I don't believe anyone accused him of actual crimes so when you say no crimes were proven, it's a bit of a strawman. ICBW on that: we didn't TTBOMK report him breaking any laws, alleged or otherwise.
The criticisms against him were that he was crashingly insensitive or naive about sensitive topics, and that he allegedly did things like, as a senior academic, ask 19 year old students out on dates within minutes of meeting them. It just creeps people out after a while.
He suggested that the possession of sexual material of minors, and even sex between an adult and a child, should be legal under the assumption that a minor could consent to it and everything would be OK. I believe he later backtracked on all or most of that stuff.
Bottom line is, his colleagues in the community just didn't like him any more. And when the press covered that tension, it was all wrongly interpreted - for some weird reason - as an attack on Free software. Free software has and had nothing to do with it.
This was all on RMS and his behavior. I'm aware of the concept of free speech and that folks should generally support those with differing opinions, and all that, but if people find you sketchy on the basis of your attitude and comments, don't be surprised if they don't want to keep you in their community.
You don't invite back the loudmouth bore who scared away guests at a previous party.