The best alternative...
... is clearly the neck of a swan.
12 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Sep 2011
Yes, but not everyone who uses these apps can be open and up-front about their sexuality. There is still a lot of truth in the old, old joke:
Q. What do you call a man who's up before the magistrate on cottaging charges?
A. Married with two children.
Sister Roma is a very well known member of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (who, by the way, have been doing good things [by spoiling it for everybody else] amongst the LGBT and wider communities since 1979).
Basically, everybody knows her as Sister Roma ... pretty much nobody recognizes her non-sister name. She's been Sister Roma for longer than Facebook has existed. Hell, for probably longer than Mark Zuckerberg has existed.
The fact that she doesn't have a bit of paper with that as her name on it, is really not the point - what FB are doing is saying "you know that name everybody knows you by? You can't use it. Well, you can use it but it's just some subordinated thing, it's not your *real* identity". Or, "OK, you can use it but then you've got to be a 'brand' or a 'corporate entity'".. or some such equally fake strategy boutique style nonsense.
That's really one of the most offensive things you could do to a person .. and I'm not surprised she and the others are pissed.
"For a year it has kept telling me that there is an update available, only to download all 666.66Mb of it and crash at the end, which then begins the download again."
Yeah - I had that - didn't happen when I temporarily turned Kaspersky off....
I've also recently done a metal up rebuild of that maching and that seems to have solved the problem as well
"Could you give examples of these 'uncertainty' pairs"
All observables have associated special operators. In some cases, if you apply two operators one after the other, it doesn't matter what order you do it. In some cases, it does - you get different things. [like multiplying matrices together if that's any help]
Any pair of observables where the operators don't commute will have an uncertainty relationship between them.
So quantum mechanics would be a lot simpler if all the observables worked from home.