Name checks out, timing is about right
I will hazard a guess that this young 'Charles' went on to write novels featuring one "Robert Oliver Francis Howard". Just a guess, mind you.
468 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Sep 2011
it's just that said contributor contributes so much, and has a happy-clappy fanbase worthy of the most rabid political nutjobs.
Did anyone else notice the 'gay marriage' = Progressive = EEEEVIL vibe? There are some really threatened Regtards out there. Threatened by what other people are doing! :-O claimed in this very publication! With a chart with real numbers from a staunch No-Climate-Change Sensible Government (so you KNOW ITS TRUE!), thus clearly we now HAVE the scientificamatically proven evidence that Global Warming IS caused by lowering pirate numbers.
" From what I have read about climate change, so far practically none of the predictions made by the "climate scientists" has turned out to have been accurate, and some observations have turned out to have shown the opposite of what was predicted."
Funny, you could change 'climate scientists' to 'respected economists' and the sentence would still make sense.
Funny also how the same "economics" (care to prove that? no, I'll wait...) is being used as the argument FOR fossil fuels. Just goes to show how selective people are with their truths.
Oddly enough, nuclear is a great option! Far, far cleaner than fossil fuels, even with the accidents.
I mean really, who knew the NBN was going to be used for this? The government who planned it? I don't care which one; the current tuckfards or the arse-clowns before them.
I think the concept of email have *almost* crept into the heads of our Glorious Leaders; the concept of moving-picturemationology is still a bit beyond their grasp though.
Fail? It's Australian for everyday life.
I happen to know a very large retailer here runs entirely on SAP.
And as far as I can tell, hasn't patched anything since, oh.... 2009? Maybe? When did Windows XP SP1 come out? well, whenever. Since then - thats the last update that shows up in the syslogs.
What could possibly go wrong?
The Hubble's mirror was the 11th made. You're really telling me that Lockheed (hmmm, that name rings a bell) built 10 mirrors then screwed up the 11th? Or did the NSA tell Lockheed "just muck it up a little bit, we don't want people to figure out how powerful Keyholes 1 to 10 really are. Those astro-boffin dome-heads won't notice" Occam's razor - sudden error on critical spacecraft component or deliberate mistake? This doesn't take a huge conspiracy either, just a few key people at LH & NSA.
Secondly: "parts of the massive instrument will survive the trip back through Earth's atmosphere and could fall on populated areas" Oh, yeah sure. The Columbia broke up and scattered itself over some very heavily populated areas, and no-one was killed or injured. Plenty of spacecraft have come down over populated areas (there's even a chunk of Soviet spacecraft that landed on Sydney in the Powerhouse Museum) and there is not a single case of anyone being hit. The chances of damage are astronomically (hah!) low. However the chances of someone getting their hands on some of the kit from a Keyhole Spy Satelite? Ah, well, of course THAT is the real problem isn't it?
It is so bloody sad that we have pretty much had single-figure numbers of actually useful space-science telescopes, while there are hundreds of warmongering spy sats of far greater power up there, at hundreds of times the cost, while science has to beg and plead for the tiniest scrap of funding.
Little wonder The Culture aren't interested in Contacting us, we would ruin the party. We really don't deserve to survive as a species. (I might have been reading some Stephen Baxter lately, yes)
Totally agree! After looking at a lot of 3DPs I settled on the FF Creator Pro too - its very well made, totally open source.
I also think the Makerbot thought the Singularity had already come, the Culture had got in Contact at last and everyone wanted a 3D Printer.
Nope. 3D Printing is still at about the same level as aircraft in 1911 - strictly for hobbyists with cash.
Most likely from the anti-pirate brigade, who claim that Austfailians download eleventytrazillion dollars worth of films each day.
Quite how we download as much as they claim is beyond me, its not like we all have the NBN or something.
Also, Yes Minister looks like a serious documentary compared to the tuckfards who run this shothile.
I'm currently (haha geddit?) building a Nixie clock, and that little demon doesn't look terribly difficult to recreate. It doesn't even need a USB interface chip, it would just get in the way.
As for plugging in unknown USB sticks, that's what my work desktop is for. I'm sure our my employer's AV software will deal with it. It does keep warning me that the last AV update was in 2009 (I wish I was joking) but I am sure our outsourced IT dept is hitting all their KPIs.
No, really, this country is a freaking joke. We cannot do a SINGLE THING right.
I suggest giving up now, cut our losses, sell the entire nation as an open cut mine, with the proceeds going to the current government and their donors, trust funds and offshore accounts.
The population is probably worth a few hundred each as indentured labour or something, but don't expect too much as the majority of them voted the current government in; they clearly don't have much between the ears. On the positive side they don't seem to notice when they are fed on sh1t3 so they are cheap to feed.
I once worked in a small office - about 6 of us in a large studio. We had a game - Transfer Tennis. Easy to play. You transfer the call to the next person - +1 point. Each time you get it back, you increase your points gained, eg, second time, +2; third, +3. If you get hung up on, thats -5. Each swear word from the caller is +1 (must be on speakerphone to get this) and +5 for death threats.
It would go like this:
Me: Good morning this is blah blah blah, etc...
India: Yes very good morning to you too sir we have detected a fault with your...
Me: Ah, is this IT related? I'll transfer you to IT.
2nd Player: Hello, etc (longer and more complex greetings are good form)
India: Yes it is a very fine morning indeed sir could I just get you to turn on...
2nd Player: Ah, you're after IT? Sorry, this is finance, we use abacusses. I'll pass you to IT...
etc. When it gets back to you, you could try a silly voice (Indian accent: Oh, hello? You are being transferred too? What a coincidence! Please hold!) or just use the same voice, pretend to be a different division - if challenged, say 'Oh you must mean Roger, he sounds just like me.'
Scores in the teens are considered legendary and you will receive fame and your colleagues ovation forever.
we all have only about 11 years to live.
One of the highlights to look forward to are carving statues of oneself out of ones own sh1t using ones teeth.
Oh, we've grounded the shuttles already? Just the statues then, not the sweet oblivion of a Chinese asteroid to the Atlantic.
Well, some of the faults were self-inflicted: twice in 2014 Telstra crews cleaned out our local junction pit with a 75mm firehose - directly connected to the mains hydrant in our street. A water jet strong enough to knock you over being directed into the patch frame. Stay classy, Telstra.
Oh, and when I lived in a flat in Kirribilli that dated to the 1890's we had bloody awful wiring, both electrical and phone. A Telstra tech came round to address our complaints of no phone, and when we did have a phone we seemed to share the line with most of our neighbours. I watched as he stripped down the patch frame (which was more oxide than frame - it crumbled in his hands) and exposed the wiring beneath - which was copper RODS - not wires. Wrapped in what was apparently horse-hair & tar. Which, he told me, was quite common in the area.
Austfailia; you're standing in it.
I've done two flights in a Tiger Moth; one aerobatic flight over the Pacific Ocean off the Gold Coast, Queensland; and one flight where I had the controls for 20 mins over the hinterland west of Coolangatta.
Love it; love it; love it. The Tiger is I think my favorite aircraft ever - they are the absolute spirit of flying.
Hi Reg editors & writers,
Do you think that describing people people with depression as 'lazy saddos' is either good journalism or even constructive in any way? Perhaps you think it is 'funny'.
If you personally have suffered or know someone who has suffered depression then you will know that it is not a fun disease, nor is something anyone chooses to have; it is a life-threatening and devastating condition, one that continues to endure a stigma of disbelief & doubt due to articles such as the one above.
That people who suffer from depression binge-watch TV is hardly surprising, and to be honest hardly relevant on a site that purports to be relevant to the IT industry. 20 years ago this research would have found that depression sufferers tend to loose themselves in books or VHS videos, 40 years ago books or comics, 80 years ago books - you get the picture - all of which are of little relevance to what The Register purports to focus on.
At least these days there are medications which can help; but unfortunately the most common side-effect of these compounds is significant weight-gain, due to the way neurotransmitters also affect our digestive metabolism.
Given a choice of being either 'over-weight' by current society's rather harsh standards, or being so depressed that every morning is a struggle, every day a chore and every hour of the day you fend off thoughts of suicide - which would you choose?
A bit of escapism is hardly a bad thing - binge-watching doesn't cause or trigger depression, and just by turning off the TV the depression isn't going to magically go away, and no, you can't THINK yourself out of it. Binge-watching is just another symptom; and another indicator that our current lifestyle and society (and I'm making no east/west distinction here) is stressful to the point that a large percent of the population is beginning to suffer from these illnesses.
Maybe a bit of support, or some real journalism about the extent, causes and effects of depression in the IT industry would be a good idea.
Was it coded in coal dust?
Was it distributed by LNG carrier?
Did it cost about 47 times the projected budget?
Was it even delivered at all?
Was it very, very slow?
Did it even work?
Did it spend any time on Nauru?
If the answer to any of these questions is NO then it cannot have been Austfailian!
Oh, wait. I just left the Elite:Dangerous forum window open.
I've never heard such a pack of over entitled whining brats as the E:D forums; but then again its the first MMO forum I've been a member of.
Frontier have done a wonderful job, and took a well publicized break over xmas - they did launch on the 16/12/14 after all.
It is a shame to see the Reg reporting only the forum trolls; those of us in the alpha/beta phase diligently reported bugs; hey it still has some, what doesn't? The can't connect failures are likely due to their apps on their PCs, not ED. ED lime any network app is sensitive to the actions of other apps - for instance I found that ED and the Citrix receiver don't get along very well. Close Citrix and my issues vanished.
I also suspect most of the glitches are peoples attempts to cheat / hack / crack ED for their own gain, then cry like babies when they corrupt their profile.
Disclaimer - Alpha supporter. Missed kick starter. Mature adult who has spent too much time over xmas break having hours of trouble free, glitch free fun in my Cobra MK3.