to the pub. Or home.

"basically censoring anyone who doesn't follow the leftist narrative."

That's a hard "no" from me.


Bombing raids during WWII sent out shockwaves powerful enough to alter the Earth's ionosphere

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: C'mon, we're all anoraks round here

Fine, fixed - we were concentrating too much on the tech rather than the illustration.


Nameless Right To Be Forgotten Google sueball man tries Court of Appeal – yet again

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: "El Reg are responsible."

We're responsible regardless of moderation - this isn't defamation, which has caveats; this is contempt of court, which does not.


Linux kernel's 'seat warmer' drops 4.19-rc5 with – wow – little drama

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

"if Linux is permanently destroyed because of this"

Newsflash: It won't.


Amid Trump-China tariff tiff, Cisco kit prices to resellers soar up to 25%

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: Jack of Shadows

"Tariffs are 10% currently, only going to 25% Jan 1, 2019"

That's on the $200bn, I do believe. That initial $50bn is split into 10% on $34bn and 25% on $16bn.


Microsoft's Jet crash: Zero-day flaw drops after deadline passes

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: Kolsek

Thanks - I've added an update.


Developer goes rogue, shoots four colleagues at ERP code maker

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: The bottom line

> banning guns would not do anything to eliminate the injury or killing of innocent people

Not do *anything* huh? Kinda reminds of that that classic Onion headline that pops up every time there's a mass shooting..

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens


Docker fave Alpine Linux suffers bug miscreants can exploit to poison containers

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: any CVE?

Not that we're aware of.


Renegade 3D-printing gunsmith Cody Wilson on the run in Taipei from child sex allegations

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: Jito463

> Why didn't you write "*alleged* assault victim"?

Because the sentence that uses "assault victim" is already bookended with caveats: it starts "The paperwork claimed" and ends with "according to police."

Edit: I've adjusted the wording anyway, on second thoughts, to make it more human - teenager rather than the jargony "assault victim". But my point still stands.


diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: "So where's the assault?"

It's sexual assault to have sex with someone too young to legally consent – hence the words "sexual" and "assault" on the US Marshals' wanted poster.

"You should be better than this."

You should give us the benefit of the doubt more. We've been reporting criminal investigations since 1998.

(Wilson is presumed innocent until proved guilty, and this comment and the linked article relate to the allegations made against him.)


'Men only' job ad posts land Facebook in boiling hot water with ACLU

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: mtnbiker1185

"why hasn't the ACLU gone after insurance companies for offering cheaper car insurance to women than men, or younger drivers than older ones?"

Why don't young men drive safer?

"Just because they charge you based on your level of risk doesn't mean it isn't discrimination....."

There's being offered a higher rate because of your gender, and being offered no job at all because of your gender. I guess it's a matter of priorities.


diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: Brilliant!

"the Men's Rights Project"

Oh, you mean, the United States legislative process?


diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: bvsimmons

"The female consumer targeted by said retailer might be a blogger"

I swear to God this stuff - equality, equal opportunities and codes of conduct - are major overthought by critics when it's really not rocket science.

It is pretty simple. If you advertise for a role and you immediately disregard a whole gender or generation, then that's not equal opportunities - not to be confused with equal abilities.

And job opportunities and blogging... ah, you're just overcomplicating a situation to bend it into a narrative.


diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: Use your brains

I wish you'd use your brains.

You're missing the point of equal opportunities: there shouldn't be unfair barriers to people applying for a job. When there's a chance a woman would be just as good as a man – and vice versa – then discriminating at an early stage on gender is unfair.

Literally on another story about women in tech people were griping that women aren't being excluded from anything. Well, see above. It's *equal* *opportunities* to apply and be considered.

Next, you cannot compare job application barriers to retail targeting. It's apples and pears.


The internet – not as great as we all thought it was going to be, eh?

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: "you're actually just still down the pub, then fine."

If there's more than 30 minutes delay in moderating then either everyone's busy or everyone's out of the office.


Git it girl! Academy tries to tempt women into coding with free course

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: codejunky

"same access, same classes, same opportunity"

That's point: they don't. They turn up to computer club and get the cold shoulder. They apply to do maths and IT GCSEs and get told to try another subject. They get told computers and machines aren't for girls. They get told by parents, teachers, friends, TV and film.

They go to university and get harassed. They apply for jobs but lose out to a guy who's not as good as them. They get sidelined at work for being the wrong gender.

You're naive beyond belief if you think women get exactly the same opportunities to succeed as men in STEM.

That's why there's this sudden push to get women interested in tech. Previously, they were pushed away from it.


diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: codejunky

"With all the sickening 'you go girl' girls"

Prosecution rests.


diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: "they aren't interested"



diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: Schools need to step up to the plate

"You can go around all you like encouraging girls to study computing, but you also have to lean on schools to actually offer the courses."

Exactly this. There's no point claiming women (or anyone, really) aren't any good at maths and science and computing if they were never taught the subjects in the first place - or put off from them.

Something else to think about: I pretty much learned programming myself, from BASIC to assembler to C and onwards, from books and peers. There also has to be that encouragement for all people to self-learn - not just boys - if they've got the natural knack.

Have we all forgotten that a big chunk of the earliest computer programmers were women? Women didn't suddenly just get dumb after 1969.


diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: "force more men to become midwives."

You're missing the fact that from an early age women are discouraged, in various ways, from pursuing tech / sci / eng careers. From cultural cliches to prejudice to harassment to bias, it all has an effect.

Of course, not every woman wants to be in tech, and just like every bloke won't make a good boffin, not every woman will make one either. But some of those women who would have made excellent engineers and techies are pushed out, put off, or discriminated against before they have a chance to develop a career.

It's funny - and by that I mean, not so funny - that women are nudged into low-paid, messy professions that men don't want to do. When some women stand up and say "I want a good career with computers", this sort of thread kicks off.


diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: Ha

"Is this a suggestion women are too thick to pick a career in IT that they inherently want?"

You are blind to the fact that women are put off IT / tech / science / eng careers by everything going on around them at a young age. Cliches, prejudice, bias... it's not that women are too thick - i know and know of plenty of excellent women engineers - it's that they are discouraged.


Florence and the Machines: Data centers brace as hurricane smashes into US coast

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: Who did century link have to blow?

"Just OOI. Is that an advert for Century Link?"

No - although it would have been nice to have more operators in the story, they responded in time for the article to go up before the weekend.

"El Reg couldn't find any other DC operators in SFO?"

The hurricane is hitting the other side of the country - SF has nothing to do with it.

"What has happened in Vulture Towers !"

Sometimes we write positive things. Non-sarky articles aren't adverts. Anything that's paid for has 'Promo' on it and is very clear that it's an advert - it's usually plugging a webcast or event.

In this case, Azure was knocked over by a tropical storm, a hurricane was incoming to the east coast, so we tried to get hold of a few DC operators to see how they were dealing with it.

Sheesh. No pleasing some people.


Euro bureaucrats tie up .eu in red tape to stop Brexit Brits snatching back their web domains

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: Thank you, Boris …

FYI the article author, and his editor who did the headlines, are anti-Brexit, but like all good journalists, that shouldn't stop them from pointing out where EU officials are being unhelpfully petty.

It is possible to be in favor of the four freedoms of the EU, and the importance of being within that union, while still critical of the bureaucracy.


You'll never guess what you can do once you steal a laptop, reflash the BIOS, and reboot it

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: The Cold Shoulder?

There, added a couple in the caption.


Like tax? Love networks? UK taxmen have a job just for you

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

FWIW - IBM is making CDS, not CHIEF. CHIEF is ICL.


Do you really think crims would do that? Just go on the 'net and exploit a Windows zero-day?

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: "Given this is a local escalation problem only"

I think you're overlooking the fact that this exploit gives you full system control - rather than running as a normal user.


diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: How does a machine first get infected, usual suspects?

Yes. d) all the above.


Thunderstruck: Azure Back in Black(out) after High Voltage causes Flick of the Switch

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: Title should be

Sensing some resistance to our AC/DC puns. Get it, AC, DC. Works on many levels.

(Also, think we've done real-fake clouds.)


Conference alert: Think you can save money by going Serverless?

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: At least it's a subtle advertisement.

"Spam Posing as News"

Well, it is for an event we organize - so forgive us for spreading the word on our own things.


We've found another problem with IPv6: It's sparked a punch-up between top networks

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

"Can someone please explain the above paragraph?"

I've reworded it to make it simpler. Basically, if you shift 1PB of data a day from your network through another network, and they shift 1PB of data a day from their network through your network, you pay each other the same amount and thus pay each other zero.

If you're a small network, and you run a lot of traffic through a larger network, and the larger player doesn't route much through you, then you need to cough up for the bandwidth difference.

Both of these scenarios involves a peering agreement - the latter involving money.

Hope this helps.


Jupiter suffered growing pains before becoming our system's big daddy

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: Doh!

Software has bugs, and articles have brainfarts. It's fixed. Don't forget to email corrections at theregister dot com if you spot any errors.


Everybody dance now: Watch this AI code fool friends into thinking you can cut a rug like a pro

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: This "tech" has been used to create fake porn videos

Yes, as we previously reported and linked to. Fact is, oh, fuck it.

Post less, lurk more. Jesus fucking christ.


Muslim American woman sues US border cops: Gimme back my seized iPhone's data!

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: Why such unrelated cases?

Because they're the ones Lazoja's lawyers cited.


Use Debian? Want Intel's latest CPU patch? Small print sparks big problem

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: Seems a bit SNL...

Well, the original article made Intel rewrite its license - it wasn't quite "never mind" for a day or so.


Do you NVMe? Pure Storage smirks at rivals amid 34% sales surge

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

"on a non-GAAP basis"

FWIW we tend to stick to GAAP.

C (the other Chris).

Who's king of the hyperconverged castle? Dell or Nutanix? It's not as clear-cut as it seems

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: Didn't understand the differences in the numbers

IDC thinks $306m for Dell HCI. Aaron thinks $286m Dell HCI ($611m Dell total - $325m VMware). Now the figures are a little closer.


Wait, did you hear that? That rumbling in the distance? Sounds like... a 16-socket IBM Power9 box shuffling this way

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Up to 4,000 or more

Yeah, yeah, we know it's odd. Check the spec sheet, it's what IBM says. I think the point is, you can go up to 4,000 on your own steam, and if you need more, Big Blue can make it happen.


Western Digital develops a new soft spot for the hyper-converged world – a software spot, that is

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge


Sadly, not one we can redistribute for free - we paid for the one on the article.


Did you know: Lawyers can certify web domain ownership? Well, not no more they ain't

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: Drew 11

We've been writing about DNSSEC and DANE for ages.

DNSSEC is, unfortunately right now, to use another acronym, a PITA. But I'll add a link to make you happy.


diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: A "phoencall"?

Jsut a tpyo. If you sopt aytnhnig wrnog, dorp us an eiaml - corrections@theregister.com - and we'll fix tehm sritahgt aawy.


Dear alt-right morons and other miscreants: Disrupt DEF CON, and the goons will 'ave you

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

"Please don't bring the bad stuff in here."

No, time to get your head out of the sand, and do something about it. It's not even as if political-related stuff is more than 10% of what we write about every week or month.

This British vid has always stuck with me - "I don't do politics" - check it out.



Serverless Computing: Here's an easy way to save £££s from the start

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: Yeah, we don't need a new buzzword

It's perhaps a little odd, but the thinking behind it – and none of us came up with the term – is that if you do it right, you're not thinking about host or virtual servers any more.

Obviously, there are servers involved. They're abstracted away, though, hence the, er, less bit.


Facebook deletes 17 accounts, dusts off hands, beams: We've saved the 2018 elections

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: Storm in a Tea-Cup

These posts - like the last ones - were mainly done to stir up divisions in the US rather than just flat out say 'vote for X'.


Hey, don't route the messenger! Telegram redirected through Iran by baffling BGP leak

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: Unep Eurobats

El Reg has embraced quantum journalism – we are in a superposition between British and American English.


Trump 'not normal' FCC commish reveals amid Sinclair-Tribune mega-media-merger meltdown

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: tom dial

Oh – indeed, we've covered it here

Net neutrality: Email trail reveals how Prez Obama bent the FCC to his will


Net neutrality, Obama, FCC, Title II:Your ESSENTIAL guide to WTF is happening

...for example. Guess the point here is it's perhaps not normal for the prez to weigh into a merger based on such raw politics (right v left media) rather than policy (how to define an ISP).


Politicians fume after Amazon's face-recog AI fingers dozens of them as suspected crooks

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Ehhhh, we were gonna leave it to the comments to make the obvious gag link.


Editing post seems permitted if system clock is set back

diodesign Silver badge

I highly suspect it is enforced on the server-side - if you find otherwise, let us know.


Big bad Bluetooth blunder bug battered – check for security fixes

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: Re: Is it initial pairing, or every session ?

FWIW we wrote about this because it's an interesting crypto bug (which will need patching eventually to be on the safe side) rather than a terrifying end-of-days hack.


Core blimey! Apple macOS update lifts boot from MacBook Pro neck

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Firmware bug

This is (BTW) explained in the story – Apple used Intel's defaults in a hardware register controlling power usage. Those defaults are unsuitable for MBP laptops.

FWIW, the MSR is supposedly unchanged by the update: it's still on its desktop default. Apple appears to be loading extra software that controls power usage at a higher level.
