Don't know about that, It has won me over from iphone. I couldn't care about the back of phone which I am not looking at and no one else can see either as my hand is covering it when I use phone or it's on table, What I care about is the front in all it's glory. Not on some small shitty sized screen such as iphone 5 but the splendour of the mighty Galaxy Note II. Not concerned at all about scratches as the back is easily replaced, Also if I get sick of one colour I can change it not that I care but the option is there, More choice wins me over. For most people I think a smart phone is a SMART PHONE only minority would think of it as fashion, Unless you are referring to 16 year old pimply kids who want to look "cool" with the latest toy. You see some teenagers and even adults in tracksuits and hoodies with the latest and greatest phone, You think to yourself geez mate if I were you I wouldn't be worrying about what the phone looks like,That's the least of your worries people are looking at you not the phone. :)
As for iphones I no longer see them as a fashionable thing to have as EVERY one and their dog has one, Want fashion get something different.