It needs a Fleegle on the front
Does anyone (of a certain age) not look at that and think Banana Splits? Reference image
207 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Aug 2011
Sums it up for me, if they feel they have to justify things with some supposed terrorist threat (as if they were not also criminals), suggests that there is an understanding that its not good enough but they want the tech and ‘duh - terrorists’ is their justification
It sets up 6 daily modes based on your tastes, as well as a weekly mode, these act as radio channels to get around the cost of playing individual tracks.
There are also genre radio channels, as well as channels for activities, like contemplation, jogging etc.
Works reasonably well, finds stuff I would not normally listen to, you just have to remember to wander about so that you do not keep in a pigeon hole
I understand tht some popular artists use the multiple short track trick too, as a way of having a larger percentage of their album listened to, this then makes the album more popular, jumps it up the charts and they then get a bigger cut of the overall revenue.
What is surprising is that a small timer has found a way to get in on the act and benefit and self fund the future income stream
Its just developers; being pressured to fix the problem rather than providing a solution is a way of life for developers, companies do not want to hear that I can patch in 1 day or fix for the future in 3 months, beancounters etc will always go for the 1 day patch. There is no longer a 5 year plan, or a 3 year one, hardly even a 1 year one, everyone is agile fixing what is in front of them right now!
If a third party that has an interest in getting a particular political party into office then they too can do advertising, this may not need to be tracked as gifts and payments to the party, so potential for lots of abuse of the system - as the Observer/Guardian article shows happened with Brexit targeted adverts. Not sure how this can be avoided or made illegal, we are all entitled to our voice, if I happen to have more money than someone else then I can force my voice to be heard in more places and more loudly.
Don't forget this is not just FB and twitter, all those tracking fake news articles that get linked from almost all websites as well as the news companies themselves are included by this type of activity, even having ad blockers and such like makes it difficult to get away from it.
There are plenty of apps that give you a terminal and the ability to 'run' a linux environment, try, plenty more available, some require root and some do not. Not all linux tools are available, certainly not GUI ones, but some can then be run within Xvnc or similar, a reasonable smattering of command line tools are available, perl, python, vi etc. However there is limited access to storage, which does make some things more difficult.
Definitely worth a few hours of investigation/play
From the smart meter website
Innovative energy tariffs Using the data collected on when and how households are using energy, suppliers can create more competitive time-of-use tariffs with cheaper prices for off-peak use.
We used to have this, it was called economy 7, worked great, cheap electric at night for washing machines and storage heaters etc
The other benefit is the end to estimated bills, never used to be a problem, if they got it wrong I would ring up and get it changed to an accurate read bill