* Posts by bluefin333

26 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Aug 2011

Too hot to handle? Raspberry Pi 4 fans left wondering if kit should come with a heatsink


I prefer my Pi(es) Hot

Nothing more to add, apart from gravy...

Blackburn ain't big enough for the both of us: Mr Creamy and Mr Whippy at the centre of new ice-cream war


What a pair of Screwballs...

As above...

Three become six as new 'nauts arrive for a visit to the ISS


Still find it amazing

...that we've got people living up there, in orbit above our lovely, blue and very clearly NOT flat planet. Sorry FEers but as that picture shows, it's very clearly round. Before you all start I know it's an oblate spheroid but I like the word round OK.

Irish priests told to stop bashing bishops


Carry on Father Ted

They've had a hotline since 1996

Dial: 0898 333201

Welcome to Priest Chatback – if you're under 18 or not a priest, please hang up now…

Two million recordings of families imperiled by cloud-connected toys' crappy MongoDB


Harry Harrison - I Always Do What Teddy Says...

Every story of this type reminds me of the short written in the mid 60's by HH. Only a few pages long, really worth a read and now not too far removed from today's treacherously tricky trendy teddy tech and some nations politics...

Elon Musk wants to get into the boring business, literally


Can You Dig It?

Not sure if it was a purposeful reference to the song but it reminded me and I've been time travelling back to the 90's this morning. If you want to join me go here:


Turtle Soup anyone?

Disney World-area University admits massive data breach


"is looking into the breach"

Safer than looking down the other end of the barrel I suppose...

US rapper slams Earth is Round conspiracy in Twitter marathon


It is flat...

I can see a turtle's arse from my bedroom window.

Flock of sheep ends NZ high-speed car chase


Or did the Cops

Ram it off the road?

Yet another Android app security bug: This time 'everything is affected'


A scrubbing of flaws?

Faux ‪pro-IS Facebook‬ shot down within hours of launch


I swear that guy in the middle of the photo is Rob Newman

Out of TVs Mary Whitehouse Experience and now writer and general politico-comedian.

El Reg Redesign - leave your comment here.



What's with the Reg logo/name centred in the red header/banner? It's a mess, put it back on the left where it should be - like on ChannelReg which you've left alone (for now?).

Also why only hyperlink the logo not the whole banner? I keep going back to the left to reload the homepage and have to keep moving my mouse again to hit the link.

I'm happy with progress, I work in IT so it's expected but ElReg wasn't broken... I was upset when you did away with RegHardware now this is going too far.

Stop it, now!

Thirteen Astonishing True Facts You Never Knew About SCREWS


My day screwed

A very good article I thought. I hope this sort of thing gets a regular 'Slot' it would be a 'Pozi'-tive contribution to the knowledge of El Reg readership.

So much so that I showed it to a couple of Brummie colleagues Mr 'Philips' and Mr 'Robertson' who took exception to the hammer-thing and ended up being right 'Cross-Heads'. Both saying that this happens in 'Bristol' more often and the p*** shouldn't be taken out of a 'Clutch' of West-Midlander's. That's quite normal for Mr 'Philips' though 'cos he 'Torx' & 'Torx' and but we can usually calm him down 'One-Way' or another and you have to draw a 'Line' somewhere but then as he said he was just making a 'Tri-point'

Bored now, someone else can have a go I've got some work to nail.

Glastonbury debuts festival wide Wi-Fi network - fitted to COWS


WiFi with 4G backhaul presumably...

Want to sit in Picard's chair while spying on THE WORLD? We can make it so – ex-NSA man


Massive Protection Screen...

I think they were called 'Shields' in Star Trek or did you mean the far more mundane Projection Screen?

Dyson takes Samsung to court in UK over vacuum cleaner


El Reg in Duster Buster Generic Trademark Fluster

"Dyson is suing Samsung for "ripping off" one of its inventions for its own Motion Sync hoover."

hoover... Surely that should be Motion Sync vacuum cleaner?

WIN a RockBLOCK Iridium satellite comms module




















Tick-tock, Apple: Obama has just days to stop US iPhone iPad sales ban


What did Mike Jacks do wrong?

Oh! You mean mic jacks...

Whatever happened to telepresence? From $2.5m deals to free iPad apps


Re: Cisco is the problem, Skype is good enough

Cisco is no more 'the problem' than any other VC/TP vendor. As to not playing nice, how so? Cisco TP products CTS aside are from the purchase of TANDBERG - a company known for its interop and adherence to standards.

CTS used TIP a technically superior way for multi-screen systems which was propitiatory but no more it was released as part of the above purchase and has been used by Polycom among others.

Yes, they do cost money but there are times when 'good enough' IS NOT good enough.

To be clear I have no vested interest in Cisco, I have a number of years in the industry however and I just get a little mad with unfounded and unproven statements like this...

Texan contends iPod EXPLODED IN HER FACE


She clearly needed iProtection

Nothing more to say...

LG pitches £7k 55in OLED TV, again


Re: Technology just marches on

I'm thinking some confusion between OLED and LCD with LED backlighting...

iRobot Warrior-bot goes on sale this Spring


Get a Grip....

I notice it seems only able to pick up artillery shells if they are covered in Duck Tape... Well used tape by the looks of it, wonder how many times it dropped the thing before they got that take? ;)

I'm annoyed and picky today. The fail is for me...

Cops cuff rectal shoplifter


Bum Wrap

No more to add...

Nissan Leaf battery powered electric car


Technology Pioneers

To me this is further evidence of the circular nature of technology.

The late 1800's saw the beginning of the boom in the internal combustion engine vehicle we now take for granted. From the outset they were complicated to drive and maintain, slow, unreliable, of limited range - try finding a petrol station in 1888 and they were also the preserve of the rich. Yet as A to B transport inferior in pretty much every way to the horses they were destined to replace.

Progress has been made making these early examples of modern electric cars usable and unlike the first cars or horseless carriages as they were quaintly termed they are not complicated to the user, not slow and according to most reports the reliability is good. They are still of limited range and it could be said still the preserve of the rich.

Similarities are clear between the early engine/car technology and the current phase (pun intended) of electric vehicles. It is early days for the technology in an automotive application and may not in the end prove be the answer to the future of transport power but I think congratulations are in order to Renault/Nissan and others for being modern day pioneers, making electric cars suitable for every day use and for putting what is possible into the mainstream albeit with acknowledged limits but those limits being so much less restrictive than those of 150 years ago.

Coders breathe Android into dead HP fondleslab


XDA Developers

Managed to get a 32Gb TouchPad at cheaper than cheap and now the guys and gals at XDA Developers are now into the Android on Touchpad game.

Some very, very smart people over there. Looking forward to their results, will expect good things but I'll be giving WebOS a good go first though
