* Posts by morsarf

1 publicly visible post • joined 14 Jun 2007

Cornish separatists menace Jamie Oliver


About time the claws come out

Can't say i would agree purely with some of the methods, as more creative direct action gathering more people on board might have been better. However, it cornish cat has needed to flex its claws for a long time, and i hope, that with the merging of these two groups, imagination and sheer dare will take the imagination. Cornwall can take care of itself, without needing to be joined with england, it could through tourism (as long as money stayed in the country) easily look after itself, and provide jobs for local people rather than forcing them outof the area to find jobs abroad. You need a two prong attack, on the surface through mebyon kernow and through the shadows by way of the NCLA. I think surely the next target should be to get cornwall into the celtic league in rugby, then it the people can identify itself better as a nation. For those who are laughing at the prospect of a bunch of pasty eaters making threats around a beer table, then i wouldn't be so sure, any people will only take so much, we only have to look at South Africa and Ireland. The NCLA has now show it can match its words. As long as it keeps to a non-violent (no injury to life) and its actions are funny, humilating,and puts the fear into those who take liberties, then it will take the imagination.