To hell with this thing. Cameras are fine. Being tracked by some Nazi's is not fine. I do not agree on tracking their every movement. You try to track me with one and I will give you a kick in the goolies.
Posts by Brett the Brat
6 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Sep 2011
Texan schoolgirl expelled for refusing to wear RFID tag
Cisco lobbied telco customers to steer clear of Huawei
your nuts
We keep buying network infrastructure from third world countries and that is just dumb. Foxconn is all over everything. Did we not learn from the counterfeit pieces of Cisco gear out there with back doors made from Foxconn rogue managers? Internet facing routers in one network can wreak a whole lot of trouble let alone MANY routers with backdoors in them. The future wars will depend on information. If your country is cut off who will conquer? This entire posting is my opinion.
Boffins find new 2012 glyph on 'secret' Mayan brick
El Reg in email address blunder
Reported you to the BBB.
Thats okay you sent my email to 6500 how many........ damn. I am reporting you to the Big Boodie Businesswomen of America and they are coming to sit on you in numerous uncomortable positions during your work and perhaps fracturing said pencils used to write down my address, this way it will not happen again.
Torvalds dumps for Github after breach
Remember Johnny Neumonic?
Hashes need to start including more then one kind of check, problem is once this happens the government wouldnt be able to see all your dirty secrets which is probably why this has happened. All it takes is one person to learn the back door. Add a digital picture to the mix at random out of a database of hundreds of thousands of pictures, one side has half the other side has the other half, checks are done to see that the picture matches the original. Hack that hackzor boyz.