Cartman says:
We've all seen them, on the playground, at the store, walking in the streets. They creep us out, and make us feel sick to our stomachs. I am talking of course about ginger kids.
Aw, sick! Gross! Ginger kids are born with a disease which causes very light skin, red hair, and freckles.
Aw, nasty! Yuck! This disease is called Ginger-vitis and it occurs because ginger kids have no souls.
Because their skin is so light, ginger kids must avoid the sun, not unlike... (changes slides) vampires.
There are some Gingers without light skin or freckles. They are called 'Daywalkers.' (switches to a slide of Kyle)
One night, when you're all sleeping in your rooms…the gingers are gonna getcha! They're gonna getcha!
Kyle: It's not a presentation, it's a hate speech! People aren't creeped out by gingers!
Clyde: (looks around) I am.
..pulled from