Slack is good, but...
I like Slack, it is in many ways the market maker in the group or team chat realtime communication segment, but I have to say that Discord, with the exception of threads and thread viewing (very useful if the chat goes into multiple topics), has by and large caught and in some cases passed Slack in terms of basic functionality. Discord is just generally faster, the reply function is better, etc. It lags a bit on formatting capabilities, but has most of the basics. Microsoft Teams remains a kind of distant 3rd, I think most people use it because they get it with Microsoft365/Office365, so bundling, and it is getting better also, but if you had to pay for it, maybe not. Slack remains ahead on Bots and APIs. So I think Salesforce can cut Slack's funding and staffing, but it risks killing it, or at least making it lose further market share, so if that is the direction, it should probably look around and see if it would not make more sense to just sell or spin it off. There are some obvious potential buyers, Google for example has some group chat capability, but it is pretty awful, so they might jump at the chance to pick up Slack. Or perhaps Meta, again an instance where their group chat is pretty crap compared to Slack, but I am not sure Meta understands the market segment, though they must comprehend that a lot of people have pulled content out of Facebook to Slack or similar, striving for more responsiveness, privacy, and no ads. But I think for Salesforce, it is in terms of Slack, invest or die. This is not something layoffs and off-shoring can fix.