I will delay the update as long as possible, so that the anti-telemetry (such a nice way of saying spying) programs have a chance to catch up.
Mine's the machine with shutup10 and all the settings tweaked.
29 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Aug 2011
IfUber acts as a "radio rental service", theywould still only be able to rent radios to drivers with a Private Hire Drivers' Licence.
All vehicles used by the drivers woud also have to have passed an inspection at a licensed garage every 6 months.. In London new applicants must get a Topographical Skill Certificate.
This is not discriminating against Uber, it is Uber trying to ignore current regulations.
Terran Conflict is excellent, and the ability to build entire fleets means I'm still playing it (having bought it when it was released). I can't play any later verisons though, as I have a serious loathing of Steam.
I used to use Impulse (from Stardock) before that got sold, and had no problems, but I found steam buggy, I ave issues with the resources used by it, and the way it desperately wants to run whether games are being played or not; and the (still) ongoing problems with running games offline.
I'm obviously not the target demographic for this system.
When currency union occurred, the Scottish economy was in such a state that the exchange rate was 7 Scotish Pounds to 1 English Pound.
Out of academic interest, I wonder if an indenpendent Scotland with it's own currency would end upback at that level*
* until forced to accept Euro as part of the EU membership rules for applicants.
Found this doozy in an Electronic Arts EULA:
"When you play this game offline, EA and its affiliates may collect and store non-personally identifiable data including your Internet Protocol Address as well as game play and software usage statistics. If and when you access online features and/or services, this data may be transmitted to EA. EA may use this information to improve our products and services and may share anonymous aggregate data with third parties."
Not content with keeping track of everything you do online (I now refuse to play EA games online because of their intensive monitoring), but downloading a patch will provoke all your user info to be upoaded.
noteable absent from comments so far: CivNet & Call to Power.
Civnet - we played multiple networked games on the Uni comps - with the first player to finish starting the countdown to next turn - giving a premium to the agility of a small empire.
CtP - great concepts, still more advanced than Civ5 in some ways, but let down by gameplay. I still look at it sometimes and think, if only...