Leo is a Rabid Dog
They folded because HP has yet another psycho sitting in the CEO's chair. Who cares that he speaks 5 languages? He's a rabid dog that should be locked out of any board room. I thought Carly was incompetent, but Leo takes the cake.
Its one thing to kill the WebOS (hardware) development at HP, but they should have made that move months ago before the Veer and Touchpad hit markets, or they should have spent more money and time to try and actually sell some product. Their marketing launches were pathetic and then Leo pontificates about how they just didn't sell. And this dude is supposed to be a salesman/marketing guru.
All of this is bad enough, but hey its just $1.2 billion down the drain plus subsequent costs of development to kill your predecessors pet project. But Leo wasn't satisfied with a minor bloodletting, they had to announce that they are getting ready to shoot their cash cow. When the #1 PC maker in the world announces that they want out of the game, its amazing how the stock goes down isn't it?
I'm probably wrong. Leo is probably a secret blackbelt programmer who has single handidly developed killer enterprise software the last few months that will unseat Oracle and SAP. Wait, aren't those two strategic partners with HP for servers? Might as well shoot your other foot off while your at it Leo. With a little more decline in stock he probably couldn't afford the cost of the second bullet though.
I am curious to see if anyone does pick up WebOS. With Google's move this past week I could see HTC or Samsung considering picking up the pieces.