* Posts by syllabub

2 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Aug 2011

National Rail Enquiries


Shameless rip off

Please do not buy this application. It is a poor copy of the previous 'official' National Rail app, now called 'UK Train Times' which works very well. It won Mobile Product Of The Year, UK IT Awards.

It can't be right for NationalRail to licence this to a software developer and then create a new version themselves.

Hey dumbo, Facebook isn't sharing telephone numbers


I didn't give them permission

I think the reason everyone (including myself) is up in arms, and even considering leaving the site is that Facebook has taken my personal property and uploaded it to their servers without my express permission. They have no need to access or store this information and simply by hosting it are exposing it to additional risk (Sony PSN anyone). They need to take user privacy seriously or users will simply vote with their feet.