* Posts by Packet

167 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Sep 2011


Apple sprays down bug-ridden iOS 11 with more fixes


Re: Can you please...

You need a Mac to create a profile that will then stop forcing you to upgrade.

This site walks you through it:


There were some public sites that allowed you to do this, but a couple I tried seem to be down at the moment. More's the pity. Be a good fellow and set one up, will you?

Quentin Tarantino in talks to make Star Trek movie


Spock quoting a Vulcan version of Ezekiel 25:17?

I'd pay to see that

"the path of the logical man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men..."

Apple iOS 11 security 'downgrade' decried as 'horror show'


Re: What The AF?


You get it - there's nothing to see here.

But some pillock did downvote you in their mad fruity hate


Re: I don't get this article at all.

After going through the Apple support document, what I've managed to figure out is this:

You set a password on your iTunes backup in iTunes - this password is different from your phone passcode/passphrase - it's only for the iTunes backup.

It does not affect the passcode/passphrase on your iPhone/iPad.

Furthermore, this passcode is then used for all subsequent backups for that device on iTunes

Without that password, you cannot restore that backup.

I am guessing the issue is this encrypted backup policy might apply to any computer running iTunes that the device syncs with - not 100% sure on that though,

But in iOS 11, they've allowed a reset of the backup password to allow creating a new backup 'volume' - still can't touch the old encrypted backup. That's gone forever.

But now they allow creating a new backup password and doing a new backup (and a new restore, if necessary).

That makes sense actually - why be locked out in perpetuity for an old backup set that you can delete and never use?


I don't get this article at all.

The only thing that makes sense is the Twitter rebuttal.

Everything else is sheer WTF-ery.

I restored a password-encrypted iOS 11 backup from one device to another using iTunes and there was no way to reset the password without unlocking the device as usual.

Universal basic income is a great idea, which is also why it won't happen


UBI to me begs the questions: "where does this money come from? Who dispenses it?"

Answer: the government from tax revenues / nationalized industry the products of which it sells (mostly outside its border to a non UBI state or perhaps locally if it's just more than break-even.

Basically, comes down to a government / state controlling everything you do - and the gradual erosion of personal choices and liberties as they're seen to be at a higher cost, etc.

No, thank you - I refuse to live in such a dystopian world.

It's 2017 – and your Windows PC can be forced to run malware-stuffed Excel macros


I can't help but feel self-satisfied and yet disheartened at the world of software every time I hear/read of a Adobe Flash / Adobe PDF Reader vulnerability.

Self-satisfied because I ditched that rubbish about 3 odd years ago (Flash is unnecessary and in-browser PDF renderer is perfectly fine when needed)

Disheartened because it brings into sharp focus the issues of software quality in the world...


Re: Dear MS, you suck arse.

An excellent example of why MS is becoming less popular in the enterprise and with home users too.

Despite the sheer UI mish-mash that is Windows 8-10, it's the maintenance / attacked by something / cleanup after aspect that has become way too cumbersome.

They've lost the mobile war - portable hardware aka Surface next to follow...

Coinhive crypto-jacking increasingly pops up in top 3 million websites


Genie out of the bottle

Now that drive by crypto-mining is possible with js, i think the next step may be for browser manufacturers to detect this type of js functionality and block it from running...

that's my guess anyway

Over a million Android users fooled by fake WhatsApp app in official Google Play Store


Oh the joys of beholding the cesspool that is Android and the Google Play Store...

(go ahead and downvote, you know it's true)

For fanbois only? Face ID is turning punters off picking up an iPhone X


Re: I was using FaceId (or whatever)

I'm willing to bet money Apple customers do NOT want an SD slot.

Even the Android lot have gone away from it.

It's just another form of media that can go bad / be lost anytime and take your data with it.

Much better / simpler to send that data to a cloud provider - either vendor provided or third-party.

Car trouble: Keyless and lockless is no match for brainless


On the subject of cars, what I find quite interesting (and a little distressing) is how the boot (or trunk for us colonials) has a mechanism allowing it to be unlocked from the inside.

Rather puts a damper on the entire gangster bit of stuffing some squealer in there while one drives to the landfill/secluded area of choice.

This in turn always reminds me of the scene with De Niro in Analyze This(?) where he expounds on the large size allowing many bodies to be fit inside..

Man: Just 18 Bitcoin babies and my home is yours


What I don't understand...

How do you convert the bitcoins to the local currency of your domicile - so you can actually buy stuff?

Or does the grocer accept BTC now?

Windows 10 Fall Creators Update tackles IT's true menace: Cheating gamers


Seen this issue on both Nvidia and Intel.

But graphics driver issue...tell me more ...


Re: I often wonder...

Logged into a default install of 2012R2 from the IT dept - it has the GUI - not the core piece.

The developer who I was helping couldn't figure out where everything/anything was - log off, restart, etc - I

gotta say - when a GUI is not intuitive, it's failed.

The abomination that is a GUI in 2012R2 qualifies...


I often wonder...

I often wonder about the effect of politics / power plays at MS on product features /changes

(Love "Nighmare on Redmond St - will use that in conversation from now on...)

Is it a case of an over-zealous project program manager - or are there some old sticks-in-the-mud who out of seniority / legacy refuse to change how they do things.

Or is it a case of vague strategy with buzzwords without any details on how to get there - resulting in nobody leading at all - leaving the various groups/teams/one-dominant-fellow to interpret as they best see fit. And bugger anyone who disagrees with them - which in turn, leads to things like Win 8.x+ TIFKAM (which on a server platform, is so horribly ugly, that for the first time, I can not refer to ugly GUI's in *nix)

Just what makes them tick to do what they do - which results in this incomplete product that we then endure.

My current pet peeve is around Excel windows that refuse to stay in the same place (open up 3 spreadsheets, and they all seem to cascade hap-hazardly even after being arranging them countless times one behind the other)

Just some random thoughts before gin o' clock...

The URL of sandwich: Microsoft Office blogs redirect snafu foils users


A fresh install of windows 7 will give you ie 7 - and the ms site will complain about the browser being too old.

some things never change...

Linux kernel long term support extended from two to six years


Re: "bleeding edge" is overrated

Oh come now, mr.-propaganda-man-who would-make-goebbels-blush

Apple devices are supported for atleast 4 years.

Case in point, iOS 11 - supported on the iPhone 5S - that phone came out in Sep 2013 - and iOS 11 will be updated for another year.

Case in point, iOS 11 on my iPhone 6 did not make it run slow - it's actually faster than iOS 10. Explain this supposed aberration to me please.

Android (well, Google) is finally realizing they should update / support their devices ala Apple instead of just shoveling out cheap rubbish that cannot be patched

NBD: Adobe just dumped its private PGP key on the internet


El Reg needs to add a rooster icon.

Biggest cock up, ever - courtesy those cretins at Adobe

Cisco's John Chambers to quit as exec chair


In JC (John Chambers, not the other fella) we trust

User worked with wrong app for two weeks, then complained to IT that data had gone missing


My pet peeve is with mis-configured corporate systems that take too long to boot up.

I've been around the block for many years now and have yet to see an optimized AD based logon script design.

It boggles the mind that our wannabe AD BoFh's (more like superlusers) do not create optimized AD designs and desktop login scripts /startup processes that are fast.

Naturally the rest of the organization hates the IT dept with an undeniable reason - add to that the typical arrogance of an AD wannabe BoFh who forgets that the purpose of IT is to support the business and not to create his own little fiefdom from which he cannot be fired

Samsung's Bixby assistant fails English, gets held back a month


Rather unfortunately named assistant

Every time I read the name, I'm reminded of Begbie from Trainspotting.

Come to think of that, imagine such a psychotic assistant...just the cussing alone would be worth the price of entry

Do we need Windows patch legislation?


The car analogy has me thinking...

Do you recall the giant airbag recall over the past couple of years?

Turns out a bunch of car manufacturers had to replace the airbags with new ones on even those cars that were 15 years old.

So, by that law requirement, patches would be necessary to older / legacy operating systems?

Is that a flawed analogy to use?

Amazon's Alexa is worst receptionist ever: Crazy exes, stalkers' calls put through automatically


Never thought of that.

In my experience, I've just deleted the contact and on occasion, added the number to the block list, and gone on with my life closing yet another chapter.


Adding the phone number to a block list does not require a contact to be maintained - in my understanding.


Putting aside the lack of features in the device offering, what bothers me is the level of self-inflicted pain here:

- keeping phone numbers of self-professed "crazy ex-boyfriends" as contacts instead of deleting them

- willing to share contact info with a big company (yes, I get it - convenience trumps privacy, etc - but still...)

Android O-mg. Google won't kill screen hijack nasties on Android 6, 7 until the summer


Can't you just close the tab? my understanding is that js doesnt take over the entire ui - leaving access to tabs available.

(tap the bottom / top of the device to get the tabs bar to show up)

Expedia IT bod gets all-expenses-paid trip to prison after hacking execs' emails for profit


Now, now... You're just throwing out the baby with the bath water.

While there have been cases of illegal insider activity, that's not the norm.

It's also why various stock exchange governing bodies take illegal dissemination of information very seriously.

I have participated in IPO's and been invited to partake in some.

Have you?

A very Canadian approach: How net neutrality rules reflect a country's true nature


Re: McDonald's breakfast


Do not disparage the bacon egg McMuffin - bacon with cheese on an egg on an English muffin.

For God's sake, man - only a terrorist would deny the greatness of such a thing.


The CRTC has actually been very smart - in this country with our 3 big telco providers, this is necessary to avoid the small amount of competition getting completely stifled.

Also, on the topic of Canada being distinct from the US, my contribution is this: in a McDonald's in Canada, you can get a bacon egg McMuffin - you cannot get that in the US. Over there, you get plain egg McMuffins.

I noticed that a few years ago, on my trips to the US and rather confused the poor server at the establishment.

'Clearance sale' shows Apple's iPad is over. It's done


You're correct - I had my timelines messed up.

I'm going to try and explain my viewpoint - under broader terms.

Windows 7, nowadays is regarded as rather welcome compared to the inquisitions of Windows 8 & 10 - however, back then in 2010, it was still windows with the issues inherent of it.

So the iPad upon release still offered something different and better.

Seems to be the case today too.


Well said.

It seems detractors tend to forget we live in an imperfect world.

It's all about comparison.

When the iPad first came out, Windows 8 was the newest offering out of Microsoft.

They still haven't come out with a Windows version that is more appealing.

The surface series of Microsoft hardware is nice, however, it's the software that's the problem.

At the same time, Apple themselves have only released super expensive laptops.

Android has either been a security nightmare or suffered from a lack of ongoing support for many tablet product lines.

That pretty much leaves the iPad as an ongoing viable option - why is this so difficult to accept?

Sure, at some point in time, there will be a better product by someone - but until that time, why deride what works rather well?

(Typing this on an iPad for the additional bewilderment - as the hardware and software work really well...)


I don't get it - it's just a refresh to the older non-Pro line of iPads

I do not get the doomsday preachings - this is just an upgrade (and replacement) of the older iPad Air 2.

They replaced their older model as they do every couple of years.

Only difference this time, rather than introduce a new model and push the previous one, they upgraded the processor (the A9)

The iPads seem to have a support lifecycle of 5+ years (based on personal experience/observation)

I imagine there will be a newer iPad Pro series release this year.

The iPad is still the best technology device I've seen, period - even better than the iPhone (which itself, is a bloody marvel).

I haven't seen a better tablet that does everything as seamlessly or as well.

Microsoft's Blue Screen of Death dead in latest Windows 10 preview


Actually, it was said against Google - most recently and famously, by Tim Cook of Apple.

Surveillance camera compromised in 98 seconds


Perhaps I'm missing the point...

But he specifically opened port 23 (telnet) to this device and waits for it to get compromised (which it does, rather quickly too).

Isn't all modern SOHO equipment a combination of router + firewall (and DSL bridge / cable modem if not purchased separately)?

So as long as the device is behind a router with inbuilt firewall blocking inbound access, it has some modicum of security.

I'm running a Honeywell wifi thermostat behind my Cisco branded router/firewall - didn't have to open any ports inbound for it to work - it goes to the Honeywell website and I had to register an account with the MAC/serial # of the unit. It works decently well.

Now the security of that particular Honeywell website is not up to me - it's a managed service by them.

It's all a value add anyway - don't want wifi control of your thermostat, don't connect it to the network.

(Did not want a Nest after all the nonsense they went through - and of course, Google data slurpage)

GoPro revenues skydive


IMO, the problem with GoPro is the feature set.

It's stayed stagnant pretty much.

The quality of the lens and the resulting quality of the video has increased tremendously, but the lack of features is what holds back more sales. (That's the group I identify with)

Slow motion processing in parallel with regular video would be a big deal - and something I was wishing for in the 5.

WhatsApp, Apple and a hidden source code F-bomb: THE TRUTH


Re: I'd rather not F*** Apple, thanks

Still better than Android - where you end up catching something nasty...

Nest offers its thermostat in three new pretty colors!


Re: Revolv

As long as Google owns Nest, they're on my do-not-buy list - too much data slurping


Re: Fuck that

Allow me to offer you a scenario.

While away on vacation, you've set your air conditioner to not come on - to save on electricity costs.

Now you're returning from said vacation - and it's bloody warm in this post climate-change world.

Upon your return, at the airport, you fire up your mobile app to connect to your thermostat and issue a command to have the air conditioner come on and cool the house down.

Technology is just lovely when implemented correctly and with actual value ...

Happy Anniversary: What’s new, what’s missing in Microsoft’s giant mobile update


As much as I see (and regard) Windows mobile/phone as dead, I do like that option to customize the quick settings (Be nice to see that in iOS)

However, incredibly ugly UI from the screenshots

Penetration tech: BAE Systems' new ammo for Our Boys and Girls

Paris Hilton

"...achieving better penetration and pleasing the customer."

I am shocked, shocked to find that no one has used the Paris icon on here yet

Italian MP threatens parents forcing veggie diets on kids with jail


One thing I've noticed more and more often (perhaps as I transition to a curmugeon in my advancing years...) is the zealot-like passion with which causes are adopted by people.

Vegetarianism and veganism in the Western world are two such examples.

In other parts of the world, a vegetarian or even vegan diet may just be due to environmental factors coupled with religious reasons. And the people practicing such could be regarded as healthy overall.

Now, when such a dietary restriction comes to the West, suddenly, it's taken up with religious fervour denouncing all else. Eating organic, locavores, etc - all are guilty of this.

I understand why it's a reaction to the commercial meat/fishing industry (since they have much to answer for - and fix), but the extent of the blame and shame reaction is what makes me shake my head in dismay each time. For hyperbole's sake, they make Islamic terrorism appear like a children's scuffle in a sandbox, almost...

The key would be, in my thinking, having a balanced dietary intake - so not a single food stack (or pyramid), but multiple different variants each with their list of types of nutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fiber, etc) showing which dietary lifestyle has more or less - ideally coupled with long-term health risks for each.

Final thoughts:

One cannot force humans to stop eating one particular kind of food - short of making it economically prohibitive. Something no government in the world should do - as that's overstepping boundaries.

Those animals that are farmed will not go extinct - and I applaud efforts being made in fisheries - to be able to restock and replenish while still providing a source for food.

All this food thought is making me hungry as it's lunch time...

Linux security backfires: Flaw lets hackers inject malware into downloads, disrupt Tor users, etc


Re: Patch incoming in... 3,2,1

Did you just call a BSD user a hipster?

Come now, that's such a horrid thing to say - just beyond the pale.

Windows 10 Anniversary Update crashing under Avast antivirus update


Re: World's largest Alpha/Beta test site.

My thinking is that Windows 10 has surpassed Vista in terms of an unfinished / alpha / beta product being released.

It seems there are no excuses being made any more - it's just 'this product is rubbish but hey you'll install it and like it'

Microsoft: You liked Windows 10 so much, you'll get 2 more in 2017


No denying the hardware is annoyingly (and irritatingly) expensive, but there is a certain higher level of quality (and resale value afterwards) that do help make the pill somewhat less of a bother to swallow.

Provided one is wiling to live with a lack of freedom in configuration of things like video cards and what not.

Windows 10 is just making the switch to a mac more compelling (which is unfortunate really, since Windows 7 and prior to that, XP and 2000 and even NT4 have been quite good)

All this entire extra telemetry, forced updates, removal of features like group policy editing, ugly UI, lack of flow, etc - Microsoft has nobody to blame but themselves.


Intriguing... hopefully, they sort out most/all the issues by then - else it's hello macOS time

Free Windows 10 upgrade: Time is running out – should you do it?


Re: and after upgrading, to get the FULL Windows 10 experience...

base of brain / rectum

She wants it. She needs it. Shall I give it to her or keep doing it by myself?


Mr. Dabbs, love your word-smithing - particularly this gem that i hope to re-use in the near future: "...carpet-bombed the paddy field of her entire production desk with the metaphorical napalm..."

India tweaks tech colleges to 'become real power in software'


This! A million times this - the man speaks the truth

Windows 10 a failure by Microsoft's own metric – it won't hit one billion devices by mid-2018


Why am I not surprised...

Forget the resentment caused by the horrible forced death march to Windows 10 by GWX, sneaky updates et all.

Fact is the new OS (10) is just not that good - it looks ugly and feels clunky (using Edge is a UI nightmare)

And Windows Phone installs that they were expecting to provide some of the install base - well, that's just a joke. The Windows Phone platform has been dead in the water for a while (with just deluded loyalists sticking to it) while everyone else saw it as the boondoggle it is (and was going to further be)
