I feel a bit conflicted now...
So thanks to her Right Honourable Whackiness anyone who takes that Savage prat seriously won't be coming here on holiday?
I'm going to have to find some way to rationalise this as accidental brilliance =)
23 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jun 2007
Is clicking "check for updates", nodding a bit, waiting a couple of seconds as it pulls down the update, installs and restarts really that much effort? *shrug*
Complaining about having to do something simpler than making a cuppa is considered shameless whinging in some quarters... =)
"Blogs have only existed under a Labour government. Perhaps if there was a Tory government, all the leading blogs would be left-of-centre?"
Is she seriously suggesting that there are people who think the Labour government is left of centre?
...when people (mostly in the US tbf) refer to Obama as a left-wing socialist radical
Compare this: http://www.politicalcompass.org/images/uscandidates2008.png
...with say this: http://www.politicalcompass.org/images/internationalchart.gif or perhaps http://www.politicalcompass.org/images/enParties.gif
Though you're in for a long walk if you want to talk to some of the other few people who seem to be reporting this... http://news.google.co.uk/news?hl=en&ned=uk&q=phorm+bt+police&btnG=Search+News
Hell, the Beeb can't even be arsed to put out a few lines about how this vidicates the goverment's "Why should we give a monkeys?" approach
You're missing a trick here; if each bot can only deal with one missile it's not a disadvantage....
Oh no, it's an opportunity to SELL MORE BOTS!
Whole swarms of the little guys whooshing around the airplane, doing barrel rolls of delight at the honour of guarding you (yes, you sir!) as you head off on your holidays...
Come to think of it some kind of mob of groundbased bots to rush over and jump up and down on the nasty people firing at the airplane might be a good idea?
ps. It's possible that I've been spending too much time with the sales guys recently... '=|
"...not one single branch of the US administration entirely trusts any of the other branches... ...you can bet your bottom dollar that _every_ agency has some files on UFO reports."
So every branch of the US administration has a niggling doubt at the back of their collective minds that the other branches may be fibbing about knowing nothing about UFOs and in a worst case scenario are either in hock to the little grey dudes or have been replaced by shape-changing alien lizardmen?!??
Bloody hell, I thought I'd worked in offices with a bit of interdepartmental tension but that takes the biscuit =)
Couple of random things; first off, if I was thinking of taking an eleven year old to see that film (I'd be worried about getting arrested/lynched as I've got no kids =) I'd bother to take five minutes out of my lunchbreak and have a quick look at some reviews/previews... the internet is handy for this I hear.
The phrase “psychopathic, mass-murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy" popping up all over the place would seem to be enough of a hint that this film might scare the snot out of the youth *shrug*
Seriously, I found clowns freaky enough as a kid without them disappearing pencils into people's heads =)
Secondly, what's all this about the film glorifying the use of knives?
The villian was a nutter, a genuinely unpleasent chap with a nasty habit of doing whatever he felt like without any thought for others (see the above psycho clown quote)... and he had a thing for knives. He seemed quite keen on explosives and petrol too...
So the thoroughly evil man likes knives and hurts people without a second thought...
How exactly does that "glorify" the use of knives?
Random bit of quotage...
‘Defence inflation’ means that the cost of sustaining the Armed Forces grows every year, even if no new equipment is ordered, or personnel recruited.
So while defence spending has been increased in real terms from £23.3 billion (€32.5 billion) in 2003 to £33.4 billion (€46.6 billion) in 2006, this only equates to a measly 0.3% rise in spending as a percentage of gross domestic product. And given that Britain has been engaged in two sizeable conflicts during that time (Afghanistan and Iraq), along with one in 1999 (Kosovo) and a number of other small interventions (in places like Sierra Leone), such a small increase seems unacceptable and gives credence to those arguing for higher spending.
- Sourced from a tarted up blog I know *shrug* http://tinyurl.com/22y8zc
So from the sound of it spending's gone up over the last four or so years, but not by much as a percentage... equally it's probably way down, relative to GDP, when compared to the cold war period but I'd imagine that's no huge surprise to anyone...
One question, why the hell is defence inflation so much higher than the common or garden variety that the rest of us have to make do with?
I know military spec stuff is supposed *ahem* to be bigger and better than the civvy stuff but... ;-)