* Posts by stsr505089

19 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Aug 2011

Brit amateur payload set to complete full circle around PLANET EARTH


Re: Unless...

Its me, getting old, the mind is going.......


25000 km is definitely space, 25,000 m is about right for a balloon.

Stephen Hawking: The creation of true AI could be the 'greatest event in human history'


I'm often thankful that I'm in my twilght years. Looking back at how far stuff has come since I started 33 years ago, what they'll be doing 33 years from now is frightening. Skynet is a real possibility......

Babylon 5, not Star Trek.

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS: Great changes, but sssh don't mention the...


Re: New PC

I'd go with the latest. 12.04 is showings its age a bit with support for the latest hardware. On the face of it there isn't a huge difference between the 2 when you're using the OS.

TEN THINGS Google believes you believe about Glassholes and wishes you didn't


Not trying to 'debunk the myth' that glass wearers are glassholes I see.........

IBM PCjr STRIPPED BARE: We tear down the machine Big Blue would rather you forgot


The original keyboard might have been comparible with that bad joke of the era - the Spectrum keyboard, but its light years ahead of that fitted to the iPad....

Keys that move ?, what a radical concept....

Nokia launches Android range: X marks the growing low-cost spot


Re: Lack of coherence?

I would have thought that Redmond would be better off distancing itself from the "Android Landfill" market....

War On Standby: Do the figures actually stack up?


Must be doing something right.

\My household base load is around 22 watts. Router,Server (hacked NAS box) and VOIP box making up most of that. I need to raid my daughters bedroom to achieve that, to make sure her laptop isn't left running and her hair curlers/straighteners are un-plugged. The satellite box and DVD/HDD box take as much again on standby. The satellite box makes little odds if it on standby or turned on, it still uses around 13 watts.

A million TVs to go dark across London


South East News Bias ? - Nahhhhhh.......

Not a sniff of the analogue TV switch off in the Yorkshire region last year..........

Study links dimwits to conservative ideology


The NCD Study

Looks like some of my input into this. Children born in 1958 and 1970 is the National Child Development Study. The 1958 lot which was the bigger of the 2 was every child born in the UK between the 1st and 8th March 1958. I get a birthday card from them every year, and every few years when they get some funding from some group or other, they send interviewers & testers round. Gets smaller each time as inevitably they lose a few with moves and others falling off the perch.....

UK.gov marches on with solar 'leccy cash slash by spring


The solar firms are raking it in because of the subsidy. Punters pay for the kit out of their own pockets to the solar firms, the government pays the punter for the electricity his kit generates. Pretty much two independant pots of money. With the reduced subsidy not so many punters buying the kit....

Raspberry Pi Linux micro machine enters mass production


Like the man says.....

If you can't think of a dozen uses for it as it stands, its not for you. I've may have hacked my last NAS box......

HDS joins string of disk floggers hiking drive prices



I bought a couple of Samsung 500 Gb in Early September for a smidge short of £30 a pop. Today, same drive model, same supplier (Dabs) is a smidge short of £80 each..........



Space ?

Questionable whether 100,000 feet can be classified as space or not. There must be some atmosphere otherwise the balloon wouldn't float. It could be argued that the ISS isn't in space either since it flies through very thin atmosphere.......

New claim: iPhone 5 was a goer until Jobs bottled it


"wet dream of one attention-seeking fanboi"

Surely not..........

Apple's fanbois aren't attention seeking and the certainly don't have wet dreams.


Robot cop tackles mystery tinfoil poo-bomb bandit


Clumsy technician drops stool samples on way to bio lab......

Gov: DAB must battle on, despite being old and rubbish



As part of the 10% without DAB coverage, what it sounds like is a bit academic.........

Huawei gets charged with juicy Android handset


Kind of depends how many of the toys you have turned on on how impressive 3 days is. My Galaxy Ace will run for 3 days on standby providing I don't make/receive any calls and turn all the toys off. It runs about half an hour using it as a sat nav and about 2 hours playing angry birds.

DARPA shells out $21m for IBM cat brain chip


God help us all......

I'm hoping I'll be dead and buried before machines become self-aware. Nothing like a bit of ice cold logic to make decisions about the human race.