* Posts by Shane 4

127 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Aug 2011


iPhone 5 is the 'most difficult, scratchy device Foxconn has ever made'

Shane 4


Don't know about that, It has won me over from iphone. I couldn't care about the back of phone which I am not looking at and no one else can see either as my hand is covering it when I use phone or it's on table, What I care about is the front in all it's glory. Not on some small shitty sized screen such as iphone 5 but the splendour of the mighty Galaxy Note II. Not concerned at all about scratches as the back is easily replaced, Also if I get sick of one colour I can change it not that I care but the option is there, More choice wins me over. For most people I think a smart phone is a SMART PHONE only minority would think of it as fashion, Unless you are referring to 16 year old pimply kids who want to look "cool" with the latest toy. You see some teenagers and even adults in tracksuits and hoodies with the latest and greatest phone, You think to yourself geez mate if I were you I wouldn't be worrying about what the phone looks like,That's the least of your worries people are looking at you not the phone. :)

As for iphones I no longer see them as a fashionable thing to have as EVERY one and their dog has one, Want fashion get something different.

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 review

Shane 4


Yet I still see a lot of people using flip style mobile phones which extended are longer than Note 2!

I find it even more daft watching iphone users leaning over at lunch table at work just to try and read their tiny screens,Squint much?

Nice try! ;)

Shane 4
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Someone mentioned it's too fat? Umm it's thinner than my iphone 3GS!

Another mentioned price will be too expensive? Ummm once again it's actually cheaper than iphone 5 for a 16gb model for pre order where I am.

http://www.kogan.com/au/shop/phones/ iphone 5 $749 unlocked Galaxy Note 2 16gb Unlocked $679

I can't wait for this beast to come out, Easy decision for me. Android time!

I might have to start doing this more often I think, By that I mean skip a generation or two of new tech instead of my usual rush out and buy latest,Because no matter what I get now it IS such a massive improvement and guaranteed WOW factor. ;)

P.S. Must remember this for damn graphics cards,I fall for it everytime!

Rapper rips up Microsoft's Atlanta store during performance

Shane 4

Re: Where are the grammar nazis when the're needed?

Did he actually say that? No wonder I have never actually heard him speak for as long as I can remember. Maybe the Queen gave him a clip across the ears back home or made him sleep on the couch and he has behaved ever since.

Shane 4
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Awesome Commentors

I swear the comments section is always better than the content, You people are so damn funny,It's not often I am bothered to read EVERY post on a site! +1 to all

Shane 4

Re: Scrawny rapper?

;) you win. Voted you up, Think I might end up with a hernia doing challenges at this age. 1 kelly is enough :0

Shane 4

Scrawny rapper?

I think he should hit the weights before speaking this rap shit, Those words don't have any power to me anyway.

I am quite confident even as a now unfit middle aged computer nerd I could lift this guy above my head(Seriously)!

What is up with c-rap today, Absolute shit,Go back and learn from the eighties.

Seems to be a case of find any words that rhyme and put it in a sentence with swear words and speak in loud angry voice.

Could do it for anything really,try it yourselves and see how pathetic it has become. The cat sat on a big motherf*&^ing mat!

Made for each other: liquid nitrogen and 1,500 ping-pong balls

Shane 4

Re: @AC 7:28 and upvoters

Already happening at my work place. They come straight out of Uni and end up same place I am working as there isn't any other jobs. But once here they seem to think they are better because they have a bit of paper, I make sure I put them back in their place quick smart. Not only are they lazy and weak but can't even do basic problem solving on the job. People must realise we can't all be doctors otherwise everything we have in society will crumble. Uni is just a sham to take people's money and keep it looking like governments are doing something. What is the bet there will probably be uni degrees for cleaning sooner or later! Laugh all you like now but there are already uni courses for topics that clearly don't need it.

Here is just a sample of some of the most rediculous, But there are many many others.


4K LCD TV output to outstrip OLED production

Shane 4

Re: Lack of content isn't an impediment

I'll still be buying one when I can pick up a 52 incher for under $5000, Also an 8k res tv as well and whatever else comes out as long as the price is right. At the moment though they are the price of a new car. I think I read not that long ago somehwere about the Sony 4k Bravia being in the high 20's, As in AU$20k just a tad out of reach for most households. heh

I don't mind paying 1k premium more than mr joe average out there but 20k more is a kick in the pants for me.

Shane 4


The evolution of HD TV

1080p - Vivid colours and clarity on a screen that does not take up whole lounge room, Can see imperfections on actors skin

4k Tv - Can now see tiny little hairs on actors skin

8k Tv - Can now see the bacteria that lives on actors skin o.O


Customers dumping Samsung phones in wake of Apple suit

Shane 4


I smell BS!

Just about ready to dump this old 3GS for a Galaxy note 2 when it's released, Apple screens are a bit too small for me even the iphone 5 doesn't look promising.

China could penetrate US with new huge missile

Shane 4


Title should of added, "China could penetrate the US with new huge missile and create massive social unrest/unemployment in it's backyard".

They nuke US or any other major country and they no longer have anyone to buy their cheap goods!

I don't think any major power in this day and age is stupid enough to want to attack another,It's now a global economy if one fails the whole lot collapses,May as well nuke themselves as well. It's only the rogue countries that don't want to be part of the global system that is the problem, They are still living in the past.

Battlefield Earth ruled worst film EVER

Shane 4

Obviously these people haven't seen Sand Sharks, Needs to be a class action lawsuit with this one,Wasted a few hours of my life. I wouldn't even put it in the "B" grade category as it would be too disrespectful to that category!

Wasteland sequel given $3m green light

Shane 4


While on the subject of remakes, Populous would get a donation from me if it were to be on the cards.

Climate-change scepticism must be 'treated', says enviro-sociologist

Shane 4

7 billion top predators and climbing, Not having any impact on the planet? Yeah good one! lol

Nvidia shows off first 'Kepler' GPUs

Shane 4

Re: Amazed at the frothing for the benchmarks in reviews.

Low rent of course it's home,Yes money is invested in a few areas,No the income is borderline minimum wage, I work like a dog though,Any overtime available I take it!

Don't drink,Don't smoke,No drugs(except gaming it's addictive)Clubbing days long gone but I am no where near 50 lol

Folks pay for everything,No I wouldn't say that I just spent 10k went thirds on replacing rotted windows for double glazed UPVC! I am telling you now, If you are young don't friggin' move out just because others say so and put money away,You might get a shock how much you have after 10+ years! You could buy that new car or have deposit for block of land or house.

Interest from even just a crappy bank savings account will net you a new high end pc every year for life if you got a decent amount in there, Not that hard just time. How many of you spend an easy $20+ a week on junk food? Thats 1k a year now times that by 10 years, 10k on shit food, Or if you are old maybe you have been doing that for 30 years? There is 30k a cars worth of junk food.That is just one example of where money is easily wasted without most people thinking about where it goes, How many drive to the shops yet you probably could walk and save money, Hell my neighbour gets in car just to drive down to corner milk bar it's quite rediculous but his choice, List is endless.

I make sacrifices in other areas so I can splurge on my pc/car hobbies,Simple as that,Nothing magical and no I don't just eat a bowl of rice and a cup of water each day.

My point is people judge online without having met me, Yet I am the type that would buy dinner for a total stranger even on my shit wage,Hell I even once shouted a friend to a certain establishment back in our days,ahem. :)

Anyways back to what matters,The cards!!!!!

Shane 4

Re: And the software is where ???

Running at that resolution will use more cpu than gpu anyways,The lower the res the more work the cpu does

Shane 4

Re: Amazed at the frothing for the benchmarks in reviews.

Some people are jealous I think. ;)

Why move out to rent and pay off someone elses mortgage, Or buy a house and be in debt for next 50+ years for what a bit of privacy,Are they too scared to bring someone home?

Yes I am one of those "losers", Drive around in hotted up car, Splurge on everything luxury and still save more money than most even though I am on low income, A few more years at home and I will buy a house outright, While all those who moved out in late teens or twenties will be still working for next 30+ years to try pay it off and giving banks extra money on interest.

I reckon it was real estate agents or builders who must have come up with the "loser" notion, to keep people buying houses and economy moving.

My folks happy to have me here I am happy to be there, Money stays in family we all win!

Asians/Euorpeans all live together as long as possible and they have no problem with it, And they are the ones you see driving around in expensive cars or have latest tech which make others envious.

I'll take the extra 8fps for an extra $500 thank you very much, Which in turn brings prices down for some of you debt people to afford, We all win.

Try Heaven benchmark 3.0 on ultra/extreme settings in 3d on a large screen or multiple screens, You will see how much faster some of us want/neeeeeeeeed to go! You won't even get to 60fps let alone 120fps,Hell some of you might not even reach the needed 30fps for smooth play. lol

Feds unlock suspect's encrypted drive, avoid Constitution meltdown

Shane 4

Would have been nice to read,

"Feds crack password using Cray supercomputer 24/7 for one month, It was 123456789!" ;)

Australians like the NBN: poll

Shane 4

NBN is awesome!

Maybe it is a slow uptake because a lot of us are already on 100mbit speeds from Telstra for the past 2 years when they secretly had a package on offer but it wasn't really advertised much!

When NBN raises those speeds to 200,500mbit or 1gbit speeds you can bet your arse I will be signing up if Telstra doesn't have anything to offer me at that time. As HD content and even 4k resolution content starts appearing we will need every bit of extra speed we can get,Fibre is the way to go!

NBN will be one of the best investments Oz has ever done not just for future business transactions but for the general masses entertainment purposes!

Oz skeptic offers prize if Rossi’s E-cat works

Shane 4

Grow up!

The world is flat too and we revolve around the sun, Stupid people sigh..... ;)

Wether it turns out to be bullshit or not at least he is trying to make something what is everyone else doing except whinging and bitching about it.

No matter how rediculous it may seem now, Maybe something can be learned from just doing it instead of talking about how not to do it. Got to start somewhere otherwise you get nowhere!

If even just a minute little thing can come of this it opens new paths that can be experimented on,And if it turns out to be a scam then his credibility is over and will be rideculed, Until it is proven either way grow up and give the man a chance, The applause or mocking can come afterwards.

Astronomy crowd spots PLANET KILLER!

Shane 4


I can go one better than that, Thought they might have said we have discovered Nibiru and it's on course for collision in 2012.

Woman in strop strip for Bermuda airport customs

Shane 4


I absolutely love this freakin' forum, Very intelligent jokes here.

Hat is off to you lot here. ;)

Shane 4

Boat people

Illegally like most other people. lol

US Marines not allowed to fart in Afghanistan

Shane 4
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Well done

Usually cant be bothered commenting,Rather just read everyone elses but some of you have really excelled this time.

Just had to log in and post a comment on the quality of the jokes/replies, AWESOME!

Made my day,Given a thumbs up to some of the comments.

Shane 4
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A real LOL

Sheer brilliance! :)

You should be proud of that one(No not referring to a fart), But the joke. lol

Shane 4

You Sure?

You sure it's 13 times a day and not an hour, Damn I better go see a doc!
